Taken from
Bishop Richard Challoner
Published on the World Wide Web by Generous Permission of
TAN BOOKS [9.00]




An Act of Faith

IBELIEVE in God, the Father Almighty, Who has made me to His own image and likeness; and in Jesus Christ, my Saviour, Who has redeemed me by
His Precious Blood; and in the Holy Ghost, Who has sanctified me in my Baptism.
I believe the Holy Catholic Church and whatever she teaches, as received from Christ and His Apostles. Of this Church I profess myself at present to be a member, and thus I desire to die.
In profession of this Faith, I here recite the Apostles' Creed:

The Apostles' Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into Hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the Resurrection of the Body, and life everlasting. Amen.

All of these truths I understand in the sense our Holy Mother the Church has always understood them. Thus, O God, I believe; increase, I beseech Thee, and confirm my faith. With this profession of faith in my heart, I desire to appear before Thy tribunal, where I firmly hope I shall see the good things which Thou hast prepared in the land of the living.

An Act of Hope

THOU hast prepared, O Lord, everlasting happiness for those who love Thee. But how can I expect a part in this reward---I, who am a most grievous sinner and who from my childhood have ever done evil in Thy sight? Ah, my God, while I look on myself, I am terrified by my sins and see there nothing but reasons for despair. And from this sense of my own unworthiness, I here declare I have nothing of my own to trust in: no, my God, nothing of my own to trust in, but all my hope is in Thee!

I confess, therefore, that my sins are many and grievous; but still, I trust in Thy mercy, that through the Passion and merits of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, I shall obtain pardon of my offenses and partake of the glory of the Blessed. Thou hast said it, O Lord, that Thou wilt cast off none that place their hope in Thee: Behold I hope in Thee; let me not be confounded forever. Though I were guilty of many more sins, yet still would I trust in Thee, for Thy mercy is infinitely above all my iniquity.

Look on me therefore with the eyes of compassion, and reject not the petition of one prostrate at Thy feet. I am dust and ashes, but behold I offer to Thee the Passion and Blood of Thy only Son; in these I have an infinite treasure of mercy stored up for me. He laid down His life for sinners and became a propitiation for my offenses. It is this which I now present to Thee; it is on this and Thy promises that I ground all my hope; and since I have this to depend on, I will never despair, but ever preserve a firm and lively trust in Thee.

Our Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Our Lord is my protector, and nothing shall hurt me. Our Lord is merciful and full of compassion; as a tender father has compassion on his children, so will Our Lord show mercy to all who fear Him, for He knows what we are and of what we are made. He is sweet and tender to all, and His mercies are above all His works. He gives strength to the weak, raises up those that fall, comforts the afflicted and pardons sinners. O God, all these good effects I hope Thou wilt at present work in my soul, and so watch over me that nothing necessary for my salvation shall be wanting to me. Amen.

An Act of Charity

I LOVE Thee, my Lord God, and it is my hearty desire to increase still more and more in Thy love, that I may love Thee as Thou hast commanded, with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my strength. Thou art to me all in all, and outside of Thee there is nothing able to help me or that is worthy of my love. O Infinite Goodness, when shall I perfectly love Thee? When wilt Thou wholly possess my heart? When shall I be entirely Thine? Oh, let that happy hour come when Thou wilt take full possession of my heart, that I may give myself wholly to Thee. Lord Jesus Christ, Thou hast bestowed infinite blessings upon me throughout the whole course of my life; add this one blessing more, I beseech Thee, to all the former---that I may here perfectly renounce all the unlawful, vain and unprofitable affections of this world and begin now to fix my heart on Thee with a pure and perfect love which may abide for all eternity. Amen.


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