The Kingship of ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF ST. THOMAS AQUINAS BY REV. DENIS FAHEY, C.S.SP., B.A., D.Pa., D.D. Professor of Philosophy and Church History, Senior Scholasticate, Blackrock College, Dublin 1931 With Nihil Obstat and Imprimi Potest THE WORLD STRUGGLE AROUND THE DIVINITY OF OUR LORD Part 3 Gentiles. Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judaea, was the first Gentile ruler before whom the Head of the Mystical Body was brought up for trial. Pilate failed to stand between the Just One and His accusers. Through cowardly fear of being denounced to Tiberius and losing his position, he yielded Him up. Pilate's reputation at court was not very enviable. His office had been obtained for him, not on his merits, but thanks to the favour enjoyed by Sejanus with the Emperor. The Chief Priests knew that he had been already reported to Caesar in the affair of the ensigns, and had been worsted. He feared what the result would be if Caesar learned that his governor was not zealous in putting down a king who had arisen in Judaea. Pilate sacrificed justice and right to what seemed to make for personal safety. How often down the ages have we seen the same scene re-enacted, when Our Lord has been arraigned and condemned in His Church and His ministers! Taking into account what has been already written about the organization of opposition to the Catholic Church in and through Freemasonry and the Jewish power in Masonry, modern rulers find themselves held even more securely than Pilate was. On the one hand, to arrive at power, or to hold it, when they have succeeded in doing so, statesmen and politicians are allured into Masonry; on the other, if they oppose Masonic plans, those who refuse to accept the Supernatural Messias and control Masonry wield terrible financial power over States, and can, by means of the Press, incline the fickle, unthinking multitude, whose attitude decides the fate of rulers, in almost any direction. With regard to the Jewish power in Freemasonry, readers are referred to the excellent study on the subject in Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement, (2nd ed., pp. 74-95) by Rev. E. Cahill, S.). As that work is within reach of all, it is not necessary to quote extracts therefrom, but, perhaps, a few from another work, widely known at least in German-speaking countries, may not be out of place. In Weltfreimaurerei, Weltrevolution, Weltrepublik (World-Masonry, World-Revolution, World-Republic, by Dr. F. Wichtl, 11th ed., p56), we read: "Not only in Germany, Hungary and Austria, but everywhere throughout the world are the Jews the most active and most energetic Masons and they understand perfectly how to instill their own spirit into the Lodges and make them serviceable for their own ends." Again, on page 62, we find a quotation from the English publication, The Eye Witness, September, 1911, in which the writer stated "that the present position of the Jews in England is characterized in the most striking fashion by the fact that they have won control in the secret societies, especially in Freemasonry." Dr. Wichtl adds: "in the remarkable book by E. Demachy, Les Rothschild (Paris, 1896), it is established that this family belongs to Masonry since 1809 and to German as well as French and English Lodges; that is the reason why nothing can be set on foot against this mighty house." Finally, in Chapter 26 of the same work, where the writer treats of World Capitalism, Zionism, Bolshevism, Freemasonry, we find the following: "It would carry us too far to name all the leading Jews of the Banking and Stock Exchange world. . . . We have, however, to add that all these Jews are Freemasons. The majority of them belong to the directors of the Masonic Order of the B'nai B'rith. ... It must be remarked that this B'nai B'rith Order is directly opposed to one of the fundamental laws of Freemasonry. This fundamental law denies all distinctions of race, nation, religious belief, within the Brotherhood. Nevertheless, the Masonic Order of the B'nai B'rith is exclusively Jewish. It does not admit any Germans, English, Mussulmans or Japanese to membership. Yet, in spite of this, it is recognized. This is indubitable proof of the fact that the Jews are the leaders of the other Masons. . . . In the course of our considerations we have seen that the big capitalists and the political leaders of the proletariate work together in positively touching agreement. ... The whole Marxian Communist movement has been supported for decades by Jewish high finance." Taking into account the distinction drawn higher up between Personality and Individuality, we can easily sketch the destructive action of organized Masonry with regard to the Kingship of Christ. As an individual, a man is a unit in the family and subordinate to it, just as, analogously, from the same point of view, the family or social cell is a part of the whole, called civil society, and subordinate to it. But from the point of view of personality, the whole order of the State's provision of supplementary goods is for the family, which provides the first or primordial goods, as the family is for the growth of the personality of the child through the full development of the life of Jesus Christ in its soul. It is this order of the growth of personality through Christ which Pope Pius XI outlines in the Encyclical "Ubi Arcano," where he says in a text, a portion of which has already been quoted: "It is necessary, therefore, that human society be rightly organized, in order that the Church, following its Divine mission, may be in a position to defend the rights of God towards men, individually as well as collectively. This is what We have briefly expressed