TAN BOOKS THE FOURTH BOOK: ADMONITIONS HELPFUL TOWARD UNITING ONE'S SELF WITH THE HEART OF JESUS IN BLISS CHAPTER IX. THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS, IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, HONORS HIS FATHER INFINITELY 1. The voice of Jesus.-----Now, dearly beloved, is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in Him. How much, thinkest thou, is the Father glorified, how much is He honored by the Son; Who, for the honor and glory of the Father, is not now seen on earth, but hidden in the Sacrament? The Father is worthy of all worship, praise, and homage: and, therefore, do I, in this sacred mystery, exhibit the same to Him, by the boundless humiliations to which I here subject Myself. So much the more is the Majesty of God the Father exalted, the more the Son, made man, humbles Himself, that He may honor the Father. Measure, if thou canst, the depth of humility, into which I here descended for the glory of God the Father. Into a deep abyss I certainly did go down by My Incarnation; into a deeper one I sank during My lifetime: into the very deepest I lowered Myself by My death. But here, I have sunk beneath all those depths: here I exceed all those excesses, and continue to do the same. Endeavor as much as thou canst, struggle as much as thou wilt; thou mayst wonder, thou mayst be astounded, but never shalt thou be able to grasp or understand neither the depth, nor the breadth of the abyss, into which My Heart here lowers Itself. The very Angels are amazed, when, struck with awe, they gaze upon Me, Whom they acknowledge and worship as their Lord, humbling Myself more deeply than they themselves could possibly do. Powerfully, indeed, are they thereby enkindled and stimulated to glorify the Divine Majesty, whose infinite grandeur they cannot comprehend, but whom they thus more clearly perceive, by My example, as worthy of infinite honor. 2. If the state itself, My Child, wherein I have here placed Myself, honors the Divine Majesty so exceedingly, how much glory do all the things which I perform for Him, in this condition, give to Him. Judge not by the outward appearance: things Divine are not to be estimated in a human sense. All My acts, in this Sacrament, since they are the acts of a Person of infinite dignity, unseen though they be, and displaying no splendor to strike the senses of men, are of infinite value. Wherefore, My Child, the least motion of My Heart for the glory of My Father glorifies Him incomparably more than all things whatsoever done by mere creatures. Call to mind the great exploits, the illustrious actions, and immortal deeds, which men have achieved for the world, and whereby they have spread their renown over the earth: behold, all these, compared with a single act of My Heart, what are they except smoke, compared to a blazing fire? Nay more, add together the virtues, the sufferings, the heroic actions, whereby all the Saints, from Abel even to the last of the just, have rendered themselves truly distinguished: these also, My Child, though pleasing and honorable to God, are infinitely below one single sacrifice, whereby My Heart here honors God. What more? Great, indeed, and glorious are the praises and thanksgivings, which the Spirits above, the inhabitants of Heaven, offer to the Divine Majesty: yet, greater, and more glorious beyond comparison, are those which My Heart, by one single immolation of Itself upon the altar, presents to Him. 3. Rightly, therefore, does the holy Church rejoice, for that she has for her Bridegroom the Son of God, who honors for her the Divine Majesty, as much as He deserves to be honored: and gives Him thanks such as are due to Him. This she daily acknowledges with grateful feeling, when, through Me, she draws nigh to the Father, and says to Him: Through Him, and with Him, and in Him is to Thee, God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, all honor and glory. Formed by this Divine institution, and united to Me, she dares, without fear of refusal, pray the Father and thank Him, through Me, Christ the Lord. And, since she knows that only through Me her acts are supernaturally acceptable to God, whatsoever she does, whatsoever she offers, she performs it all in union with Me, for the praise and glory of the Divine Majesty, as well as for her own advantage unto life everlasting. 