First Published in 1868.
TAN Books and Publishers
Imprimatur, 1867
This page is dedicated by
the Web Master to Fr. Gilbert Patenaude, who as a newly ordained
priest, risked his life to save the Blessed Sacrament when flames
engulfed the church of his first parish assignment in the Diocese of
Portland, Maine. Father died in 2099 at the age of 89.
Additional Examples Relating To the Real Presence
1. Padbert relates that a certain priest named Plegile asked of our
Saviour the favor to be permitted to see Him with his bodily eyes in
the Holy Eucharist. As this request did not proceed from unbelief, but
rather from an ardent love, it was granted. One day during Mass this
pious priest knelt down after the Consecration and besought Our Lord
anew to grant his request. An Angel then appeared to him and bade him
arise. He raised his head and saw our Divine Saviour in the form of an
infant. Full of joy and reverence, he begged Our Lord to conceal
Himself again under the Sacramental species, and immediately the Holy
Eucharist assumed its usual appearance. This miracle was also witnessed
by many other persons. (P. Favre).
2. The Abbé Favre also relates a miracle which took place at
Turin in the year 1453 during the pontificate of Nicholas V. One night
a thief entered one of the churches of the city and stole the sacred
vessels. He then loaded his horse with the sacred burden and attempted
to leave the city at daybreak, but his horse fell on its knees, and
with all his efforts the thief could not make it rise. The people at
length began to suspect something, so they took off the burden from the
horse and found, to their horror, the sacred vessels. A consecrated
Host which had remained in the ciborium rose into the air to the height
of about sixty feet.
The Bishop, hearing of this fact, went in procession to the place,
accompanied by a great multitude. As soon as he arrived there, the holy
Host descended into the chalice which he held in his hand and was
carried to St. John's Cathedral. A splendid church was erected on the
spot in which this great miracle happened, and on the balustrade the
following inscription is still to be seen:
Hic stetit equus.
("Here the horse stopped"). This miracle is still annually commemorated
by a festival kept throughout the whole diocese and by a solemn
procession in the city of Turin. God was pleased to work this miracle
to confirm the faith of the people against the errors of the Hussites
and Albigenses, who were then ravaging that part of Italy.
A few years ago, during one of these annual processions, another
miracle took place which is too remarkable to be omitted. An impious
barber had the impertinence to ridicule a person, whom he was shaving,
for wishing to assist at this procession. He then went into the street
in order to insult the Catholics and to ridicule the Blessed Sacrament.
He kept his hat on and would not take it off, though repeatedly ordered
to do so. But behold! The moment that the Blessed Sacrament passed by
him, he was struck by the Divine Justice and fell to the ground a
corpse. This event made such an impression on the whole city that the
commissary caused the body of the impious man to be exposed before the
courthouse for thirty-six hours. A great many of the eyewitnesses of
this fact are still living, among others, M. Raet, formerly Rector of
Plancherine in the diocese of Chauberg, who was staying at Turin when
this melancholy occurrence took place.
3. In 1369, the following incident occurred in the Netherlands. A Jew
of Enghien named Jonathas, prefect of the synagogue, persuaded a Jew of
Brussels named John de Louvain, who was apparently converted to
Christianity, to bring him some consecrated Hosts. The latter, urged on
by the promise of a large sum of money, entered one night the church of
St. John the Baptist at Malembeck, which was situated without the city,
took the ciborium containing fifteen Hosts and gave it to Jonathas.
This wicked Jew now began to offer every imaginable indignity and
outrage to our Blessed Lord in the mystery of His love. A few days
after this occurrence, Jonathas was murdered. His wife, considering his
death to be a just chastisement of God and fearing lest she might be
punished in a similar manner, went to Brussels and gave the ciborium,
with the Hosts, to some Jews, who preserved them till Good Friday of
the year 1370. On this day they treated the sacred Hosts with every
kind of indignity. At last they pierced them, and immediately
miraculous blood began to flow from them. These impious wretches were
so terrified at this sight that they fell to the ground. On recovering
from their terror, they resolved to send the Hosts to the Jews of
Cologne. A woman named Catherine was charged with this commission. She,
however, full of fear and remorse of conscience, carried the Hosts to
her parish priest at Aix-la-Chapelle and gave him an account of all
that had happened. The priest then informed the duke and duchess of the
whole affair. The impious Jews were arrested and tried, and having been
fully convicted of the crime, they suffered the punishment they so
justly deserved. This happened on the eve of Ascension Day, 1370. This
history is recorded in the archives of the city of Brussels. The sacred
Hosts are still preserved in the church of St. Gudule in the same city.
