![]() ![]() "Rejoice, My Daughter; because the hour approaches when the most beautiful work under the sun will be born." ------- Our Lord To Sister Mary of St. Peter [Our Lord refers here to the work of reparation to the Holy Face, which He revealed is destined to be the means of defeating atheistic Communism and restoring peace to the world.] CONTENTS: 1. ABOUT
THE GOLDEN ARROW REVELATIONS Our Lord gave Sister Mary a short but powerful prayer called' 'The Golden Arrow," by which a person can "shoot directly into the Heart of God" to heal the wounds inflicted on it by the malice of sinners. Of the 9 promises connected with this devotion, the first three are 1) "By My Holy Face you will work miracles;" 2) "By My Face you will obtain the conversion of many sinners;" and 3) "Nothing you ask in making this offering will be refused to you." This devotion brought St. Therese to her great sanctity. Anyone who is searching for a spiritual method for fighting atheism, socialism, materialism and paganism and its programs and/or who is searching for a virtually infallible method of prayer will be delighted with The Golden Arrow devotions. "Just as in an earthly kingdom money which is stamped with the picture of the sovereign or ruling executive of the country procures whatever one desires to purchase, so likewise in the Kingdom of Heaven, you shall obtain all that you desire by offering the coin of My precious Humanity which is My adorable Face." ------ Our Lord To
Sr. Mary
of St. Peter MAY the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified, in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen. After receiving this prayer, Sister Mary of St. Peter was given a vision in which she saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus delightfully wounded by this "Golden Arrow" as torrents of graces streamed from It for the conversion of sinners. The aim of this little presentation is to revive devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus as a means of Reparation to God for the crimes committed against His Divine Majesty. The question may be asked, was not this Devotion of Reparation universally practiced in the Church some years ago? The answer is, yes, it was widespread for many years after the Brief of Pope Leo XIII canonically established the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face in 1885. Unfortunately, however, it was neglected and forgotten in the years immediately prior to the First World War in 1914. Was it not perhaps due to our failure to continue this Reparation, as demanded by Our Divine Lord in His revelations to the holy Carmelite of Tours, that God allowed the "malice of wicked men" to precipitate us into two world conflicts, with all their indescribable horrors? And now, when we live daily on the verge of a Third World War, which threatens total destruction because of atomic weapons presently in the hands of our enemies, shall we at last embrace this reparation demanded by Our Lord? The "revolutionary men," designated by Our Lord Himself as Communists [a state of political mind and intent apart from a specific organization: "Communism is not dead" as has bee stated by the pundits among us, but is being revived in the new anti-God one world, one religion (pagan movement)], have so engulfed the world in turmoil that humanity faces destruction. This was the consensus of opinion from unimpeachable sources, including Pope Pius XII, who that there persists a general world condition which explode at any moment." Addressing Himself
mystically to the pious Carmelite nun, Our Lord told
her that especially to His priests He promises He will defend them
His Father in Heaven and give them His kingdom if they, through words,
prayers or writings, defend His cause in this work of "reparation."
therefore, and priests who desire to answer this call should endeavor,
through regular procedure, to establish the Confraternity of the Holy
in their parishes.
1. All
those who honor My Face in a spirit of reparation
will by so doing perform the office of the pious Veronica. According to
the care they take in making reparation to My Face, disfigured by
so will I take care of their souls which have been disfigured by sin.
Face is the seal of the Divinity, which has the virtue of reproducing
souls the image of God. This prayer was dictated by our Lord Himself to Sister Mary of St. Peter. Opening His Heart to her, our Savior complained of blasphemy, saying that this frightful sin wounds His Divine Heart more grievously than all other sins, for it was like "a poisoned arrow." After
that, our Savior dictated the
prayer, which He called "The Golden Arrow," saying that those who
would recite this prayer would pierce Him delightfully, and also heal
other wounds inflicted on Him by the malice of sinners. This prayer
above and on page two of the Golden Arrow segment of the Holy Face
is regarded as the very basis of the Work of Reparation. It is
for recitation on each of the thirty-three beads of the Holy Face
In this revelation our Lord imparts a most sublime instruction, showing the position of the Holy Face in relation to the Adorable Trinity Itself. REMEMBER, Oh, my soul, the holy instruction which your Divine Spouse imparted to you today concerning His adorable Face. Remember that this Divine Head represents the Eternal Father Who is unbegotten, that the mouth of this Holy Face represents the Divine Word, begotten of the Father, and that the two eyes of this adorable Face are the symbol of the reciprocal love of the Father and the Son, for these two eyes possess only one light, and one identical knowledge between them both, and they produce the one same love, which represents the Holy Ghost. Contemplate in His locks of hair the infinite number of the adorable perfections of the Blessed Trinity. Behold in this majestic Head that precious portion of the Humanity of the Savior which is the very Image of the Oneness of God. Now it is this adorable Savior's Face brimming with ineffable mysteries which blasphemers cover with disgrace, renewing the bitter sufferings of His Passion, each time they assail the Divinity, for the Holy Face is the very Image of God! In this exquisite communication, our Lord enders all His merits to Sister Mary of St. Peter, as He tells her to pay with them the debts incurred by the sins of the nation. He encourages her zeal by disclosing to her that the Work of Reparation will ultimately be established. OUR LORD continues to