4. Blessed those souls, My Child, that, moved by the spirit of their holy Mother, the Church, with her unite themselves to My Heart in the Sacrament; and thus strive to pay to God the honor and thanksgiving, which they owe to Him, but which, of themselves, they are unable to render. Remember, Child, how much thou owest to My heavenly Father, Who so cherished thee that, in so marvelous and sweet a manner, He gave thee His Only-begotten Son: W so loves thee, that He im- parts to thee, in so great an abundance, the gifts of the Spirit the Comforter sent in My name. How sweet a debt is gratefulness, if thou hast a noble heart! And what can be so sweet, if thou hast the heart of a son, as to display a grateful mind toward the best of Fathers? And, if thou desirest to be thankful to God, like a son to his father, honor Him: for He says: If I am a Father, where is My honor? 5. The voice of the Disciple.-----O eternal Father! from Whom, as from their highest source, I have received all things; nay, what infinitely surpasses all, Thy only Son Himself, with all His merits and ineffable favors, the Holy Spirit likewise, and His graces and multiform gifts: what return shall I make to Thee, for blessings so great, so numerous? If there must be a certain proportion between gifts and the thankfulness for them, behold! I am, every way, powerless to repay the gratitude I owe to Thee, since there is no comparison between Thy infinite gifts and my imperfect gratefulness. When, besides, I consider that all the Divine perfections are infinite, and that these infinite perfections, even if Thou hadst never bestowed any favor upon me, are, for their own sake to be worshiped in a limitless manner, I am overwhelmed by the weight of my debt to which, I acknowledge, I am of myself forever unequal. But behold! Jesus, Thy only and most beloved Son, who, for Thy love and mine. abides with me upon earth, makes good what I owe to Thee, but am unable to repay. Through Him, therefore, who knows all Thy blessings bestowed upon me, and fully comprehends Thy perfections, I do here, in union with the love of His Heart, avow the obedience of My dependence, and render to Thee a worship ever most acceptable in Him, in whom Thou art always well-pleased. 6. With all my heart do I rejoice, for that Thou art infinitely perfect, as well as liberal to me; and that, in the Heart of Jesus, Thy well-beloved Son, I possess wherewith I am able to return Thee due honor and gratitude. Wherefore, I offer to Thee all the virtues of the Whatsoever I am able to do, is as nothing in comparison of what I owe to Thee: and this is itself a part of Thy praise, that what Thou deservest, is above every power of mine. But, look upon the face of Jesus, Thy Son, who is the image of Thy Goodness and of Thy every perfection; and, for Thy glory, do Thou receive all the fullness of the Holiness of His Heart. Deign, I beseech Thee, Holy Father, to accept the merits, satisfactions, and praises of Thy Only-begotten Son, as an atonement for all the insults with which I myself and others have, at times, dishonored Thee. For which insults I would gladly, were I able, make amends with my blood and with every other sacrifice: but, since whatsoever I may do, is, of itself, by no means sufficient for this, I unite it all with the infinite merits of the Heart of Jesus, Thy Son, and thus present it to Thee. 7. Through the same Heart of Thy Beloved Son----through which I pay Thee a tribute of honor, and render Thee thanks for all the blessings bestowed upon me----I humbly implore new graces for Thy glory. Above all, grant me, I entreat Thee, a great, a generous, a tender love for Thy Son, the Beloved of my soul, the most sweet Jesus, who stays here so lovingly with me. Grant that, animated with the sentiments of His Heart, and united thereto, I may live by Him----through Whom alone I am able to come to Thee. Give me for this, I beseech Thee, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, who ever animated and guided the Heart of Jesus. Let .hat divine Spirit replenish my whole heart, inflame it with love for Jesus, and stimulate it ever with hunger and thirst for His most delicious Sacrament. CHAPTER X. THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS, BY ITS SELF-OFFERINGS IN THE MOST HOLY SACRAMENT, APPEASES THE DIVINE JUSTICE, AND PROCURES FOR US MEASURELESS GRACES 1. The voice of Jesus.