The Four Principal Gates of Hell, Part 3: Theft
Let us now pass on to the consideration of the third great gate of Hell
by which so large a portion of the damned enter; I mean theft. Some, so
to speak, adore money as their God, and look upon it as the object of
all their desires.
The idols of the
Gentiles are silver and gold. But
the sentence of condemnation has already been pronounced against such:
Nor thieves . . . nor extortioners
shall possess the kingdom of God. It is
true that theft is not the most enormous of sins, but St. Antoninus
says that it very much endangers salvation. The reason is because for
the remission of other sins true repentance only is required; but
repentance is not enough for the remission of theft:
there must be restitution, and this is made with difficulty. A certain
hermit had once the following vision: he saw Lucifer seated on a
throne, and inquiring of one of his demons why he had been so long
about returning. The latter replied that he had been detained by his
endeavors to tempt a thief not to restore what he had stolen. Let this
fool be severely punished, said Lucifer. To what purpose have you spent
this time? Do you not know that he who has taken the property of
another never restores it? And, in truth, so it is: the property of
another becomes to him who takes it like his own blood; and the pain of
suffering one's blood to be drawn for another is very difficult to
endure. We learn it every day from experience: innumerable thefts take
place; how much restitution do you see?
My brethren, see that you take not the property of your neighbor, and
if during the past you have ever failed in this respect, make
restitution as soon as possible. If you cannot at once make full,
restitution, do it by degrees. Know that the property of another in
your possession will not only be the means of bringing you to Hell, but
will make you miserable even in this life. Thou hast despoiled others,
says the prophet, and others shall despoil thee.
Because thou hast
spoiled many nations, all that shall be left of the people shall spoil
thee. The property of another brings with it a curse which will
upon the entire house of the thief.
is the curse that goeth forth
over the face of the earth, . . . and it shall come to the house of the
thief; that is to say (as St. Gregory Nazianzen explains it),
that the
thief shall lose not only the stolen property, but his own. The goods
of another are as fire and smoke to consume everything that comes in
their way.
Remember well, mothers and wives, when children or husbands bring home
the property of their neighbor, remember well to chide and reprove
them; not to applaud their action, or even consent to it by silence.
Tobias hearing a lamb bleat in his house,
Take heed, said he,
perhaps it be stolen; restore ye it to its owners. St. Augustine
that Tobias, because he loved God, did not wish to hear the sound of
theft in his
house. Some persons take the property of their neighbor, and then are
fain to quiet their consciences by almsdeeds. Christ, says St. John
Chrysostom, will not be fed with the plunder of others. The sins of
this kind, committed by the great, are acts of injustice, the injuries
that they inflict upon others, the taking from the poor of what is
their due. These are descriptions of theft which require perfect
restitution, and a restitution most difficult of all to make, and
most likely to be the cause of one's damnation.
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