IT was the
special desire of our Lord Jesus Christ, revealed to Blessed Margaret
Mary, that the first Friday of each month be consecrated to the
devotion to and adoration of His most sacred Heart. In order to better
prepare for it, it would be well to read, the evening before, some book
treating of this devotion, or of the Passion of Our Lord, and to make a
short visit to the Blessed Sacrament. On the day itself we should, on
awaking, offer and consecrate ourselves, with all our thoughts, words,
and actions, to Jesus, that His sacred Heart may be thereby honored and
glorified. We should visit some church as early as possible; and as we
kneel before Jesus, truly present in the tabernacle, let us endeavor to
awaken in our soul a deep sorrow at the thought of the innumerable
offences continually heaped upon His most sacred Heart in this
Sacrament of His love; and surely we cannot find this difficult if we
have the least degree of love for Jesus. Should we, however, find our
love to be cold or lukewarm, let us consider earnestly the many reasons
we have for giving our hearts to Jesus. After this we must acknowledge
with sorrow the faults of which we have been guilty through our want of
respect in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament, or through our
negligence in visiting and receiving Our Lord in holy Communion.
The Communion of this day should be offered by the adorers of the
Sacred Heart with the intention of making some satisfaction for all the
ingratitude which Jesus receives in the Most Holy Sacrament, and the
same spirit should animate all our actions during the day.
As the object of this devotion
is to inflame our hearts with an ardent
love for Jesus, and to repair thereby, as far as lies in our power, all
the outrages which are daily committed against the Most Holy Sacrament
of the Altar, it is evident that these exercises are not confined to
any particular day. Jesus is equally deserving of our love at all
times; and as this most loving Saviour is daily and hourly loaded with
insults and cruelly treated by His creatures, it is but just that we
should strive each day to make all the reparation in our power. Those,
therefore, who are prevented from practising this devotion on the first
Friday can do so on any other day during the month. In the same manner
they may offer the first Communion of each month for this intention,
consecrating the whole day to the honor and glory of the Sacred Heart,
and performing in the same spirit all the pious exercises they were
unable to accomplish on the first Friday.
Moreover, Our Lord suggested another feature in this consoling devotion
of the first Friday, by the faithful practice of which he led Blessed
Margaret Mary to expect the grace of final perseverance, and that of
receiving the Sacraments of the Church before dying, in favor of those
who should observe it. This was to make a novena of Communions in honor
of the Sacred Heart on the first Friday of the month for nine
successive months.
Interior Practices
I. AT the beginning of this month examine yourself, and see
what is your predominant passion, or the fault which you most
frequently commit, and the best means of overcoming it. Having
discovered this fault, make a firm purpose to use the means to overcome
it, commending your resolution with a childlike confidence to the
Sacred Heart. Choose some short ejaculatory prayer which you will
repeat often each day during the month, in order to remind you of your
resolution, and to implore the grace of God to help you to fulfill it.
2. Each morning, offer all the actions of the day to the Sacred Heart
of Jesus, and renew the resolution you took at the beginning of the
month, humbly praying for grace to keep it during the day.
3. Take for your subject of meditation the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for
which end the consideration of Its many virtues and attributes is
4. Make the resolution made at the beginning of the month the subject
of your particular examination of conscience morning and evening,
thanking the Sacred Heart for the good you may have done, and begging
pardon for the faults you have committed.
Exterior Practices
I. IN a convenient situation, place a PICTURE
or statue, suitably adorned, of the Sacred Heart; for ought to be
entirely consecrated, in silence and recollection, to the love of your
Saviour. Strive to perform all your actions in the spirit which should
animate this Feast. Let your visits to the Blessed Sacrament be
frequent, and remain in conversation with Jesus as long as your health
and the duties of your state of life permit you. Prepare your heart
with diligent care to receive Jesus worthily in holy Communion, and
offer your Communion to God the Father in satisfaction for the unworthy
Communions of so many Christians, testifying at the same time your
gratitude and love to Jesus.
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