as the reign of Christ. Jesus Christ reigns in the minds of individual men by His teachings, in their souls by charity, in the whole life of man by the observance of His law and the imitation of His example. Again, He reigns in the family, when, founded upon the sacrament of Christian matrimony, it preserves inviolate its character as a sacred institution, in which parental authority is an expression of the Divine paternity, whence it derives its origin and its name (Eph. iii. 15); when children imitate the obedience of the Child Jesus, and when the whole life is permeated with the spirit of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Finally, the Lord Jesus reigns in civil society, when therein sovereign homage is paid to God, and He is recognized as the source of authority and of law, without which there would be no standard of rule, no obligation to obey, nor honour in doing so; He reigns in it when the Church holds that position of dignity which was allotted to it by its Divine Author, that of a perfect society -----mistress and guide of all other societies. Not that it lessens the power of these societies, for each is legitimate in its own sphere, but rather that it perfects them as grace doth nature; and this connection between the Church and other societies places within their reach the power to assist man in the attainment of his final end, which is eternal beatitude, and to secure for him, even in this life, happiness and prosperity." Throughout the world Freemasonry is engaged in attacking the reign of Christ in the child, by enforcing education from which Our Lord and His Church are excluded, in the family by divorce and interference with parental authority, in the State by bringing about State indifference to religion. Once the State, as such, is divorced from the supernatural, the way is cleared for onslaughts on the family and the child. Further, the World-Republic at which Masonry aims is an attack on the Catholic concept of native land and disregards utterly the role of national influence in the formation of the natural virtues. "A man is a debtor to others in different ways," writes St. Thomas, "according to the special excellence of each and the special benefits he has received from them. In both these respects God occupies the first place, because He is supremely perfect and is the First Principle of our existence and our guidance. In secondary fashion, our parents and our native land, by whom and in which we have been begotten and reared, are also principles of our existence and guidance. Accordingly, after God, a man is most indebted to his parents and his country" (IIa. IIae., Q. 101, a. I, c.). God is the Universal Principle of our being, our parents are the Particular Principle and our native land the Connatural Principle (cf. IIa. IIae., Q. 101, a. 3, and IIa., IIae., Q. 122, a. 5). In this connection it is well to add that, under Article VI., 2, of Anderson's Masonic Charges or Obligations (Edition of 1723), in order to preserve peace and harmony, "no private Piques or Quarrels must be brought within the door of the Lodge, far less any quarrels about religion, or nations, or State policy, we being only, as Masons, of the Catholic Religion above mentioned: we are also of all nations, -----tongues, kindreds and languages and are resolved against all politics." The universal Religion of Humanity, already treated of in this sketch, which gradually removes the accidental divisions of mankind due to particular opinions, or religions, national and social prejudices, is to be the exclusive bond of union among men in the Masonic Society. Masons as such are cosmopolitan, so we need not be astonished at the steady Masonic propaganda undertaken since 1789 and 1848 for the United States of Europe and of the World (cf. L'Idée de Patrie et l' Humanitarisme, by Georges Goyau). In spite of the naturalistic excesses of Nationalism since the French Revolution, we Catholics must not forget the words of Pope Leo XIII in the Encyclical Letter "Sapientiae Christianae," 10th January, l890: "We are bound, then, to love dearly the country whence we have received the means of enjoyment this mortal life affords, but we have a much more urgent obligation to love, with ardent love, the Church to which we owe the life of the soul, a life that will endure for ever . ... Moreover if we would judge aright, the supernatural love of the Church and the natural love of our own country proceed from the same eternal principle, since God Himself is their Author and originating cause." Sometimes secret societies favour corruption for the sake of ruining the Catholic religion. The text of the letter of instructions of Vindice, one of the chiefs of the Italian Secret Society, the Alta Vendita, to Nubius, is well known: "It has been decided in our councils that we must get rid of Catholics, but we do not want to make martyrs, so let us strive to popularize vice among the people. It must enter by their, five senses: let them drink it in and be saturated with it ... make men's hearts corrupt and you will have no more Catholics. [Emphasis added by the Web Master.] Keep the priest away from work, the altar and the practice of perfection: aim skillfully at occupying his thoughts and his time elsewhere. ... I recently heard one of our friends making fun of our projects and saying: 'To overthrow Catholicism, you must begin by suppressing the female sex.' The saying is, in a certain sense, true, but since we cannot suppress woman, let us corrupt her along with the Church. Corruptio optimi pessima ... The best dagger with which to wound the Church to the death is corruption" (Cretineau-Joly, L'Eglise romaine en lace de la Revolution, Vol. II., p. 28). The