The Delusions Which the Devil Puts
Into the Minds of Sinners
Taken from Preparation for Death
(Although the preceding considerations contain many of the
contained in this, it will be useful to collect them all together, in
order to dissipate the usual illusions by which the devil succeeds in
inducing sinners to relapse.)
I will Go to Confession --- I
Cannot Resist
LET us imagine a young man who has fallen into grievous sins,
which he has already confessed, and who is restored to
the friendship of God. The devil again tempts him to relapse: the
young man resists for a while; but, in consequence of the delusions
suggested by the enemy, he begins to vacillate. Tell me, young man, I
say to him, What will you do? Will you now, for this miserable
pleasure, forfeit the grace of God, which you have just acquired, and
which is more valuable than the whole world? Will you, yourself, write
the sentence of eternal death, and condemn yourself to burn forever in
No, you answer, I do not wish
to damn myself, I wish to be
saved: If I commit this sin, I afterward confess it. Behold
the first delusion of the devil! Then you say that you will afterward
confess it; but in the mean time you lose your soul. Tell me. if you
had a jewel worth a thousand crowns, would you throw it into a river,
saying, I will make a diligent search for it, and hope to find it?
You hold in your
hand the precious jewel of your soul, which Jesus Christ has purchased
with His Blood, and you voluntarily cast it into Hell (for in
punishment of every mortal sin, you are condemned to eternal fire), and
say; I hope to recover it by a good confession. But should you not
recover it, what will be the consequence? To recover the Divine grace,
true repentance, which is the gift of God, is necessary. Should God not
give you the grace of repentance; should death overtake you, and not
allow you time to go to confession, what will become of you?
You say that you will go to confession before the lapse of a week.
And who promises you that you will live for a week? You then say that
you will go to confession tomorrow. And who promises you tomorrow?
St. Augustine says: "God has not promised tomorrow: perhaps He will
give it, and perhaps He will not." Perhaps He will deny it to you, as
He has denied it to so many others who have gone to bed in good health,
and have been found dead in the morning. How many have been struck
dead in the act of sin, and sent to Hell? And should the same happen to
you, how will you be able to repair your eternal ruin? Be assured that
by this delusion ---
I will afterward
go to confession --- the devil
has brought thousands and thousands of Christians to Hell. It is
difficult to find a sinner so abandoned to despair as to wish for his
own damnation. In committing sin, all sinners hope to repent and go to
confession; it is thus that so many miserable souls are lost: and now
there is no remedy for their damnation.
But you say:
At present I cannot
resist this temptation. Behold the
second delusion of the devil, who makes it appear to you that at
present you have not strength to resist your passions: First, it is
necessary to know that, as the Apostle says,
God is faithful, and
never permits us to be tempted above our strength. [1 Cor.
10;13] Moreover, I ask,
if you are unable to resist your passions, how will you be able to
resist them hereafter? After you have yielded to one temptation, the
devil will tempt you to other sins, and by your consent to sin he will
have gained an increase of strength against you, and you will have
become weaker. If, then, you are now unable to extinguish the flame of
passion, how can you expect to extinguish it when it has grown
stronger? You say: God will give me His aid. But this aid He gives you
at present. Why, then, do you not correspond with His grace and conquer
your passion? Perhaps you expect that God will give you more
abundant helps and graces after you have multiplied sins. If at
present you wish for greater help and strength, why do you not ask them
from God?
Ask, and it shall be given
you. [John 16:24] God cannot violate His promise. Have recourse
to Him,
and He will give you the strength which you require in order
to resist every temptation. God does not command impossibilities; but
by His commands He admonishes us to do what we can with the actual aid
which He gives us; and when this aid is not sufficient to enable us to
resist temptations, He exhorts us to ask additional help, which He
gives whenever we pray for it.
