Motives for
Devotion to St.
Fr. Anthony A. Patrigani, S.J.
With Eccles. Appr.
Motive for Devotion to St. Joseph---The Example of Jesus
Christ Himself.
When Jesus
Christ, while
hanging on the Cross, said to His
blessed Mother, pointing at the same time towards St. John the Apostle,
"Women, behold thy Son!" He
doubtless intended to place all the human race under her protection in
the person of the beloved disciple, who then, says St. Bernardine of
Sienna, represented all the elect. In like manner, we may believe that
the Eternal Father, in appointing St. Joseph, in his capacity of Head
of the Holy Family, to guide and protect Jesus and Mary during the
flight into Egypt, to watch over and provide for them, designed to
place all men under his fatherly care, and to inspire them with
veneration for a Saint to whom He confided the most precious
trust---the Saviour of the World, the Incarnate Word, the Source of
all Delights, and the Center of all the Riches of Paradise. This motive
alone suffices to inspire us with a tender devotion to St. Joseph; but
a still more powerful one is the example which the Son of the Most High
has given us.
The whole life of the Saviour is
a perfect, or to speak more properly,
a Divine model proposed to our imitation. "For I have given you an
said He, "that as I have done to you,
so you do also."
(St. John, xiii. 15.) Now let us consider the example that He has left
us regarding the honor we should pay to St. Joseph. Jesus was the first
among men to honor him; He saw in this holy patriarch the
representative of the Eternal Father, Who had made him His guardian
upon earth; therefore He always considered him as a father; and had He
really been his son, He could not have shown him greater respect.
Already, Christian reader, I
imagine that I see in your heart a pious
and eager desire, urging you to inquire more particularly into the
manner in which Jesus honored St. Joseph; but how can I satisfy you
when you ask me to reveal to you actions with which the Holy Ghost has
not seen fit to acquaint us? St. Luke, the depository of the secrets of
the Incarnate Word, and the privileged historian of the mysteries of
His Divine infancy, includes all that the Man-God did from his twelfth
to his thirtieth year in these three words: Erat subditus illis. He was
subject to them. What! has the Son of God, during the space of eighteen
years, done nothing great or mysterious to serve us as a lesson? To say
so would be impious. Or, had the Evangelist no circumstantial
information concerning the private life of Jesus during the many years
He passed at Nazareth? Was it not at the school of the Blessed Virgin,
so to speak, that the sacred writer learned all that he had to recount?
Was it not from the lips of Mary herself that he drew the smallest
details concerning the birth of the Saviour in a stable, the adoration
of the shepherds, the canticle of the Angelic Host, and a thousand
other particulars relative to the mystery of the Incarnation, on
which account many authors have not hesitated to call him the Secretary
of the Blessed Virgin? Since, therefore, St. Luke, the faithful
historian, sums up all that our Saviour did during the greater part of
His life in these three words, He was subject to them, it follows
thence that Jesus obeyed Mary and Joseph so perfectly that, although he
performed an infinity of heroic acts of piety, humility, patience,
zeal, and all other virtues, yet He seems,
nevertheless, to have had no other occupation than to do the will of
His parents; for which reason, doubtless, He wished that His obedience
alone should be chronicled in the Gospel, regarding it as an act at
once the most noble, most glorious, and most worthy of the Incarnate
But the obedience of Jesus
presupposes a right in the person who
commands Him: therefore, in the words just cited, we find both the
abridgment of the life of the Son of God, and also that of St. Joseph.
