by Saint Alphonsus Liguori
(Charitas omnia sustinet.)
He that loves Jesus Christ
with a Strong Love does not cease to love Him in the midst of all Sorts
of Temptations and Desolations.
IT is not the pains of poverty, of sickness, of dishonor
and persecution, which in this life most afflict the souls that love
God, but temptations and desolations of spirit. Whilst a soul is in the
enjoyment of the loving presence of God, she is so far from grieving at
all the afflictions and ignominies and outrages of men, that, she is
rather comforted by them, as they afford her an opportunity of showing
God a token of her love; they serve, in short, as fuel to enkindle her
love more and more. But to find herself solicited by temptations to
forfeit the Divine grace, or in the hour of desolation to apprehend
having already lost it, oh, these are torments too cruel to bear for
one who loves Jesus Christ with all her heart! However, the same love
supplies her with strength to endure all patiently, and to pursue the
way of perfection, on which she has entered. And, oh, what progress do
those souls make by means of these trials, which God is pleased to send
them in order to prove their love!
Temptations are the most grievous trials that can happen
to a soul that loves Jesus Christ; she accepts with resignation of
every other evil, as calculated only to bind her in closer union with
God; but temptations to commit sin would drive her, as we said above,
to a separation from Jesus Christ; and on this account they
are more intolerable to her than all other afflictions.
Why God permits Temptations.
We must know, however, that although no temptation to evil
can ever come from God, but only from the devil or our own corrupt
inclinations: for God is not a
tempter of evils, and he tempteth no man; [James, i. 13.] nevertheless,
God does at times permit His most cherished souls to be the most
grievously tempted.
In the first place, in order that from temptations the soul may better
learn her own weakness, and the need she has of the Divine assistance
not to fall. Whilst a soul is favored with heavenly consolations, she
feels as if she were able to vanquish every assault of the enemy, and
to achieve every undertaking for the glory of God. But when she is
strongly tempted, and is almost reeling on the edge of the precipice,
and just ready to fall, then she becomes better acquainted with her own
misery and with her inability to resist, if God did not come to her
rescue. So it fared with St. Paul, who tells us that God had suffered
him to be troubled with a temptation to sensual pleasure, in order to
keep him humble after the revelations with which God had favored him: And lest the greatness of the revelations
should exalt me, there was given me a sting of my flesh, an Angel of
Satan to buffet me. [2 Cor. xii. 7.]
Besides, God
permits temptations with a view to detach us more thoroughly from this
life; and to kindle in us the desire to go and behold Him in Heaven.
Hence pious souls, finding themselves attacked day and night by so many
enemies, come at length to feel a loathing for life, and exclaim: Woe is me, that my sojourning is prolonged!
[Ps. cxix. 5.] And
they sigh for the moment when they can say: The snare is broken and we are delivered.
cxxiii. 7.] The
soul would willingly wing her flight to God; but as long as she lives
upon this earth she is bound by a snare which detains her here below,
where she is continually assailed with temptations; this snare is only
broken by death: so that the souls that love God sigh for death, which
will deliver them from all danger of losing Him.
Almighty God, moreover, allows us to be tempted, to make us richer in
merits, as it was said to Tobias: And
because thou wast acceptable to God, it was necessary that temptations
should prove thee. [Tob.
xii. 13.] Thus a
soul need not imagine herself out of God's favor because she is
tempted, but should make it rather a motive of hope that God loves her.
It is a delusion of the devil to lead some pusillanimous persons to
suppose that temptations are sins that contaminate the soul. It is not
bad thoughts that make us lose God, but the consenting to them; let the
suggestions of the devil be ever so violent, let those filthy
imaginations which overload our minds be ever so lively, they cannot
cast the least stain on our souls, provided only we yield no consent to
them; on the contrary, they make the soul purer, stronger, and dearer
to Almighty God. St. Bernard says, that every time we overcome a
temptation we win a fresh crown in Heaven: "As often as we conquer, so
often are we crowned." [In Quadr. s. 5.] An
Angel once appeared to a Cistercian monk, and put a crown into his
hands, with orders that he should carry it to one of his
fellow-religious, as a reward for the temptation that he had lately
Nor must we be disturbed if evil
thoughts do not forthwith disappear from our minds, but continue
obstinately to persecute us; it is enough if we detest
them, and do our best to banish them. God is faithful, says the
Apostle; He will not allow us to be tempted above our strength: God is faithful, Who will not suffer you
to be tempted above that which you are able; but will make also with
temptation issue, that you may be able to bear it. [1
Cor. x. 13.] Thus a person, so far from losing anything
by temptations, derives great profit from them. On this account God
frequently allows the souls dearest to Him to undergo the severest
temptations, that they may turn them into a source of greater merit on
earth, and of greater glory in Heaven. Stagnant water soon grows
putrid; a soul left at ease, without any struggle or temptation, stands
in great danger of perishing from some self-conceit of her own merit;
she perhaps imagines herself to have already attained to perfection,
and therefore has little fear; and consequently takes little pains to
recommend herself to God and to secure her salvation; but when, on the
contrary, she is agitated by temptations, and sees herself in danger of
rushing headlong into sin, then she has recourse to God; she goes to
the divine Mother; she renews her resolution rather to die than to sin;
she humbles herself, and casts herself into the arms of the Divine
mercy: in this manner, as experience shows us, the soul acquires fresh
strength and closer union with God.
This must not, however, lead us to seek after temptations; on the
contrary, we must pray to God to deliver us from temptations, and from
those more especially by which God foresees we should be overcome; and
this is precisely the object of that petition of the Our Father: Lead us not into temptation; [Matt. vi. 13.] but when, by God's permission,
we are beset with temptations, we must then, without either being
alarmed or discouraged by those foul thoughts, rely wholly on Jesus
Christ, and beseech Him to help us; and He, on His part, will not fail
to give us the strength to resist. St. Augustine says: "Throw thyself
on Him, and fear not; He will not withdraw to let thee fall." [Conf.
B. 8, c. 11.]
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