Affections and Prayers
Then, my God! why hast Thou been so bountiful to me, and I so
ungrateful to Thee? We have been engaged in a mutual contest. I fled
away from Thee, and Thou didst seek after me. Thou didst confer
benefits on me, and I offered insults to Thee. Ah, Lord! the goodness
alone which Thou hast shown me ought to enamor me of Thee; for, when I
multiplied sins, Thou didst multiply Thy graces. And when have I
merited the light which Thou now givest me? My Lord! I thank Thee for
it with my whole heart, and I hope to thank Thee for it eternally in
Heaven. I hope in Thy Blood for eternal salvation, and I hope for it
with certainty, since Thou hast treated me with so much mercy. I hope
that Thou wilt give the grace never more to betray Thee. I purpose,
with Thy grace, to die a thousand times rather than ever again offend
Thee. I have offended Thee sufficiently. During the remainder of my
life I wish to love Thee. And how can I but love a God Who, after
having died for me, has waited for me with so much patience, in spite
of the numberless injuries I have done Him. O God of my soul! I repent
of all my sins with my whole heart; I would wish to die of sorrow for
them. But if I have hitherto turned my back upon Thee, I now love Thee
above all things; I love Thee more than myself. Eternal Father! through
the merits of Jesus Christ, assist a miserable sinner, who wishes to
love Thee. Mary, my hope! assist me; obtain for me the grace always to
have recourse to thy Son and to thee-- as often as the devil tempts me
to offend God again.
God is Merciful
God is merciful. Behold the third delusion of sinners by which
an immense number are lost! A learned author says, that the
mercy of God sends more souls to Hell than His justice; for sinners are
induced, by a rash confidence in the Divine mercy, to continue in sin,
and thus are lost. God is merciful. Who denies it? But great as is His
mercy, how many does He send to Hell every day? God is merciful: but He
is also just; and therefore He is obliged to punish those who offend
Him. He shows mercy; but to whom?
To them who fear Him
. He hath
strengthened His mercy toward them that fear Him. As a father hath
compassion for his children, so
hath the Lord compassion on them that fear Him. [Ps. 102:11, 13]
But He executes
justice on those who despise Him, and abuse His mercy to insult Him the
more. God pardons sin; but He cannot pardon the will or the
determination to sin. St. Augustine says, that he who sins with
the intention of afterward repenting, is not a penitent, but a mocker
of God's majesty. But the Apostle tells us that God does not allow
Himself to be mocked.
Be not,
deceived. God is not mocked. [Gal. 6:7] It would
be a mockery of God to insult Him as often and as much as you please,
and afterward to expect Heaven.
But as God has shown me so many
mercies hitherto, so I hope He will
treat me with mercy hereafter. Behold the fourth delusion! Then,
the Lord, because He has had compassion on you, show mercy forever, and
never chastise you? No: the greater have been His mercies to you, the
more you have reason to fear that, if you offend Him again, He will
pardon you no more, but will
take vengeance on your sins.
not: I have sinned and what harm hath befallen me? for the Most high is
a patient rewarder. [Ecclus. 5:4] Say
not: I have sinned; and have not been punished; for though God
endures, He will not do so forever. When the number of mercies
which He has resolved to show to the sinner is exhausted, He then
punishes all his sins together. And the longer God has waited for his
repentance, the more severe will be his punishment, says St. Gregory.
If then, O my brother, you see that you have often offended God, and
that He has not sent you to Hell, you should say:
The mercies of the
Lord that we are not consumed. [Lam. 3:22] Lord! I thank Thee,
for not having
sent me to Hell as I deserved. Consider how many have been damned
for fewer sins than you have committed. and labor to atone, by penance
and other good works, for the offences you have offered to God. The
patience which He has had with you, and the great mercies which He has
shown to you, and not to others, ought to animate you not to offend Him
again, but to serve and love Him.
Affections and Prayer
My crucified Jesus, my Redeemer and my God! behold a traitor at Thy
feet. I am ashamed to appear before Thee. How often have I mocked Thee!
How often have I promised to offend Thee no more! But my promises
have been so many treasons; for when the occasion of sin was presented
to me I have forgotten Thee, and have again turned my back upon Thee. I
thank Thee that I am not now in Hell, but at Thy feet, where Thou
enlightenest me, and callest me to Thy love. Yes; I wish to love Thee,
my Saviour and my God! and I wish never more to despise Thee. Thou
hast. borne with me long enough. I see that Thou canst bear with me
no longer. Unhappy me, if after so many graces, I offend Thee again!
Lord, I sincerely wish and resolve to change my life; I wish to love
Thee as much as I have offended Thee. It consoles me to have to deal
with Thee, Who art infinite goodness: but I am sorry above all things
for having so much despised Thee, and I promise Thee all my love for
future. Pardon me through the merits of Thy Passion; forget the
injuries I have done Thee, and give me strength to be faithful to Thee
during the remainder of my life. I love Thee, O my Sovereign Good! and
I hope to love Thee forever. My dear God! I will never more abandon
Thee. O Mary, Mother of God! bind me to Jesus Christ, and obtain
for me the grace never again to depart from His feet. In Thee I trust.