press me urgently to suffer for our country. He
said to me: I accepted our Lord's proposal and then it was that I beheld myself as though covered with all the sins of the nation and I begged God's forgiveness for these sins with the same shame as though I had committed these crimes myself. On another day when our Lord had insisted again that I make reparation for our whole country, I hesitated, hardly daring to believe that He could wish to make use of so common an instrument as myself for so great a task. He then said to me by way of comparison: As in the order of My Providence, in temporal affairs I give a particular ruler to a particular nation to be its sovereign, cannot I also, in the order of grace, assign a particular country to the care of a special individual in order that she should take charge of that country's spiritual welfare? That is the reason why I now assign this particular nation to your special care and I urge you to pray and to sacrifice yourself in its behalf." After that our Lord declared: I again give you My Sacred Head so that you may offer it to My Father to appease His justice. Oh, if you but knew the power and the virtue that reside therein! And the reason why My Head possesses this power and virtue is because I have taken upon My Head all the sins of mankind so that My Members may be spared. Therefore, offer My Face to My Eternal Father for this is the means by which to appease Him." He then added: "I desire this Work of Reparation. Although the fruits which you bear have not yet ripened be assured that finally the time will come when the Work shall be established.
Placing no bounds to the efficacy of the Devotion to the Holy Face, our Savior informs Sister Mary of St. Peter that the treasure of His Face is of such tremendous value that through It ALL matters can be settled! HERE IS the substance of a new revelation which our Lord gave me relative to the Holy Face: "My daughter," He
said, "I take you today for my stewardess. I place
My Holy Face in your hands that you may offer it unceasingly to My
for the salvation of your country. Turn this Divine gift to good
for the treasure of My Holy Face in itself possesses such tremendous
that through It all the affairs of My household can readily be settled.
Through this Holy Face you will obtain the conversion of many sinners.
Nothing that you ask in virtue of the Holy Face will be refused you.
if you only knew how pleasing is the sight of My Face to My Father!" Shortly before she died she was asked about the to the Holy Face, to which she answered: "I have the greatest hopes. The plans of the wicked will be foiled! It was to accomplish this that the Work of Reparation to the Holy Face was revealed. Now that this is done my career is ended for it was for this Work that God had placed me on earth, as our Lord has made known to me. Oh how true it is that God has means of satisfying His justice which are unknown known to men." Once when she was asked to apply certain of her sufferings for a special intention, she replied: "I do not know whether I am free to do so because I am entirely consecrated as a victim to the cause of the Work of Reparation." She died in the odor of sanctity on July 8, 1848, in the thirty-third year of her life, less than four months after the interview she had held with the Secretary who told her that while she was allowed to apply herself to the Work of Reparation, she was never again to ask for the establishment of the Work in the diocese. At the time this seemed, indeed, a difficult order to fulfill for one who was by Divine Providence selected as an apostle to work for the propagation of the Cult of the Holy Face as her particular mission in life . . . After her death, Reparation through the Devotion to the Holy Face was chiefly kept up through the fervor of a wealthy retired lawyer of Tours, a devoted friend of the nun, Leo Dupont. Having procured a picture of the Holy Face, which was touched to the true relic of the veil of Veronica at the Vatican. this exemplary Christian hung it on a prominent wall of his drawing room before which he kept a lamp burning, as a token of veneration. So many extraordinary favors were granted to those who prayed before this picture that the residence of Mons. Dupont became a private place of pilgrimage. For the next thirty years, to the end of his life [he died in 1876], Leo Dupont kept the flame of Reparation alive in his home for the benefit of all who wished to intercede to God before it. Three months after his saintly death, his home was transformed into a public chapel. Soon afterwards the Work of Reparation was referred to the decision of the Supreme Pontiff, Leo XIII, who wholeheartedly approved the Devotion, through the formality of a Papal Brief. So was erected in perpetuity the Archconfraternity of Reparation in the Oratory of Leo Dupont, in 1885, where until the present day priests still carry out the mission of Sr. Mary of St. Peter, to whom our Lord revealed a hundred years ago ago the real weapon that is destined to overthrow Communism. This weapon is Devotion to the Holy Face as a means of Reparation for the outrageous crimes of blasphemy, atheism, the crimes of modern freethinkers, and the profaners of the Lord's Day, which are the evils that more than any other cry to heaven for vengeance and that today bring us face to face with the threat of nuclear war and which consequence would admittedly be the destruction of all civilization as we know it. SOURCE: ![]() ![]() HOME -------------------------------HOLY NAME www.catholictradition.org/Christ/golden-arrow.htm |