-----My Child, thus says the Lord: In every place there is sacrificed and offered to My Name a clean Oblation; for great is My Name among the nations. This, My Child, is that Victim of salvation, which, once offered on the Holy Mountain for the Redemption of all, is offered daily throughout the world to apply My merits to each one in particular unto the forgiveness of sins, which are daily committed. For, knowing that the nature of them that were to believe in Me, would be such, that they should all offend in many things; moved by the love of My Heart, I instituted a Sacrifice, not only of supreme worship and thanksgiving, but also of atonement and impetration: by the offering of which, God, being appeased, after granting the grace and gift of repentance, would also pardon crimes and offenses, and liberally bestow His favors. The same Sacrifice, that I formerly offered upon the cross, I now offer upon the altar,----not indeed in a bloody manner as then, but with the same love of Heart. As often, therefore, as this ever-enduring Sacrifice is offered, as often as the remembrance of this Victim is celebrated, the work of man's Redemption is renewed. Upon this Oblation the Almighty Father ever deigns to look with a propitious and favorable eye, and He holds the same more acceptable than the holy sacrifice, the spotless offering which the High. priest, Melchisedech, presented to Him. Whence also the Church, full of confidence, prays God the Father, that hereby the faithful may be freed from all evils, past, present, and future; and that, assisted by the help of the Divine mercy, they may be free from sin, and secure from all disturbance. For, what can the eternal Father refuse, when He beholds Me, His only Son, through zeal for His honor and love for men, immolated upon the altar and lying there the victim of His glory; whilst My Heart and My very Blood cry out and intercede for My brethren? 2. Most assuredly this Oblation, so pre-eminently clean,----presented by the ministry of priests, through Myself, with the infinite affection of My Heart, to the Heavenly Father,----is ever pleasing to Him, is ever regarded for its dignity. Thus, indeed, many others are made priests, because death suffered them not to remain, and because this Victim is offered in every place: but I, since I endure forever, possess an everlasting priest- hood. Whence also I can save, forever, those that, through Me, draw nigh to God. The earth, therefore, is, as it were, uninterruptedly crimsoned by the offering of this most sacred Victim; and its fragrance, blending with the virtues and merits of My Heart, is unceasingly ascending to the Father for an odor of sweetness. If the many sins of men do much offend the Divine Majesty, and provoke His justice, this holy Sacrifice does incomparably more to honor and appease the same; since His only-begotten Son pleases Him infinitely more than all sinners displease Him. What land on earth is not, in some manner, dyed with the blood of My Heart, or what spot is excluded from Its prayers and protection? What region, then, in this world, can God smite, without striking a place defended by the Heart of His Son? Behold! sinners have sinned, and they were not, according to their deserts, cast into the pool of fire everlasting: yea, they are even suffered to live, not indeed that they may continue to sin, but that they may save themselves. For I place Myself between God My Father and the sinners; for them I offer Myself, and make intercession: Look Thou, holy and righteous Father, behold My hands, and My Side: see how much they have cost Thy Son! by the love, wherewith Thou lovest Me, spare, Father, spare Thy people. 3. My Child, ought not the sinner to yield to so great a goodness, whereby I keep hell shut, lest he be swallowed up therein; whereby I restrain the demons, lest they carry him off; whereby I stay the arm of the Almighty, lest the bolts of Divine justice destroy him? Thou shouldst indeed wonder, didst thou see all the secret means which My Heart here employs to save souls; which, unless I turned away the Divine wrath from them, should soon be deservedly devoured. If now, as of old, sudden and immutable punishment is not inflicted upon the wicked; they should remember that it is owing to the Sacrifice of My Heart, whereby the whole world is preserved. Lo, Child, how My Heart loves, everywhere mindful of men, even of the most wretched; everywhere promoting the salvation of souls. 