I am Young --- Perhaps
But I am young. God compassionates
youth. I will hereafter give myself
to God. We are now at the fifth delusion. But do
you not know that God counts, not the years, but the sins of each
individual? You are young! But how many sins have you committed? There
are many persons of very advanced age who nave not been guilty of the
tenth part of the sins which you have committed. And do you not know
that God has fixed the number and measure of sins which He will
pardon each?
The Lord waiteth
patiently, says Holy Scripture, t
hat when the day of judgment shall come,
He may punish them in the fullness of their sins. [2 Mach.
6:14] That is, God has patience, and waits for
a certain time; but when the measure of the sins which He has resolved
to pardon is filled up, He pardons no more, but chastises the sinner
by sending him a sudden death while in the state of damnation, or He
abandons him in his sin --- a chastisement worse than death.
I will take
away the hedge thereof, and it shall be wasted. [Isa. 5:5]
If you had
encompassed a field with a hedge, and cultivated it many years, and
found that after all your labor and expense it produced no fruit, what
would you do with it? Would you not take away the hedge and abandon
it? Tremble, lest God should treat you in a similar manner. If you
continue to offend Him, you will gradually lose remorse of
conscience --- you will cease to think of eternity, or of the salvation
your soul --- you will lose all light and fear: behold the hedge taken
away: behold your soul already abandoned by God.
Let us come to the last delusion. You say:
It is true that if I commit this sin, I
shall lose grace of God, and shall be
condemned to Hell; it may be that in punishment of il I shall
be damned; but it may also happen that I shall afterward
make a good confession, and save my soul. Yes, it may, I admit,
happen that you will be saved; for I am not a prophet, and therefore I
cannot say for certain, that, if you commit this sin, God will show
you no more mercy. But you cannot deny that, if, after the great
graces God has bestowed upon you, you offend Him again, you will
expose yourself to very great danger of being lost forever. Attend to
the language of Scripture.
A hard
hard heart shall face evil at the last. [Ecclus. 3:27]
Evil-doers shall be cut off.
[Ps. 36:9] The wicked will in the end be cut
off by Divine justice.
What things a
man shall sow, those also he shall reap. [Gal. 6:8] He that sows
sins, will reap nothing but pains and
I called and you refused.
... I will laugh in your
destruction, and will mock when that shall come to you which you
feared. [Prov. 1:24] I have called you, says the Lord, and you
mocked Me; but I will mock you at the hour of death.
Revenge is mine, and I will repay them in
due time. [Deut. 32] To Me belongs the
punishment due to sins: I will inflict it when the time of vengeance
arrives. Such are the threats of the Scriptures against obstinate
sinners; such is the chastisement which reason and justice demand.
You say:
It may happen, after all,
that I shall be saved. I again admit that this may happen; but
is it not the height of folly to
trust the eternal salvation of your soul to a
perhaps? --- to a
possibility of escaping Hell when your salvation is so very
improbable? Is eternal life an affair to be exposed to such imminent
Affections and Prayers
My dear Redeemer! prostrate at Thy feet, I thank Thee for not
abandoned me --- after I had committed so many sins. How many who have
offended Thee less than I have will never receive the light which Thou
now givest me! I see that Thou earnestly desirest my salvation. and I
wish to be saved, principally for the sake of pleasing Thee. I wish
for Heaven that there I may eternally sing the mercies which Thou hast
shown me. I hope that Thou hast already pardoned me. But should I still
be Thy enemy in consequence of not repenting as I ought of the offences
I have offered to Thee. I am now sorry for them with my whole soul;
they displease me above all things. Pardon me for Thy mercy's sake,
and increase continually my sorrow for having offended Thee, Who art so
good a God. Give me sorrow --- give me love. I love Thee above all
but I love Thee too little. I wish to love Thee ardently. This love I
ask and hope for from Thee. Hear me, O my Jesus! Thou hast promised to
hear all who pray to Thee. O Mary, Mother of God! all tell me that thou
never allowest a soul that recommends itself to thee to go away
disconsolate. I trust in thee; recommend me to thy Son, and obtain for
me eternal life.