FROM MERRY CHRISTMAS TO HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO WINTER WISHES, WHAT NEXT? Pauly Fongemie December 6, Feast of St. Nicholas, 2013 The more the persistent secularists decry and deny the Traditionalists' claim that there is a war on Christ and Christmas, the more self-evident it is to those who are not willfully blinded by their own bias. Among all the holidays and or feasts in December there is only one that is an official holiday, so sacrosanct that even most restaurants are closed; in fact, our local newspaper, which is delivered 7 days a week, 51 weeks every year is not printed and delivered on December 25, Christmas Day, no matter how many non-Christians subscribe. Many secularists celebrate the great day with a tree and gift-giving: they want to enjoy the spirit of the Holy Day - there is an attachment of some kind for them. Since the day is Christmas, an official title for an official holiday - the meaning of holiday is Holy Day, for it is simply an alternative spelling of the same - what purpose is served to not mention the name, Christmas, other than to replace the name of Christ, if only indirectly, out of an extreme submission to the absurdities and inconsistencies of political correctness taken to its logical conclusion? We all know the answer if we have a shred of common sense left. The greater the hue and cry of naysayers, the greater the certainty otherwise, given past experience with like-minded iconoclasts in every other milieu and human nature left to its own devices without the will to self-mastery and the restraint of modesty and humility. I mean, ponder the utter skimble-skamble of demanding that school children not even mention the name, Christmas, a day off from school, in reality several days off, a national holiday. Everyone knows it is Christmas or December 25, unless one of the days of Hanukkah, the Jewish festival, should fall on the same date, a rare occurrence in an average lifetime. I suppose a case can be made to use the ubiquitous Happy Holidays when greeting someone whom one does not know when one simply wants to be sociable and amenable. But when a Christian is sending a card in December to a fellow Christian, it make no sense. All too many Christians have acquiesced to the zeitgeist reflexively without really considering what it is taking place, a form of nihilism. Nihilism in this case, not only meaning anarchy or destruction of ineluctable first things, the verities of old, the permanent realities that stem from truth and the true, but the very disruption of thought itself. Only this explains the underpinnings of such a phenomenon. The god of nihilism has its own engine of aggrandizement for it can never be appeased, thus the trajectory to destroy more and more until there is nothing left except meaninglessness. The pace has quickened in 2013. The trickle [for now] of cards arriving at our home no longer even bear the Happy Holidays banner, but now a winter scene with snow with the inscription, WINTER WISHES. Pray tell, what are winter wishes? How does the sender even know that the recipient likes winter? How come no sensitivity to the feelings of others in this case? Hmm ... Are they telling us to celebrate winter sports as they may do? Who knows, the blob of WINTER is now a god unto itself meriting a card in the mail. Odd. We do not receive Spring Wishes, Summer Wishes, nor Autumn Wishes, just Winter Wishes! I happen to love winter, but that is not the point. It is Christmas that engenders greeting cards at this time of year - Thanksgiving is long past and the senders know I am not Jewish. From henceforth will we be made to feel obligated to send out 4 seasonal cards a year to celebrate the seasons sans the holidays. What next? Happy Early Spring instead of St. Joseph and St. Patrick cards? And so forth ... Please do not write in to say that it is a just a few people so what does it matter. It must matter! A publishing company, one or more, had to pay someone to design the cards, print them, distribute them to retail outlets for marketing and profit. Even on the cheap is ain't so today. No, someone means business about WINTER WISHES because they are doing business with it. A few, you say? Not any more because of the investment costs. However, it is not the number of people engaging in such extraordinary lengths to avoid even a modest hint of Christmas, but the impetus for doing so in the first place. WINTER WISHES? Let me play Scrooge: BAH, HUMBUG AND BAH AGAIN. BAH AS IN BAHBBLE AND THE CONTRARINESS OF OLD FASHION JABBERWOCKY! MERRY CHRISTMAS, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BLESSED NEW YEAR! DOWNLOAD THE ORIGINAL IMAGE OF THE MADONNA, PLAIN, MEDIUM |