4. With what sentiments, then, is it befitting that thou shouldst approach this mystery, whence thou mayst obtain remedies so great! Whence thou mayst secure graces and favors of every kind: for it is of infinite value. But, although this Sacrifice is of infinite value, the fruit thereof is, however, applied to man in a limited manner, according to the liveliness of the faith and devotedness, the disposition of the soul of him that assists thereat, or for whom it is offered up; as the Church, taught by the Holy Spirit, insinuates, when, during the Sacrifice, she prays God to remember His servants, and all the bystanders, whose faith is acknowledged, and whose devotedness is known by Him. Wherefore, My Child, do thou celebrate or hear Mass with a lively faith, a true devotion, a holy disposition; that thou mayst deserve to obtain the greatest fruit of the Sacrifice, and secure all the graces for which thou prayest. For the Divine Clemency grants, without doubt, to them that are rightly disposed, whatsoever favors they ask during the Mass; nay, frequently bestows liberally blessings for which they did not petition. Remember this, Child, that piously to hear Mass is a most wholesome means to keep thyself from dangers, to preserve thyself from an unforeseen death, and to follow the path of righteousness. If thou wilt lay up merits, so often as it is permitted, be thou present at the Sacrifice of the Mass, for, by the devout hearing of one Mass, thou meritest far more than if, through devotion, thou didst macerate thyself for a long time by fasts and austerities, or didst undertake a distant pilgrimage. Lastly, if thou desirest to make thyself agreeable to My Heart, assist at Mass as frequently and as. devoutly as possible; for this Sacrifice glorifies the most Holy Trinity, rejoices the Angels and Saints, enriches the just with grace, helps sinners for their conversion, relieves the souls detained in Purgatory, in fine, cheers and comforts the whole Church on earth. 5. The Voice of the Disciple.----O most sweet Jesus! how great the mercy! how disinterested the love! how resistless the kindness! how astounding the goodness of Thy Heart! Even for them who, as much as in them lies, sadden Thy Heart, Thou ceasest not to immolate Thyself; that Thou mayst stay the weight of the divine anger, whilst they betake themselves in safety beneath the protection of Thy Heart. And I, for I will confess it, although so plentifully blessed with the gifts of Thy Heart, I, most ungrateful of men, have grieved Thy Heart. To the great mercy, to the infinite goodness of Thy Heart it is owing, that I am not destroyed, that I still remain unharmed. 6. O Heart of Jesus! Heart full of sweetness and delight! most loving Heart, every way poured out through an excess of love! how can I possess a heart worthy of the name of a human heart, if I do not love Thee in return? Who, O Lord, who can resist Thy love, when he considers, how, in the most Holy Eucharist, Thou shelterest us in Thy Heart, and offerest Thyself to Thy Father for us! O my Jesus! what would happen shouldst Thou cast away the sinner from the protection of Thy Heart! how dreadfully would the thunderbolts of Divine justice hurl him into the lowest depths of Hell! Far, O Lord, far be it from me, that, by provoking Thy Heart, through ingratitude, through sin, I should expose myself to so great a danger! 7. Grant, O my Saviour! that I may be more eager to please Thee, who art so solicitous for me; that I may love Thee more fervently; that, through gratitude and love, I may visit Thee more frequently, and assist oftener or more devoutly at Thy holy Sacrifice. O how little do I love Thee, if I do not daily come hither, to be present at Mass; here to meditate, to converse with Thee, to beg much of Thee. How considerable a time of the day do I give to worldly occupations! how much to rest and to recreate myself! and cannot I spend here with Thee half an hour for the affair of my everlasting salvation, and for the Divine glory; the more as I should take hence Thy grace and blessing, whereby my affairs themselves, and all the rest, would be made holy and prosperous? Yea, O Lord, daily will I be here with Thee. And, if I am necessarily hindered from being bodily present, even then I will be here in spirit with Thee. CHAPTER XI. THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS, IN THE SACRAMENT OF HIS LOVE, IS OUR GREATEST CONSOLATION ON EARTH 1. The voice of Jesus.