There are also several pictures in this church representing this event.
4. The following miracle is related by St. Francis de Sales: In a
certain church in the town of Favernay in France, the Blessed Sacrament
was once exposed on a side altar to the adoration of the faithful.
During the exposition, a spark happening to fall from one of the
lighted tapers set the altar on fire. In a short time everything was
-----even the repository in which the Blessed
Sacrament was kept was consumed. The Blessed Sacrament itself, however,
remained in its place, and when the priest endeavored to carry it to
the high altar, he found that he could not. move it. He then began to
celebrate Mass, and when he came to the Consecration, the Host came of
its own accord to the high altar and remained there till after the
Communion, when it returned to its former place and remained suspended
in the air as before. This miracle was repeated for several years in
succession. St. Francis de Sales says that he himself made a pilgrimage
to the place in order to witness this miracle.
5. In the year 1563, a Lutheran nobleman in the city of Erford
ridiculed the Blessed Sacrament as it was carried in procession by the
Rev. Father Th. Baumeier. "Behold," said he, "what a ridiculous thing
that old man is carrying!" No sooner had he uttered these words than he
fell speechless to the ground. Dr. J. Hebenstreit was instantly called
in, but pronounced him beyond recovery. A few days after, the nobleman
was a corpse. (William of Gent).
6. Many facts of the kind have occurred even in our own day. The three
following are related on the authority of ecclesiastics who were
inhabitants of the places in which they occurred: There lived at
Wittem, near Aix-la-Chapelle, a pious person who was accustomed to see
Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament whenever she assisted at Mass.
Now, one day she did not behold Our Lord as usual. She went, therefore,
to the priest after Mass and said: "Rev. Father, you have committed
such and such a fault, and this is why I did not as usual see Jesus
Christ during your Mass?' The priest was filled with surprise at these
words, as he knew that what she said was true.
7. In Holland, a church was set on fire. Among those present was an old
man who rushed boldly into the flames in order to take away the Blessed
Sacrament. Immediately the flames divided before him and left him a
passage to the high altar. He then took down the Blessed Sacrament and
carried it away without receiving the slightest injury. A painting
representing this miraculous occurrence is still to be seen in the
church in which it took place.
8. About thirty years ago, on the feast of Corpus Christi, several of
the citizens of Duren, near Aix-la-Chapelle, were sitting together in
an inn fronting on the great marketplace, when the solemn procession of
the Most Holy Sacrament passed by. Among those present was the son of
the burgomaster. Now, as the priest gave the benediction with the
Blessed Sacrament at the altar that had been erected in the square,
this young man held up a silver dollar in his hand and mimicked the
sacred ceremony. In a few days the very arm with which he had committed
this crime began to mortify; the mortification soon extended to the
shoulder; and after a short time, the unhappy man died. Moreover, from
this moment the blessing of God forsook his house; several of his
family died, and the rest sunk into poverty and disgrace.
9. The three following instances will be of special interest, as they
have happened in this country. In the year 1824, Mrs. Ann Mattingly, of
Washington, D.C., was miraculously cured of a severe illness in the
following manner: She had been suffering from
a dangerous cancer for seven years. Every remedy was tried, but in
vain; the disease was incurable. She lost the use of her left arm; her
back and shoulders became ulcerated in consequence of her long
confinement to her bed; and the symptoms of approaching dissolution
began to appear. In this state, finding that all natural means were
unavailing, she had recourse to God. In concert with Prince Hohenlohe
and her pastor, the Rev. Stephen L. Dubuisson, she began a novena in
honor of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, and at the end of the novena she
received the Blessed Sacrament. When she was about to receive Holy
Communion, believing that the time had come when she must either die or
be restored to health, she uttered these words: "Lord Jesus! Thy holy
will be glorified." Her tongue was so rough and parched from fever that
she was unable to swallow the Host for five or six minutes, but the
moment she swallowed it, all pain instantly left her; her body was
entirely healed, and she found herself in perfect health. She
immediately arose and dressed herself, and after having knelt down to
give thanks to God, she received hundreds of visitors who came to
congratulate her and to witness the miracle. These facts are all
attested by a number of competent witnesses, and anyone who desires to
examine the evidence can find a full statement of the case in the works
of Bishop England.
