Mass Facing the People: Option or Obligation? I happen
to have lived in the City of Newcastle upon Tyne in the years 1962-63,
when my wife was training as a teacher in the Sacred Heart Sisters'
College. I have very vivid memories of Newcastle. My first is its
celebrated Brown Ale which I sampled frequently while working as a
part-time barman in an effort to supplement our meager income-----I
was also a student at the time. My second vivid memory is of the
Catholic cathedral, particularly of its sanctuary which was among the
most beautiful in any Catholic church in England. The sanctuary was
separated from the nave by a delicately carved rood screen surmounted
by a life-sized crucifix with statues of Our Lady and St. John. 14 In the place of honor upon the noble and
dignified high altar, as prescribed by Canon Law, was the tabernacle
containing God the Son Himself. The years I spent in Newcastle were,
from a material standpoint, among the most difficult of my life. But to
step into the Cathedral was such a joy, such a consolation, that the
problems of this world seemed of no consequence whatsoever. Things
human were mingled with things Divine; it was the anteroom of Heaven,
the mind was lifted beyond the cares of this world to the delights of
the world to come. "Respicite
volatilia caeli-----Behold the birds of the air,
for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your
heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than
they?" (Matt. 6:26) The consolation evoked by this heavenly sanctuary
was mingled with a sense of continuity with the Catholic heritage of my
country. Just such an altar and just such a screen would have been
found in countless medieval churches until, in all too many cases, the
fury of the Protestant Reformers was vented upon them. A clearly
defined sanctuary, a rood screen, even an altar rail, were too poignant
a reminder that in the sanctuary took place mysteries celebrated by men
who were not as other men, men who were priests according to the Order
of Melchisedech, each one another Christ, an alter Christus who made
our Savior present upon the altar, and offered Him as our Divine Victim
each time that Mass was celebrated. But for the Protestant there was no
Divinely instituted priesthood ordained to offer Sacrifice. The
faithful were all equally priests, and they chose one of their number
to distribute bread and wine in a commemorative communion meal. There
must be no majestic sanctuary, no sacral language which the people did
not understand, and the host should face his guests across the table,
not face the east as a papist priest did when offering the Mass. And
since what took place upon the table was a meal, the guests should
receive both food and drink, the bread and the wine. What kind of host
partakes of the wine and does not offer it to his guests? And since the
bread is ordinary bread, and the minister is an ordinary man, he should
place it in the hands of his guests. If he placed it upon their tongues
it might appear that he had some power which they did not. It might
appear that the bread they were given was not ordinary bread. The first Protestants correctly sensed that
if they were to triumph they must destroy the Mass; if the Mass was to
be destroyed they must repudiate the priesthood and without the Mass
and without a priesthood, what possible need was there for a sanctuary?
A sanctuary is for offering a Sacrifice, and there was no sacrifice now
beyond one of praise, and no one part of the church was more sacred
than another for the offering of this sacrifice. So let the sanctuaries
be smashed, let their destruction signify the repudiation of the
Sacrifice they had been built to enshrine. The first Protestant
Communion Service was celebrated by the German Reformer Carlstadt in
Wittenberg on Christmas Day, 1521. He wore no priestly vestments, used
the vernacular, omitted the Canon and any prayers referring to
Sacrifice, invited the entire congregation to receive the Lord's Supper
under both kinds with the bread taken in the hand. Luther himself felt
that Carlstadt had gone too far, or at least had gone too quickly, but
he eventually adopted all his innovations and added one of his own-----a
celebration facing the people. 14. A rood-beam separated the
sanctuary from the nave and derives its name from the large, often
life-sized, crucifix mounted upon it, usually flanked by statues of Our
Lady and St. John. The word "rood" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word
"rod"-----a pole, a gallows, and so, a cross. The Cross
upon which Our Savior died was referred to as the Holy Rood. As far
back as the thirteenth century, screens were erected beneath the
rood-beam. Some exceptionally beautiful carved wooden screens can still
be found in the parish churches of Devon, e.g., in Lapford, North
Devon, a church referred to on p. 124 of my book Cranmer's Godly Order. The
rood-beam was often wide enough for liturgical ceremonies to take place
upon it (rood-loft), and the steps giving access to it still exist in
some English parish churches where the screen itself was destroyed
during the Protestant Reformation. The Feast of the Exaltation (14
September) was often known as Rood Day, Holyrood Day, or Roodmas Day. Emphasis
in bold, that of the Web Master. ----------Contact Us----------- |