-----My Child, behold My Tabernacle with men! behold here I dwell with them. Here I Myself console them that come, and I wipe away every tear from their eyes. And, as there is no place on earth, where affliction does not sometimes shed tears, My Heart multiplies Its miracles, that It may everywhere multiply consolations. Hence, thou mayst learn, My Child, that the mercy of My Heart is greater than man's misery can be. If any remedy, if any comfort is required in misfortune, here it is found in My Heart; here it is drawn with gladness from the same. Behold! here I make all things new: things heavy I change into light, things tasteless I make to be savory: bitterness I turn into sweetness, mourning into joy of heart. Nay, more, this vale of tears I transform into a Paradise; earth into heaven before its time. For here is the plentifulness of all the good things of Heaven, here is the fountain of peace and gladness; here are the Angels, here am I Myself, here is bliss ever-enduring. 2. These are the wonders of love, Child, which My Heart works for thee, that thou mayst not be cast down amid the tribulations of life; but that, attracted by the goodness of My Heart, thou mayst come to this overflowing fountain of all consolation. If thou hast once duly tasted Its sweetness, thou wilt soon forget every affliction of the past, or wilt even deem it all joy. When, here before the Tabernacle, thou pourest forth thy heart; above all, when, after holy Communion, thou speakest to Me heart to Heart, and resignest thyself wholly to Me; then wilt thou perceive that affliction yields to consolation, fear to confidence, lukewarmness to fervor of heart. If, overlooking Me, thou runnest elsewhere to find some one to relieve and help thee in thy dejection, thou shalt often be able to say: I sought some one to comfort me, but I found none. But hither thou shalt never come in vain: hence thou shalt never depart without relief. Hither, then, do thou ever fly, that thou mayst receive a remedy for thy troubles; and turn thy Sufferings into consoling merits. 3. If misfortune, if loss of possessions or even if want fill thy heart with groanings and thy eyes with tears, so as to render thy soul weary of life; here, My Child, thou shalt find what no mortal can give thee; here thou shalt obtain a soothing of thy grief. If thou lookest upon My example, thy heart shall be comforted: My promise of permanent possessions, which thou shalt receive by sharing My inheritance, after having passed a few days here below, will cheer up thy spirit: lastly, the secret grace of My Heart will not rarely turn the tears of grief into tears of consolation. If the world hates thee, if men slight, oppose, or oppress thee; here, O My Child, here in this mystery of love thou shalt be abundantly comforted: when thou possessest Me, yea, when thou pressest Me to thy heart, Me thy Saviour, thy faithful Friend, thy best and dearest Father, thou wilt be contented enough to be hidden, to be humbled with Me, that thou mayst be the more alike and pleasing to My Heart, in order to be forever exalted by Me among My elect. And, if thou art afflicted or tormented with pains of the body and anguish of soul; behold, Child, behold where is thy solace, which alone can reach the innermost recesses of the ailing heart, and which none can hinder, except thyself----by hearkening rather to thy own thoughts than to My whisperings. Thou shalt also experience that which has been felt by thousands of faithful souls that came hither in sorrow, and with an aching heart; and soon, refreshed by the sweetness of the love of My Heart, went away their hearts dilated with bliss. If annoyed by temptations, if worn down by desolateness; hasten hither, My Child. Behold! My Heart invites and awaits thee thus tempted and rendered desolate. It will receive thee with gladness; It will strengthen thee by Its own fortitude; It will fill thee with the sweetness of Its unction. Shouldst thou even commit a fault, arise quickly, and run thou hither. Here thou shalt easily repair all: here thou shalt recover peace and joy of heart. O if thou knewest, My Child, with how great a longing to console every one, My Heart watches here at all times,----consoling Itself whenever It comforts some one in his affliction;----thou wouldst then understand whence it is that none, in what trouble soever he may find himself, can come hither well-disposed to My Heart, without receiving consolation. 