What, then, were the acts of Joseph during the eighteen years he lived
with Jesus at Nazareth? All is comprised in three words: He commanded
Jesus. He had a perfect right to do so, since, being the head of the
family, it was his duty to govern it. Mary, doubtless, ruled over Him
in her character of Mother, but the husband having the principal
authority over the children, Jesus, who saw Joseph invested with that
authority, practised special obedience to him. This is the opinion of
two great theologians, St. Thomas and Peter d'Ailly. Let us here
address ourselves to the heavenly hosts, and ask them if they were not
often filled with admiration at the sight of the Infant-God, during His
sojourn at Nazareth? whether, speaking or acting, eating or reposing,
He was ever submissive to the will of St. Joseph? But tell us, blessed
spirits, which most excited your wonder and admiration---the humility
of Jesus in obeying St. Joseph, or the dignity of St. Joseph in
commanding Jesus? When the just Noah saw the ark resting on the top of
Mt. Ararat, in Armenia, he needed no further measure to enable him to
estimate the prodigious height of the waters of the deluge. In like
manner Gerson, that devout servant of St. Joseph, finds in the profound
abasement of Jesus obeying the holy patriarch, the measure of our
Saint's true dignity. The latter rises in proportion as the former
humbles Himself,
so that if the submission of Jesus attests His incomparable humility,
it also proves the eminent dignity of St. Joseph.
Thus all the acts of submission
practised by the Son of God, in His
obedience to St. Joseph, were so many steps of glory for the latter.
According to this rule, who can understand the dignity of a Saint who
saw himself obeyed, respected, and served, during so many years, by his
Creator and Sovereign Lord? Joshua has been admired
by all ages, because he once arrested the course of the sun at the
moment when that luminary was about to set. Yet what is the power of
that famous captain compared to that of Joseph, who not once, but many
thousand times, could, at his will, control all the actions of his God,
the Maker of the sun? Great, truly, was the power exercised in Egypt by
that Joseph to whom Pharaoh confided the government of his kingdom.
Moses also could have possessed no more glorious nor wonderful title
than that bestowed upon him by the God of armies, namely, "the God of
Pharaoh;" but all these titles, great as they are, vanish before the
dignity of a saint to whom the King of kings submits Himself as to a
father and lord.
Hence it is as impossible to find
amid all the inhabitants of
if we except Mary, a greater saint than St. Joseph, as it is to
conceive of an authority more extended than his, which allowed him to
command the Son of God. Let us suppose that God created ten thousand
worlds, that He gave to each one a separate king upon condition that
all these monarchs should recognize and submit to one among their
number as sovereign lord over all the others. Imagine the dignity of
the monarch who should be selected to receive the homage of ten
powerful princes! the glory of the throne thus raised above all the
rest! However, that mighty sovereign could not receive so much honor
from the submission of so many powerful kings as that experienced
by St. Joseph from the perfect obedience of the Son of God. When
Iphicrates said to his soldiers, that he considered his own position as
commander of those who commanded others, to be far more glorious than
that of an emperor, he merely uttered a vain boast; but St. Joseph
could truly say: "To me alone belongs the glory of commanding that
God upon Whom all creatures depend, to Whom all princes must submit,
and under Whom they stoop that bear up the world." (Job, ix. 13.)
But if the glory of those in
authority consists less in the power of
commanding than in receiving prompt obedience and respectful
submission, we must allow that the dignity of Joseph consisted less in
commanding Jesus than in being punctually obeyed by Him. In order to
satisfy the devout servants of St. Joseph, we will here give some
detailed account, and mention some of the acts of obedience which the
Son of God practised in the house of Nazareth, with as much submission
as if He had been incapable of self-government. As we have stated
above, St. Luke has comprised eighteen years of the life of Jesus
Christ in the few words, "He was subject to them," still we will permit
ourselves, with the aid of the Holy Fathers, to develop these words, or
at least their sense. St. Basil, in the fortieth chapter of his
Monastic Constitutions, writes that the Saviour daily labored
unceasingly to obey Mary and Joseph. St. Justin Martyr assures us, in
his Dialogue with Tryphon, that the Incarnate Word assisted St. Joseph
in his labors, and shared in them as far as His strength permitted. St.
Jerome and St. Bonaventure say the same thing; but the most undeniable
proof of the continual obedience of Jesus towards St. Joseph, is found
in the words of the Blessed Virgin speaking to St. Bridget, her favored
servant. She says: "My Son was so obedient, that when Joseph said to
Him, Do this or that, He did it immediately." (Rev. of St. Bridget, b.
iv., c. 58.)
