ly Infant ofrague Prayers Prayer
to Be Said By a Sick Person O
MERCIFUL Infant Jesus!
I know of Thy miraculous deeds for the sick. How many diseases Thou
cured during Thy blessed life on earth, and how many venerators of Thy
Miraculous Image ascribe to Thee their recovery and deliverance from
painful and hopeless maladies. I know, indeed, that a sinner like me
merited his sufferings and has no right to ask for favors. But in view
of the innumerable graces and the miraculous cures granted even to the
greatest sinners through the veneration of Thy holy infancy,
in the miraculous statue of Prague or in representations of it, I
with the greatest assurance: O most loving Infant Jesus, full of pity,
Thou canst cure me if Thou willest! Do not hesitate, O Heavenly
if it be Thy will that I recover from this present illness; extend Thy
most holy hands, and by Thy power take away all pain and infirmity, so
that my recovery may be due, not to natural remedies, but to Thee
If, however, Thou, in Thy inscrutable wisdom have determined otherwise,
then at least restore my soul to perfect health, and fill me with
consolation and blessing, that I may be like Thee, O Jesus, in my
and may glorify Thy providence until, at the death of my body, Thou
bestow on me eternal life. Amen. O Infant Jesus, I have recourse to Thee. I beg of Thee through Thy Holy Mother, to assist me in this necessity [mention it]; for I believe firmly that Thy Divinity can assist me. I hope with all my heart, and all the strength of my soul. I repent sincerely of my sins, and I beg of Thee, O good Jesus, to give me strength to triumph over them. I make the resolution never to offend Thee again, and I offer myself to Thee with the disposition of suffering everything rather than to displease Thee again. Henceforth, I will serve Thee with fidelity. For the love of Thee, O Divine Jesus, I will love my neighbor as myself. Child full of power, O Jesus, I beg Thee again to help me in this circumstance [name it] . . . grant me the grace to possess Thee eternally with Mary and Joseph in Heaven, and to adore Thee with the holy Angels. Amen. "The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you." -----
words of the Infant Jesus of Prague. REMEMBER, O Divine Child Jesus, the promises Thou didst make to Venerable Father Cyril, Thy pious servant, in favor of those honoring Thy miraculous Image and the mysteries it reminds us of Thy Childhood. Full of confidence in Thy goodness, O Jesus, we come to submit our misery to Thee.
Grant us,
by the infinite merits of Thy Incarnation and of Thy Holy Childhood, to
triumph so well over our enemies and to remain so faithful to Thee,
we may deserve to be Thy servants and to be numbered among Thy friends
on earth and among Thy blissful in Heaven. Do not reject our humble
O sweet and almighty Jesus, but receive them favorably and be pleased
answer them. Amen. ADORABLE Child, in whose bosom wisdom resides, Divinity dwells and all the eternal riches are enclosed. O beauty of Heaven, O delight of the Angels, O salvation of mankind. Source of innocence, of purity and of all holiness, here am I humbly prostrated at Thy Divine feet, although a slave of sin, yet belonging to Thee by the undeniable right of Thy sovereignty. I hereby render to Thee as my Lord---my King and my dignified and most adorable Savior---my faith and my homage with the shepherds, my act of adoration with the Magi. I give myself entirely and without restriction into Thy powerful hands, which drew all the universe from nothingness and preserve it in the admirable order that we see.
O lovable Child,
grant that as a result of my total devotion to honoring the mystery of
Thy Divine Childhood, I may have the happiness through the mediation of
Thy Holy Mother and Saint Joseph, Thy foster-father, to live all the
of my life in the same manner as Thou. May I live in Thee, for Thee and
under the direction of Thy Divine Spirit, so that not one moment of my
life deviates from Thy will, or forestalls it in any respect, but
to it and faithfully follows it in every way. Amen. Prayer to the Holy Child under His Title of Great Little One O
VERY amiable Child
Jesus, known as the Great Little One, grant me the grace to understand
all the deep truths expressed by this title and to realize its lessons.
Thou art little by Thy human nature, little by the state of childhood
which Thy love has reduced Thee and by the rank Thou didst want to take
among mankind, in order to enlighten and save us. Thou art the Holy
Child. ![]() ![]() HOME---------------CHRISTMAS---------------CHILDREN |