4. For, in the sacred Tabernacle, thou now possessest Me, the same Saviour, that, whileth, when I lived a mortal life, comforted all: the very same Heart. that, whilst placed in the manger, gave peace to the Shepherds, and filled the Magi with heavenly delight: that, in childhood rejoiced them that came to Me: that, throughout life was the refuge and solace of all. Thou knowest, My Child, how all the sick and the weak, the blind and the lame, the deaf and the dumb, the wretched and the disconsolate were wont to appeal to My Heart, and implore Its compassion and help. Was ever one of these disappointed in his hope, by what suffering soever he was bowed down; at what time soever of the day or of the night he came to me? Did not every one, in whatsoever hour he had recourse to the goodness of My Heart, go away more consoled than he had dared to hope? And, My Child, all these wonders, all these consolations, My Heart does here ceaselessly renew; but in a manner all the more perfect and useful, the more spiritual it is, and the better adapted to everlasting life. There, indeed, It healed the diseases of the body: here It cures the ailments, the infirmities and miseries of the soul. There It freed them that were possessed by the devil, or tormented by him; here It does more, since It guards the faithful against the demon. There It cleansed those afflicted with leprosy: here It purifies souls, and makes them clean and whiter than snow. There, by a miracle, It sated thousands of men with a natural food: here It nourishes all the faithful with the Bread of Angels. There It restored the dead to life: here, what is better beyond comparison, It preserves souls from death. 5. And as then My Heart, full of compassion, mercy, goodness, was accessible to all; so now It is open to every one, even to the most wretched and afflicted. Believe not, My Child, even should a spirit suggest the thought, that My Heart does now possess a different feeling, either in respect to God, or with regard to men. Take heed lest thou deem My Heart, that abides here to comfort thee, different from My Heart, that erewhile, in Its mortal life, so marvelously, so sweetly relieved men, and filled them with every consolation. For every spirit, that thus severs or divides My Heart, is not of God. 6. Dilate thy heart, My Child, and understand, as much as thou art able, what comfort, here, as from a perennial fountain, flows down upon thee from My Heart. Behold all the consolations, admirable and delightful,----which, during Its mortal life, It imparted to many and various persons,----It bestows in Its Sacramental life upon thee alone. How much happier, then, art thou, than they that were living at the time of My mortal life! Neither did these, like thyself, uninterruptedly enjoy My Presence: neither were they in the same manner, as thou, possessed of Me: nor, lastly, did they receive or enjoy Me, as thyself, O Child of My Heart. Lo, then, to what a degree My Heart favors thee. In every necessity, therefore in every difficulty whether interior or exterior, do thou fly hither. Here, if thou art guilty, thou shalt obtain pardon, if sick, healing; if downhearted, courage and fortitude; if afflicted, relief and help; if in danger, protection and safety; a remedy for all miseries; always a true and sanctifying consolation. 7. The voice of the Disciple.----O Jesus, my love! how delightful are the designs of Thy Heart, whereby, to soothe the bitterness of this life, Thou journeyest, in some manner, with me in my banishment, nay, changest my very exile into a Paradise! Shall I speak, O Lord, or be silent about what r conceive of the exceeding love of Thy Heart for us men? Yet, for the glory of Thy Heart, I will not be silent: Thus, O Jesus! thus Thou didst nowhere deal with the Angels themselves; thus Thou never gavest Thyself to them to enjoy! O my Jesus! infinite sweetness, how immensely hast Thou loved me! how givest Thou Thyself to me! how dost Thou wholly become my consolation! Whence, O most loving God, so great a goodness toward an ungrateful Child, not worthy of the name of Child! Thus, O ineffable love! Thou displayest the greatness of Thy goodness, since Thou regardest not Thy Majesty and my abjectness, but kindly followest the goodness of Thy Heart, moved by my indigence and Thy charity. 