Obstat and Imprimatur, 1904
O MY GOD! I offer
Thee the infinite merits of this holy Sacrifice of the precious Body
and Blood of my Redeemer in satisfaction for my sins: to implore Thee
to cause Thy grace to become efficacious in me, and that. Thou mayest
make me persevere in good works; that thou mayest fulfill Thy holy will
in me, and grant me the grace to mortify my own will, together with a
lively faith, a steadfast hope, and an ardent love; and that at the end
of my life I may have true contrition and a happy death. Be pleased,
also, to accept this sacrifice in union with all the desires,
sentiments, affections, and beatings of the Sacred Heart. Again I
offer Thee, O my God, this holy Mass for the exaltation of holy Church,
for our holy Father, the Pope, for our country and its needs, for all
those in spiritual fellowship with me, for all ecclesiastical Orders,
and for this community, the care of whose spiritual and temporal
welfare I commend to Thee. Give us, O Lord, the spirit of true charity
and humility.
I beseech Thee
also for the conversion of sinners and infidels, for the destruction of
heresies, and for the release of the Souls in Purgatory, the
consolation of the afflicted and suffering, and the assistance of the
dying. O my God! whilst I unite myself with all the holy intentions
Thou didst have when instituting this holy Sacrifice I implore Thee to
distribute the merits of this holy Mass, and of all the holy Masses
celebrated today according to these intentions; for I wish in all my
prayers only that Thy Divine will be fulfilled, and that the fulness of
Thy grace descend upon us.
ETERNAL FATHER, receive, I beseech Thee, the offering that I make of
the Heart of Jesus Christ, Thy well-beloved Son, as He offers Himself
to Thee in sacrifice. Be pleased to receive this offering for me, with
all the desires, all the sentiments, all the affections, all the
pulsations, all the actions of this sacred Heart. They are all mine,
since He immolates Himself for me; and I desire for the future never to
have any other intentions but His. Receive them in satisfaction for my
sins, and in thanksgiving for all Thy benefits. Receive, them and grant
me, through their merits, all the graces I stand in need of, and
particularly the grace of final perseverance. Receive them as so many
acts of love, adoration, and praise, which I offer to Thy Divine
Majesty, since it is by Him alone that Thou art worthily honored and
glorified. Amen.
My Jesus was obedient unto death, even unto the death of the Cross.
(Rising, and signing forehead, lips, and breast with the Sign of the
Cross:) O God! be Thou in my thoughts, on my lips, and in my heart,
that I may worthily receive Thy holy gospel!
O Sacred Heart of Jesus! to Thee I devote and offer up my life,
thoughts, words, actions, pains, and sufferings. My entire being shall
henceforward only be employed in loving, serving, honoring, and
glorifying Thee. Be Thou, O most sacred Heart, the sole object of my
love, the Protector of my life, the Pledge of my salvation, and my
secure refuge at the hour of death. Be Thou also, O most bountiful
heart, my justification at the throne of God, and screen me from His
anger, which I have so justly merited. In Thee I place all my
confidence, and, convinced as I am of my own weakness, I rely entirely
on Thy compassionate mercy. Annihilate in me all that is displeasing
and offensive to Thy pure eyes. Imprint Thyself like a Divine seal on
my heart, that I may ever remember my obligations and never be
separated from Thee. May my name also, I beseech Thee by Thy tender
goodness, ever be fixed and engraven on Thee, O Book of Life, and may I
be a victim consecrated to Thy glory ever burning with the flames of
Thy pure love, both in time and in eternity. In this I place all my
happiness; this is all my desire, to live and to die in no other
quality but that of Thy devoted servant. Amen.
O MOST sacred, most Divine, most adorable Heart of Jesus! I adore Thy
supreme Majesty with all the powers of my soul; and because of Thine
infinite goodness I will, through a feeling of fear and respect, keep
myself continually attentive not to offend Thee. O Heart most holy, I
love Thee, and I desire to love Thee supremely above all things,
detesting sin with my whole strength and power: and as I belong wholly
to Thee, having received life from Thee amidst such bitter sorrows on
the cross, I hope that Thou wilt have pity on my weakness and misery,
and wilt not permit me to be lost eternally. I otTer myself, then,
wholly to Thee, O Heart of love, and desire that my whole being, my
life, and my sufferings should all tend to love, honor, and glorify
Thee in time and eternity. O Heart most amiable, I love Thee as my
sovereign good; in Thee I find all my happiness and all my joy, for
Thou alone art worthy of the love of all hearts. Would that my heart
might be worthy to be consumed through the vehemence of that love which
causes me to renew with my whole heart all the promises I have ever
made unto Thee! Preserve me from offending Thee, and make me ever do
that which is most agreeable to Thee! O Heart, the source of pure love,
why am I not all heart with which to love Thee, and all spirit with
which to adore Thee! Grant me at least this grace, namely, that I may
love only Thee, and all else in Thee, through Thee, and for Thee; that
my memory may only be occupied by Thee; that I may henceforth have no
understanding but to know Thee, no will or affection but to love Thee,
no tongue but to make known Thy praises, no eyes but to see Thee, no
hands but to serve Thee, no feet but to seek Thee, so that one day I
may love Thee without the fear of ever losing Thee. Amen.