10. At the burning of the Ursuline Convent near Charlestown,
Massachusetts, when the nuns were driven from their cloister at the
hour of midnight by a fanatical mob, one of the ruffians had the
hardihood to open the tabernacle, and seizing the sacred vessels, he
poured into the pocket of a companion the consecrated Hosts which they
contained. The latter, on his way back to Charlestown, treated the
sacred particles with the most atrocious irreverence, and even
jestingly offered them to a tavern-keeper in payment for the liquor he
had drunk. He then returned home and related to his wife an account of
the night's proceedings. Shortly afterwards he went into the yard, but
as he did not return, the family became uneasy and sought for him
everywhere. After searching for sometime they found him a ghastly
corpse. He had died the death of Arius. This fact was related by the
late Bishop Fenwick of Boston.
was the wicked priest of Alexandria who concocted the heresy named
after him, Arianism, which taught that the Son was not the equal of the
Father-----he was most impious and had many followers.
One day he withdrew from Church ceremonies to attend to urgent matters
of nature and he was found dead, burst asunder!-----the
Web Master.]
11. The Rev. Anthony Urbanek, who in the years 1847 and
1848 exercised the functions of the holy ministry in the city of
Milwaukee in the State of Wisconsin, gave the following account of a
wonderful conversion wrought by the recital of the "Hail Mary": He
frequently visited a Protestant family by the name of Pollworth,
natives of Hanover, but then residing a few hours drive from Milwaukee.
After a short time Mrs. Pollworth joined the Catholic Church, but her
husband remained obstinate and would often say that he would never
become a Catholic. He would not even allow his children to be Baptized,
although his wife resorted to every possible means to obtain his
consent. All who knew him used to say it would require nothing less
than a miracle to make a Catholic of Pollworth.
The priest continued his visits, and their conversation generally fell
upon the truths of Catholicity. But every effort to convince Mr.
Pollworth was in vain; he had always a thousand objections to present.
On one of these visits, after having long and uselessly endeavored to
open the eyes of his headstrong friend to the truth of the Catholic
Faith, Rev. Mr. Urbanek at last said to him: "I see well, Mr.
Pollworth, that I can do nothing with you?" At that moment the good
priest was suddenly inspired with a feeling of extraordinary confidence
in the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, and continuing to address
Mr. Pollworth, he added: "But you must, at least, promise me one
thing?" "What may that be?" asked his friend in the low German dialect.
"I will tell you after you will have promised it," answered Rev. Mr.
Urbanek. "It is not difficult, and you can conscientiously do it?"
After a good deal of argument, Mr. Pollworth finally promised to do
what might be asked of him. "Then," said the priest, "say on every
Sunday henceforth one 'Hail Mary' for my intention, and you will in a
short time experience a great change in your feelings." Mr. Pollworth
laughed at these words, but he kept his promise faithfully. About
fourteen days after the promise was made, he suddenly accosted his wife
thus: "I am going to Milwaukee now to buy some new clothes for the
children." The astonished wife asked: "But why at this time so
particularly?" "Well, I have at last made up my mind to let the
children be Baptized," was his reply. The news spread like wildfire
through the entire neighborhood. "Pollworth has, at length, consented
to have his children Baptized," was in everyone's mouth.
Moreover, he begged the Rev. Mr. Urbanek to have the ceremony performed
with the greatest solemnity. His request was granted. The Rev. Pastor
invited another priest and two clerics to assist at the Baptism, which
took place before High Mass. After Mass, the Most Blessed Sacrament was
exposed and the hymn
Pange Lingua
sung by the choir. The newly Baptized children stood close to the altar
steps and their father immediately behind them. During the singing of
the hymn, it suddenly occurred to Mr. Pollworth to look at the Blessed
Sacrament, but being forced by the immense crowd that was pressing
towards the sanctuary to stand if he would not kneel upon his children,
he feared lest a free glance at the Sacred Host might have the
appearance of irreverence. However, he was not long able to resist the
inclination. He looked towards the altar and saw the Sacred Host as it
always is, but it soon increased to the size of a mill-stone, and in
the center of it there appeared the Good Shepherd with a lamb upon His
shoulders. This sight did not perplex the man: he wished to convince
himself of what he seemed to see. He accordingly closed one eye for
awhile and thus looked at the apparition, and then again with both
eyes, until he was fully satisfied that there was no illusion in the
matter. Besides, it was a clear noon-day, and he was standing scarcely
two steps from the altar.