8. O Lord Jesus, Father of mercies, and God of all consolation! with how great a gladness do I come to Thee, full of courage and confidence in Thy pure goodness! Many, indeed, and great are my miseries: yet, confidingly and cheerfully do I draw nigh, attracted by the sweetness of Thy love. For now I know that, although Thou art incapable of pain, Thou art not without feeling; that, although my sorrows do not cause Thee any suffering, Thou art not indifferent to them. Now I understand, that Thou art able and willing to feel compassion for my infirmities; and that my great and numerous miseries are the objects of: Thine infinite mercy. If, hitherto, I languished miserable and disconsolate, I myself was in fault; because I neglected to come to the ever-open source of mercy and comfort. But, henceforth, whenever I shall be afflicted, I will arise and go to this fountain of all blessings, where I shall find more remedies than I need: where I shall have greater consolations than I car contain in my heart. CHAPTER XII. THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS, IN ITS SACRAMENTAL, AS FORMERLY IN ITS MORTAL LIFE, WHILST INSTRUCTING MEN, DOES NOT CEASE TO TEACH THAT HE IS MEEK AND HUMBLE 1. The voice of Jesus.-----Come ye, sons of men, and give ear. Behold how I am here with you all days! here at all times, here learn ye of Me, how meek and humble of Heart I am. Marvelous, indeed, did the humility of My Heart and Its charity appear during Its mortal life: yet, here, in My Sacramental life, far more admirable is the abyss of Its humility, the excess of Its charity. This whole mystery is humility, all charity. Here not only is My Divinity, but even My Humanity, hidden from the sight of mortals. Here is charity, not unto death only, not unto the end of the world, but unto every excess of love. What eye has seen, what ear has heard, what heart has conceived, to how great a degree the humility of My Heart does here descend. to what extent love is exceeding? 2. If thou art astonished, My Child, if thou art enraptured at the excess of love, whereby, whilest, during My mortal life, I showed Myself meek and humble of Heart: what must be thy sentiments, when thou considerest attentively, how meek and humble of Heart I am now, in My Sacramental life! So long as I was seen on earth and dwelled with men; at no time, in no place. did I cease to exhibit to all and every one the true and efficacious humility and meekness of My Heart. Recall to mind, My Child, with how great a humility and charity of Heart I was wont to treat My Disciples; the ignorant and unmannerly people; the unhappy and the distressed; the wretched sinners; finally, My enemies themselves. What was ever able to obstruct or check the fountain of this humble and exhaustless charity? Neither the faults, nor the ignorance, nor the importunateness, nor the obstinacy, nor the abjectness, nor the perverseness itself of men. Naught of all this could ever make Me show Myself, even toward one mortal, otherwise than meek and humble of Heart. Witness all the people so hard to please; witness the heathen, who, attracted by the sweetness of My Heart. came running toward Me, saying: "We wish to see Jesus:" witness the woman of Canaan, and all the disconsolate: witness the Magdalen, and every sin-laden soul that had recourse to Me: witness the Pharisees, men that persecuted Me unto death. All these bear witness to the deeds of My meek and humble Heart, during My mortal life. 3. But behold! Child, in My Sacramental life, I continue such deeds: yea, amid these, I show Myself meek and humble of Heart in a more sweet and marvelous manner. For consider, how men here deport themselves toward Me, not only with rudeness and irreverence. but even with contempt; and see how I endure this behavior. Consider, how many souls, cherished by Me in a special manner, when presented with a small share of My Cross,----a most precious pledge of My love,----bring and return to Me here, instead of praise and love, complaints and repinings: and observe. with how great a goodness of Heart, I do not only endure them, but encourage and stimulate them to better sentiments. Consider, how many ungrateful souls, laden with My favors, depart hence, and, whilst they enjoy My benefactions, forget and slight Me, their Benefactor: how many others, who, after having abused the graces I have already so often bestowed upon them, present themselves without shame before Me, and clamor for new favors: and see, with how great a meekness I bear with them, with what generosity I suffer them, with how gentle, and, at the same time, how firm a charity, I