Thirty-three Salutations
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Hail, Heart
of Jesus-----Save me!
Hail, Heart
of my Savior-----Deliver me!
Heart of my Judge-----Pardon me!
Hail, Heart
of my Spouse-----Love me!
Heart of my Master-----Teach me!
Heart of my King-----Crown me!
Heart of my Benefactor-----Enrich me!
Heart of my Pastor-----Keep me!
Heart of my Friend-----Caress me!
Heart of my Infant Jesus-----Attract me!
Heart of Jesus, dying on the Cross-----Atone for me!
Heart of Jesus! in all its Condition-----Give Thyself
to me!
Heart of my Brother-----Remain with me!
Heart of incomparable goodness-----Forgive me!
Magnificent Heart-----Shine forth
in me!
Most amiable Heart-----Inflame me!
Charitable Heart-----Work in me!
Merciful Heart-----Answer for me!
Most Humble Heart-----Repose in me!
Most Patient Heart-----Bear with me!
Most Faithful Heart-----Make
satisfaction for me!
Most Admirable and Most Worthy Heart-----Bless me!
Heart Most Peaceful -----Calm me!
Most Desirable and Most
Beautiful-----Delight me!
Illustrious and Perfect Heart-----Ennoble me!
Sacred Heart Most Holy, and Balm Most Precious-----Preserve and
sanctify me!
Heart Most Holy and Most Salutary-----Reform me!
Heart Most Blessed, True
Physician and Remedy for all our ills-----Heal me!
Heart of Jesus, Consolation of the afflicted-----Comfort me!
Most loving Heart, burning Furnace-----Consume me!
Heart of Jesus, Model of perfection-----Enlighten me!
Heart of Jesus, Source of all happiness-----Strenghten me!
Heart of eternal benediction-----Call me to
O MY Saviour! with sincere humility I adore Thee, and offer Thee up, by
the hands of the priest, to Thy heavenly Father in reparation for my
sins and for the sins of the whole world.
Most precious Blood, flow on my soul and sanctify it! May the love
through which Thou wast shed for me be enkindled in my heart, and
purify it!
unite my soul with Thine. I unite my heart, my spirit, my life, and my
intentions with Thy Heart, Thy Spirit, Thy Life, and Thy intentions,
and present them thus united to Thy heavenly Father.
Receive me, O
Father, through the merits of Thy Divine Son, which I offer up to Thee
with the priest and the entire Church. Hidden in His wounds, covered with His Blood, and adorned
with His
merits I appear before
Thee. Cast me not away from Thy countenance, but receive me into the
arms of Thy paternal goodness, and grant me the grace of salvation. O
my God! I thank Thee for all Thy benefits, for Thy sacred Passion, and
for the institution of the holy sacraments, especially for the Most
Holy Eucharist.
(Say the Pater Noster.)