phrase Corruptio optimi pessima is a formula of Scholastic philosophy, which may be paraphrased as follows: The diverting to an evil end of a being, endowed with great capacity and potentiality for good, means the setting in motion of a most powerful agent of corruption and destruction. Sometimes the efforts directed towards immorality and corruption are the outcome of the Kabbalistic divinization of man and of the denial of Original sin, as already stated. "With regard to this cult of nakedness, we cannot pass over in silence the number of brutally explicit texts that have come before us in the course of studies on Judaeo-Masonry. It is clear that the evil has its source there. Recently one of our friends offered his services for the collection and systematic examination of these documents, in order to bring home to all the methodical development of this campaign of universal corruption which starts with childhood. Unfortunately, though this work is easy to plan out, it is difficult to' carry it into execution, on account of the minute details, into which the author is obliged to enter. It will take a long time. ... In the meantime we give a few well-known extracts: 'our children must realize the ideal of nakedness.' This is taken from the paper called La Française ("The French-woman") and was made the subject of the following commentary in the same paper by a Masonic doctor: 'This method plays a considerable part, not only from the physical but also from the moral point of view. ... Thus the mentality of the child is rapidly transformed. To escape opposition progress must be methodically graduated: first, feet and legs naked, then upturned sleeves, afterwards the upper and lower limbs, the upper part of the chest, the back, etc., ... in summer, children will go around almost naked in all weathers' " (Revue Internationale des Sociétés Secrètes, 11th November, 1928, pp. 1062, 1063). Nations that have become corrupt will be unable to make a serious attempt to defend their national existence. The international elements that are planning the World-Republic bide their time, but they are not idle. In 1923, at the Assembly of the French Grand Orient, the President proposed the toast: "To the French-Republic, child of French Masonry. To the World-Republic of tomorrow, child of World-Masonry." Again, in the report of the same assembly, we read: "Freemasonry is the only organization which can co-ordinate the disinterested actions of the inhabitants of the globe. Masonry can and ought to bring into being that international action from which eternal peace and concord between peoples will come forth." One last extract from the same source, in view of recent events in Spain, is particularly interesting. Brother ... Barcia, former Grand-Master of the Spanish Grand Orient, spoke as follows: "I am certain that the most cultured minds in Spain are completely at one with the cause of undying France, of that France which made the Revolution, not only for herself but for the entire world." The mode of procedure of Masonry in Protestant countries has, in general, been different from that adopted in Catholic countries, as we have seen at an earlier stage. In this connection a few remarks about Judaeo-Masonic policy in England and Ireland will not be out of place. Masonry developed rapidly in England after 1723, and through English influence was implanted in various continental countries, even in Rome. Masonry everywhere favoured the growth of Naturalism, but it was also a powerful instrument for English aggrandizement in the hands of English politicians, and was so used, in the various rivalries created and the sides favoured by them, on the Continent. A time came, however, when the English felt that Masonry was being moved against their interests, and that the manœuvres of Masonry were not fully under their control. That was during the French Revolution. Accordingly, in order to combat the influence of the international element in Masonry in Ireland, the English Government aided the development of the Orange Society as an offset to the action of the International Revolutionary spirit in our country. The International Revolutionary spirit which was responsible for the uprise of the United Irishmen at the epoch of the French Revolution favoured the foundation of the Irish Republican Brotherhood later on in the nineteenth century (cf. New Ireland, by A. M. Sullivan, pp. 198-202). Our country has thus for the past fifty years been the theatre of the rivalry between two sub masonries or subordinate societies, both agreed in opposition to the Kingship of Christ. While at the same time Masonry in England, the country by which ours was governed, was gradually coming more and more under the influence of the Jewish (International) elements, as opposed to the pro-British (nationally English) elements. When speaking of individual members of secret societies, for example, of the I.R.B., and of their subjective aspirations in joining those societies, the distinction between esoteric and exoteric initiates, which the present writer has developed elsewhere, must be borne in mind. [NOTE] The former are those who are aware of the real secrets of the society; the latter's knowledge is merely superficial. It is well to remember also that knowledge of secrets may not be in proportion to the grade to which a member ostensibly belongs. It may be greater or it may be less. Since the expulsion of James II in 1688 England has been governed by the rich landowners, whose families had risen to wealth and power largely on the spoils of the monasteries of Pre-Reformation Catholic England. During all that time, until fairly recently, Jewish power, financial and otherwise, favoured English