excite and help them to faithfulness and fervor. Consider, how the wicked make use of My very gifts and favors to oppose, to offend Me, to wound My very Heart: and watch, with what disposition of Heart I do not return them evil for evil, but overcome evil with good. Consider, in fine, how often the enemies, the persecutors of My Heart, come hither to insult Me: and with how Divine a charity of My humble Heart, I receive even them into My Presence, and offer them mercy, and pardon, and peace. Thus, My Child, at every hour, at every moment of the day, and of the night, in season and out of season, the good and the wicked, the grateful and the thankless, friends and enemies, all come and go, and each one behaves toward Me according to his disposition: but, see, by the light of faith, how I deal with all and everyone; with how lowly, unwearied, exhaustless a benignity and sweetness of charity! 4. These wonders of the love of My Heart, thou canst not understand, My Child. unless thou lookest at them with a lively faith, and meditatest thereon with a devoted heart. For the depth of the humility, which My Heart does here practice, must be gazed upon with the light from above, must be entered into by pious meditation, must be learnt in silence by prayer. And the sweetness of the charity, which My Heart here displays, must be sought in like manner, must be relished by making use thereof, must be tested by experience. Look, My Child, and see in what manner thou hast hitherto done all this: how thou hast until now profited by this continued example of My Heart. Cheer up, and renew thy courage, learn by deed and in truth, what I cease not to teach here. that I am meek and humble of Heart. 5. The voice of the Discisple.----How good, O Jesus! how good Thou art! who, to teach all generations the more gently and the more efficaciously Thy Spirit, abidest so humble, so meek, in this most sweet mystery! Here truly and supremely humble and meek of Heart, Thou alone art the teacher of humility and charity, doing and teaching from generation to generation. Yea, all things that surround Thee, cease not to proclaim, that Thou art meek and humble of Heart. The deep and tranquil solitude wherein Thou art hidden, proclaims it: the solemn silence, in which the prostrate and enraptured Angels adore Thee, proclaims it: the tender devotedness of the pious faithful proclaims how meek and humble of Heart Thou art, O Lord. O Jesus! who can still be proud? who can still be hardhearted? Can there be anyone that does not rejoice to humble himself? Can there be any one that does not burn with love? Alas, O Lord! what faith, what hope, what love have they, that do not yield to Thee here? O souls full of pride and bitterness! in the midst of you there stands One whom ye know not, whom ye heed not. 6. Attend thou, my soul, and learn, who thy beloved is, how sweet, how wholly desirable, how wholly worthy of love. Enter into the place of the marvelous Tabernacle, even into the abode of thy Divine Saviour: and contemplate the God of Majesty, the Maker of Heaven and earth, the Joy of the Saints and Angels, thus humbled for love of thee,----thus made a captive by love for thee! Here learn to humble thyself through love: here learn to cherish in purity thy Bridegroom, who loves with so wonderful a purity. Hearken thou, to what so great and so admirable an example of His, speaks within thee to thy heart; be thou attentive to Him who teaches thee so gently by His own example, and confirms so powerfully His teaching by unceasing miracles. 7. O prodigy of humility, Jesus, Son of the living God! O miracle of love! I love Thee, I cherish Thee, with my whole heart; O Thou my meek and humble Beloved, most sweet and most pure Bridegroom of my soul! Thee alone I desire to love, to cherish; farewell to all beside: Thy love alone I desire: for the sole love of Thee, I long to live and die amidst sacrifices, the practices and proofs of love. For, the example of Thy Heart has taught me these things: the unction of Thy love has rendered them pleasant to me. O Jesus, of all the most bountiful! preserve Thou this disposition of my heart: and kindly grant that, by approaching Thee here frequently, I may ever learn better to love Thee purely, and, for love of Thee, to show myself toward all meek and humble of heart. HOME-------------------------------------CATHOLIC CLASSICS www.catholictradition.org/Classics/imitation4-3.htm |