prostrate before
Thee, O Sacred Heart, I adore Thee, I praise Thee, I bless Thee, and I
love Thee with all the strength and all the love of which my heart is
capable; but I beseech Thee to increase its capacity and augment my
love so that I may love Thee still more, and that this love may make me
forever all Thine. This favor I ask for all hearts that are capable of
loving Thee, but particularly for my own cold, rebellious, and
unfaithful heart which has so long abused Thy graces, and ever resists
and offends Thee. I am so lukewarm in Thy service that, were it not for
Thy infinite mercy Thou wouldst long since have vomited me forth and
cast me from Thee as an object of horror and disgust, deserving to
suffer eternally all the rigors' of Thy just anger. But I conjure Thee,
O Sacred Heart of my Jesus! by that burning charity which consumed Thee
as a Victim of Love and suffering upon the Cross, and which will retain
Thee as a Victim upon our altars until the end of time, to grant me, a
poor miserable sinner, the pardon of all the sins which I have
committed through ingratitude, forgetfulness, or want of fidelity, and
all the other injuries which I have heaped upon Thee, and for which I
repent from the bottom of my heart. I ask pardon for them with all the
grief and regret of which I am capable. I would that I could shed my
blood by means of all the torments imaginable, and thus satisfy Thy
Divine justice, and repair the outrages
which I have committed against Thee. I accept beforehand all the
sufferings with which Thou wilt be pleased to chastise me in this life,
with the exception of being abandoned to myself and to sin, and of
being thus deprived of Thy love. O most amiable Saviour, do not give me
over to such a dread shame as that of not loving Thee! Rather let me be
tormented by all the pains of Hell than be one moment without loving
Thee. O Divine Heart, source of all love and goodness! do not forget
Thy mercies and condemn to eternal privation of Thy love a heart which
desires to live only for Thee, and to breathe and aspire only for Thy
love in time and eternity! O most loving heart of my Lord Jesus Christ,
graciously hear my humble petition, and grant me the grace I most
earnestly ask of Thee, namely, that of my true conversion. I have such
a detestation and horror for the past, that I would rather be plunged
into the abyss of Hell than return and continue as before; but, my
Jesus, if Thou wilt condemn me to the flames, let them be those of Thy
pure love. Yes, cast me into this burning furnace, to remove every
vestige of my past offences. And if the excess of Thy goodness prompt
Thee to accord me still another grace, I ask of Thee nothing less than
the most sweet torment of love. Grant, I beseech Thee, that I may be
consumed thereby and entirely transformed into Thee. In revenge for my
not having loved Thee, and for my inordinate self-love, pierce, O
Jesus, my ungrateful heart through and through with the dart of Thy
pure love, in such a manner that henceforth it may be incapable of
containing any earthly or human affection, but solely the plenitude of
Thy pure love, which shall leave me no other liberty but that of loving
Thee in suffering and in the accomplishment of Thy most holy will in
all things.
These, then, most sacred Heart, are the graces which I humbly beseech
Thee to grant unto me, and to all those hearts which are capable of
loving Thee; and I ask for them and for myself the grace of living and
dying in this same holy love. Amen.
ETERNAL FATHER! I offer up to Thee my intellect, that it may learn to
know Thee alone.
Sweetest Jesus! I offer up to Thee my memory, that it may remember Thee
Holy Ghost, Spirit of charity! I offer up to Thee my will, that Thou
mayest enkindle and warm it by Thy Divine love.
Adorn my soul with Thy seven gifts, and let me become Thy pure temple.
Fill me with Thy grace, and prepare my heart to receive spiritually my
Jesus, my God! as my sins render me unworthy to receive Thee into my
heart, do Thou receive me into Thine, and unite me so perfectly with It
that nothing may ever be able to separate me even for a moment from
Thee. Engulf my misery and my nothingness in the abyss of Thy mercy,
that I, changed into Thee, may henceforth live only for Thee, by Thee,
and in Thee. Come, therefore, Thou, my only satisfaction, come to take
possession of this heart, which belongs to Thee, and cannot live one
moment without Thee.
I THANK Thee, O my Saviour, that Thou wast pleased to unite Thyself
spiritually with me. I offer up myself totally and without reserve to
Thee, that it may please Thee to fulfill in me all Thou dost desire to
accomplish. Destroy in me the spirit of self-love, humble in me
whatever proudly asserts itself, and destroy whatever is opposed to
Consecration to the Sacred Heart
LORD JESUS, holy and sweet Love of our souls, Who didst promise that
where two or three are gathered together in Thy name there wilt Thou be
in their midst: behold our hearts united with one accord to adore,
praise, love, and please Thy most holy and Sacred Heart, to which we
dedicate and consecrate ours for time and eternity, renouncing forever
all love and affection which are not in the love and dependence of Thy
adorable Heart, desiring that all the wishes, aspirations, and
affections of our hearts may be always conformable to the good pleasure
of Thine, which we wish to satisfy as much as we are able. But as we
can do no good of ourselves, we beseech Thee, O most adorable Jesus, by
the infinite goodness and sweetness of Thy most sacred Heart, to
support ours by confirming them in the resolution we have made to love
and serve Thee, so that nothing may ever separate or detach us from
Thee, but that we may be faithful and constant in this resolution,
sacrificing to the love of Thy sacred Heart whatever may give vain
pleasure to our hearts, or amuse them idly with the things of this
world. We confess that all is vanity and affliction of spirit, except
loving and serving Thee, our God and Saviour; we desire henceforth no
other glory than that of belonging to Thee, as slaves of Thy pure love;
no other aim or motive than that of pleasing and satisfying Thee in
everything, even at the expense of our own lives. And since, O holy
Mary, thou art all-powerful with this Sacred Heart, obtain for us that
Jesus may receive and accept this consecration that we now make of
ourselves in thy presence and through thy hands, protesting that we
will be faithful to His sacred Heart, being assisted by His grace and
thy prayers, which we entreat thee never to deny us. Amen.
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