schemes. "London," writes Belloc, "became, after Waterloo, the money market and the clearing house of the world. The interests of the Jew as a financial dealer and the interests of England's commercial polity approximated more and more. One may say that by the last third of the nineteenth century they had become virtually identical" (Hilaire Belloc, The Jews, p. 222). But for the last thirty years or so, the cleavage has been growing between Jewish interests and English national interests. International finance is becoming increasingly non-English. The great territorial English families have become Jewish to a surprising extent, owing to marriages with Jewish commercial fortunes. English Masonry which has not been urged along the paths of Continental Masonry in Catholic countries, and has been proclaimed the bulwark of the stability of the country, is gradually tending to reflect the change. Its influence will show itself increasingly hostile to Catholicism. We may, therefore, in the future, expect to see greater obstacles placed in the way of Catholic education in British Possessions and strenuous efforts made to introduce divorce everywhere. In Ireland, if one can judge by the analogy of what has taken place elsewhere, the aim of the pro-British elements in Masonry is, after having secured control in the Parliament of Northern Ireland, to work for a number of years at securing adherents in the Free State, and then strive for union on conditions which will favour Masonic influences. But we must not forget that the Jewish (International) elements in secret societies and Jewish International Finance not only control Masonry but guide Communist and Revolutionary propaganda. "With the exception of Oulianoff (Lenin) and a few other Russian traitors, as well as a certain number of Poles, Lithuanians and Georgians, all the civil and military administration of the Bolsheviks was and is, in great part, made up of Jews. Trotsky, Zinovief, Litvinoff, etc., all belong to the Jewish race and try to conceal their real nationality by assuming Russian names" (La Russie sous les Juifs, by D. Petrovsky, p. 37). The Jewish Press has on occasions admitted this. Mrs. Webster, in World Revolution, quotes a Mr. M. Cohan from The Communist, a newspaper published at Kharkoff, as follows: "Without exaggeration, it may be said that the great Russian social revolution was indeed accomplished by the hands of the Jews. ... It is true that there are no Jews in the ranks of the Red Army as far as privates are concerned, but in the committees and in Soviet organizations, as Commissars, the Jews are gallantly leading the masses of the Russian Proletariat to victory." He adds that the symbol of Jewry, the Red five-pointed Star, has been adopted as the symbol of the Russian proletariat, being worn, Mrs. Webster remarks, on the caps of Lenin's guards. Propaganda directed by the Jewish financial elements which have such power in Moscow and which are, of course, capitalist, fans the flames of anti-English sentiment and thus tries to draw the whole movement for the complete severance of Ireland from the British Empire into the meshes of the anti-Catholic World-Republic. Thus will not only all hope of the Kingship of Christ ever being socially acknowledged be extinguished, but Catholic Irishmen will again become outlaws in their own land. Penal legislation is being prepared for Spanish Catholics in their country, in the name of "progress" and '" liberty," and Judaeo-Masonically controlled news-agencies camouflage the sinister work. In a Letter addressed in 1906 to the Bishop of Madrid, Pope Pius X insisted on the necessity of united action by Catholics when those whose object is the destruction of religion and society are seeking political power: "All must remember that nobody has the right to remain indifferent, when religion or the public welfare are in danger. Those who strive to destroy religion and civil society aim above all at getting control, as far as possible, of the direction of public affairs and at having themselves chosen legislators. It is therefore necessary that Catholics should strive with all their might to avert that danger." [Emphasis added by the Web Master.] In every country where they have succeeded in obtaining control, Freemasonry has sought by every means to centralize power, so as to be able to direct the whole country from one point and crush opposition. The Préfets des Départements in France, for example, have been and are agents of the central power, ordering local affairs in the way Paris lays down. Catholics elected to public offices and on local boards should remember this and by the sterling Catholic character of their administration give no pretext for centralization. Some of the splendid counsels on Catholic Action given by Pope Pius X in his Encyclical Letter, "Il Fermo Proposito," June 11th, 1905, may be applied to this important point: "The other principles which rule the conscience of every true Catholic must be inculcated and put in practice. He should remember above all things to be, and to show himself, in all circumstances, a true Catholic, undertaking and fulfilling public duties with the firm and constant intention of promoting as much as he can the social and economic welfare of his country, especially of the people, according to the maxims of a distinctly Catholic civilization, at the same time defending the supreme interests of the Church, which are those of religion and justice" (The Pope and the People, English C.T.S.). [Emphasis added by the Web Master.] The subjective aspirations of many members of the Fenian. Brotherhood have been sympathetically sketched in Canon Sheehan's The Graves at Kilmorna. HOME----------------------E-MAIL |