Let us tease ourselves with one more imaginary case, and then we will
have done. To many persons the great burden of life is the secret of
predestination; and most men have at times felt the uncertainty of
salvation as a weight upon their spirits. To a good man, whatever
increases this uncertainty is a grave misfortune. Without a private
revelation, no one can at any time say absolutely that he is in a state
of grace, not even although he may just have received absolution in the
best dispositions in his power. Nevertheless he feels a moral certainty
about it, which for all practical purposes is as good as an assurance.
We are not then always absolutely certain that the Precious Blood has
been applied to our souls in absolution. But whence is it that we
derive that moral certainty which is our consolation and our rest? From
the fact that, when properly received, the operation of the Precious
Blood is infallible. What an unhappiness it would be, if this were not
so! The power of the Blood of Jesus is never doubtful, its work never incomplete. [Emphasis
in bold added.] Moreover, God has gathered up its virtue in a very
special way into certain Sacraments. He has made its application almost
visible. He has tied its miracles as it were to time, and place, and
matter, and form, so as to bring us as near to a certainty of our being
in a state of grace as is compatible with his laws and our own best
interests. If we could be no more sure that we had validly received
absolution in confession, than we can be sure we have ever made an act
of perfect contrition, we should be in a sad plight, and go through our
spiritual exercises and our inward trials in a very downcast and
melancholy way. Our state would be, at least in that one respect,
something like the state of those outside the Church, who are not
living members of Christ, nor partakers in His saving jurisdiction in
the Sacrament of Penance. If the Precious Blood had been shed, and yet
we had no priesthood, no Sacraments, no jurisdiction, no sacramentals,
no mystical life of the visible unity of the Church-life, so it seems,
would be almost intolerable. This is the condition of those outside the
Church; and certainly as we grow older, as our experience widens, as
our knowledge of ourselves deepens, as our acquaintance with mankind
increases, the less hopeful do our ideas become regarding the salvation
of those outside the Roman Church. We make the most we can of the
uncovenanted mercies of God, of the invisible soul of the Church, of
the doctrine of invincible ignorance, of the easiness of making acts of
contrition, and of the visible moral goodness among men; and yet what
are these but straws in our own estimation, if our own chances of
salvation had to lean their weight upon them? They wear out, or they
break down. They are fearfully counterweighted by other considerations.
We have to draw on our imaginations in order to fill up the picture.
They are but theories at best, theories unhelpful except to console
those who are forward to be deceived for the sake of those they love -
theories often very fatal by keeping our charity in check and
interfering with that restlessness of converting love in season and out
of season, and that impetuous agony of prayer, upon which God may have
made the salvation of our friends depend. Alas! the more familiar \ve
ourselves become with the operations of grace, the further we advance
into the spiritual life, the more we meditate on the character of God,
and taste in contemplation the savor of his holiness, the more to our
eyes does grace magnify itself inside the Church, and the more dense
and forlorn becomes the darkness which is spread over those outside.
Yet not indeed to this state-God forbidl-but to a painful partial
resemblance of it, should we be brought, if God's tender considerate
love had not as it were localized the Precious Blood in his stupendous
Sacraments. Truly the Sacraments are an invention of love, yet are they
not also as truly a necessity of our salvation, not only as applying
the Precious Blood to our souls, but as enabling faith to ascertain its
application? Would not the divine assurance of our salvation be a very
heaven begun on earth? Yet the Sacraments are the nearest approach to
such a sweet assurance as the love of our heavenly Father saw to be
expedient for the multitude of his children.
The Precious Blood, then, is the greatest, the most undeniable, of our
necessities. There is no true life without it. Yet, and it very much
concerns us to bring this home to ourselves, all creation could not
merit it. Necessary as it is, it is in no way due to us. It is not a
right. God's love toward us had been a romance already. It was
wonderful what he had done to us. It is almost incredible even now when
we think of it. We know the unspeakable tenderness of our Creator, how
placable He is, how soft of heart, how prone to forgive, how easy to be
persuaded. We know that the needs of His creatures plead with Him more
eloquently than we can tell. Yet no necessities could have claimed the
Precious Blood, no merits could have won it, no prayers could have
obtained it. In truth, no created intelligence of Angel or of man could
have imagined it.
Were Heaven to be filled with Saints in endless millions, as holy as
St. Joseph, the Baptist, or the Apostles, and were their holiness
allowed to merit, not in millions of ages could their united merits
have earned one drop of the Precious Blood. If all those starry spirits
in the godlike realm of Angels had consented to sink their grandeurs in
the penalties of Hell for thousands of revolving epochs, or even had
they consented to be annihilated in sacrifice to the justice of God,
never could they have merited the Precious Blood. If all the merits,
graces, gifts, and powers of our dearest Mother had been possible
without the Precious Blood, they might have ascended as sweet incense
before God forever, and yet in no possible duration of time could they
have merited the Precious Blood. Not all these together, Saints,
Angels, and Mary, with all their glorious holiness, growing yet more
glorious in endless ages, could have bought one drop of Precious Blood,
or merited that mystery of the Incarnation whose wonderful redeeming
power resides in the Precious Blood. Oh, how this thought overwhelms my
heart with joy - to have to rest upon the free sovereignty of God
instead of my own wretched littleness, to be always thus thrown upon
the gratuitous magnificence of God, to be forever and forever owing
all, and such an all, to Jesus! Merciful God! this is the joy of earth
which is nearest to a joy of Heaven!