We may figure to ourselves Joseph
and Jesus, the former exercising
parental authority in the orders he gives, and the latter acquitting
Himself of his duties with filial obedience. Joseph, who, to supply the
wants of a God reduced to indigence, followed the laborious trade of a
carpenter, said, with a respectful voice, to his adopted Son: "Jesus,
help me to saw this plank, to shape this block. ...Jesus, take the
hammer and drive in this nail. Jesus, come and pick up these shavings,
put away these boards which we have just planed. ..Jesus, carry some
chips and coals to your mother, and help her to make a fire."
Light came not forth more quickly
from darkness at the voice of the
Creator than did Jesus hasten to execute
the orders of the holy patriarch. Therefore it is not to be wondered at
that the inhabitants of Nazareth looked upon Him as the true son of
Joseph. They fell into this, then innocent error, from seeing Him
constantly assisting the humble artisan in his labors. "Is not this the
carpenter's son?" was their cry.
I Again contemplate, with
Gerson, this King of glory, this God of
majesty, Whom millions of Angels serve and honor; see Him act, not only
as companion to Joseph in his workshop, but also as servant to Mary in
the little house of Nazareth; see Him put wood on the fire, go to the
fountain to draw water, lay the table, and even debase Himself so far
as to perform the most menial offices. How was it that St. Joseph was
not overcome by joy and confusion at the sight of such humility?
Tobias prostrated himself with
his face to the ground, filled with fear
and astonishment at the moment when the Angel Raphael, who had, under a
human form, served him so long as guide, suddenly revealed the secret
of his greatness. How much greater must have been the confusion of
Joseph, understanding as he did the greatness of the God made flesh,
and clothed with a servile form, when he received from Him all the
services one generally expects from a son, or even from a servant!
Happy Saint! how often, penetrated with the most lively sentiments of
respect and humility, have you not said to that blessed child, seeing
Him out of breath and exhausted by fatigue: "O Jesus! O my son! You
know how much
more I would prefer obedience to authority, but, obliged as I am
to follow the orders of Your Divine Father, it is necessary for me to
command You. I adore Your obedience, and my superiority only pleases me
inasmuch as it has pleased You to give to the world the glorious
example of the Creator subject to His creature. Ah, if You would suffer
me to change places with You, and You take that of master!" But
Jesus, to console Joseph, would doubtless reply thus: "Dear guardian of
My infancy, be resigned to the honors which I pay to you; it is My will
that you should exercise the authority of a father in My behalf, and
that I show you the submission due from a son: by this means We shall
give the world an example of justice and propriety."
In this marvellous subjection of
Jesus to Joseph, Origen sees a
striking example of the respect and obedience children owe to their
parents. We have a right to add, that our Divine Saviour, in thus
honoring Joseph as His father, wished doubtless to leave to His great
family, the Church, a striking example, which should teach her to pay
Joseph special homage as the head of the Holy Family;
had Jesus Christ submitted but for one hour only to the directions and
orders of Joseph, it would have been sufficient to render that holy
patriarch venerable among all the Saints; but how much more should he
not be honored after Jesus has consented to be subject to him during so
many years! Brought up, fed, and protected by St. Joseph for more than
twenty-five years, could the Divine Saviour wish otherwise than that
all Christians should endeavor to acknowledge by particular homage the
long and faithful services which that good father rendered to His
adorable person?
Jesus Christ made known
His wishes on this point to St. Margaret of
Cortona, by appearing to her one day and telling her, among other
things, to cultivate a special devotion to St. Joseph, who had
performed the part of father towards Him with so much zeal and
affection. It would be an act of inexcusable ingratitude for Christians
to refuse
to pay St. Joseph, through love of the God-Saviour, a tribute of honor
and gratitude. As for me, O my Jesus, I will follow Thy example; I will
serve him whom Thou has served; I will honor him whom Thou hast
honored; I will love him whom Thou has loved with the tenderness of a
son. Finally, O my sweet Jesus! by that profound humility which
rendered Thy adorable person obedient to the least motion of St.
Joseph, I beseech Thee to grant that Thy unworthy servant may be
devoted from this moment and forever to the service of this great Saint
for the sole purpose of pleasing Thee, since Thou wast the first to
give an example. of affection towards him.