The Seven
Angels Before the Throne of God
They are believed to form a privileged circle most close to Almighty God. Of this favored group the Archangel Raphael expressly stated to Tobias that he himself was one. "I am Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the Lord." [Tob. 12: 15] Beautifully, Father Faber refers to the same fact when he sings of St. Raphael: He is
glorious midst
the Angels,
Again in the Apocalypse we find mention of the seven Angels in these words: "Grace be unto you and peace from Him that is, and that was and that is to come, and from the Seven Spirits which are before the Throne." [Apoc. 1: 4] These seven seem to be the highest Princes of the Heavenly court. Although their most important occupation is the contemplation and praise of the Divine Essence, they are also assigned to special duties, for St. Paul expressly states that they are all ministering spirits. The pious Abbe Boudon who has written so well of the Angels, would have us invoke these seven Princes of Paradise that they may obtain for us the grace to avoid the seven deadly sins and that they may enrich us with the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost. In
some of his writings,
Father Faber quotes the ancient belief that to these seven privileged
is confided the guardianship of the seven Sacraments, which he styles
"vases of the Precious
Speaking of the happiness which the Angels enjoy in Heaven and in which the seven holy Spirits participate probably in a higher degree, it is said that "everything in the universe is a source of joy to the holy Angels. In all they recognize the accomplishment of that which God has fore-ordained; they know, that from all, He derives honor and glory and they rejoice in seeing how He is glorified in all. This is the secret of true contentment; it is because we think of ourselves and not of God, that we are troubled and dissatisfied. If only we could take the Angelic view, nothing would disturb us and we, too, should always rejoice." These seven glorious Princes also exult whenever one of the children of men joins their happy company. They welcome at the threshold of Heaven every soul that enters into its eternal reward. The happiness of all derives a fresh accession from each addition to their choirs and their song of triumph rises louder before the Throne of God. Let us imitate their great-hearted charity and draw from the Sacred Heart, the chalice of the Precious Blood, that love which will make us sincerely share the joy and success of our neighbor. "Yes,
in that Heart