After the lapse of about five minutes, the vision disappeared, and the
Sacred Host resumed its original appearance. On leaving the church,
Pollworth asked some of his neighbors whether they had. seen nothing
singular during the divine service, but when he perceived that they
knew nothing of the apparition, he said no more. The next day he
invited the priest to pay him a visit, and as soon as Rev. Mr. Urbanek
entered the house, Pollworth said: "Now, indeed, is the lost sheep at
last found, after its long straying among the briars. I wish to become
a Catholic." A few days later he was received into the Church, and
after he had made his Profession of Faith, he solemnly attested by oath
to the truth of the vision above related. On the same day a bigoted
Calvinist was Baptized. Upon the simple assurance of Mr. Pollworth of
what had taken place, he had been converted. The Right Rev. Bishop
granted to the congregation of the church in which the wonder had taken
place the privilege of having, on every 16th of July, the day of the
apparition, a solemn procession with the Blessed Sacrament, exactly as
on Corpus Christi. Pollworth and his family always go to Holy Communion
on this day.
12. Towards the close of the last century, there lived a very impious
man in Rottweil, a little town of Swabia, Germany. One day, when in the
most solemn procession of Corpus Christi, the Blessed Sacrament passed
by the house of this impious wretch, he had the diabolical audacity to
scoff at the Blessed Sacrament in a most horrid manner. He placed
himself before the window in his shirt sleeves, with his butcher's
apron on and a white nightcap on his head. By appearing in this
unbecoming dress, he wished to show his contempt and disrespect to the
Holy Eucharist.
What was still worse, as the Blessed Sacrament passed by him, he spat
upon it. Only a few persons noticed his impiety; otherwise, it would
have been immediately revenged. But what men failed to do God was not
slow in accomplishing. This blasphemer soon after died the death of a
This, however, was not all. The dreadful scandal which he had given and
which had become generally known and the outrage which he had offered
the Divine Majesty required a public act of reparation. God made use of
the following means to effect this: Immediately after the death of this
impious man, such horrible noises, such frightful groanings,
lamentations and howlings were heard in his house that no one could
stand it any longer. Every person easily guessed the cause of it; the
difficulty was, how to remove it. At last, as if inspired by God, they
had recourse to the following expedient: It was resolved that this
man's portrait should be painted in the same dress and posture in which
he had appeared, to scoff at the Blessed Sacrament, and that the
painting should be placed in the opening of the wall, instead of the
window, in order to show to all who should pass by how God punishes the
scoffers of the Blessed Sacrament. Strange to say, no sooner was this
painting placed in the wall, than the house became quiet. Some years
afterwards, the wife of a Protestant preacher who lived opposite could
no longer bear the sight of this horrid portrait. Accordingly, her
husband went to the Civil Magistrate to obtain an ordinance for the
removal of the picture. His petition was granted, but no sooner was the
painting removed than the former frightful scenes returned and
continued until the alarmed people of the house obtained permission to
restore the painting to its place. One of our Fathers related this
event to me, as an eye-witness of the fact.
13. In a procession at Valencia, when Blessed Nicholas Fattori was
carrying the Blessed Sacrament, all at once a flock of birds came and
formed a crown just above the canopy, singing most melodiously and
steadily accompanying the procession, their warbling notes harmonizing
beautifully with the ecclesiastical chant. When afterwards he was asked
about this, he answered with a smile that they were Angels who came
from Heaven to honor their Divine King. (His Life).
14. At the time when the modern heresies in relation to the Real
Presence were arising, Our Lord was pleased to illustrate this doctrine
by a miracle. A nobleman of Tyrol named Oswald Mulser, on coming to
make his Paschal Communion, insisted on being communicated with a large
host. This was an act of pride and unbelief, but the priest was induced
through human respect to give him a large host instead of a small one,
such as are ordinarily given; but in the very moment when the Host was
placed on his tongue, the ground opened under his feet as if to swallow
him. He had already sunk down to his knees when he seized hold of the
altar, which yielded like wax to his hand. Seeing now the vengeance of
God overtaking him, he repented of his pride and prayed for mercy. As
God would not permit him to swallow the Sacred Host, the priest removed
it and replaced it in the tabernacle. It was the color of blood. The
author who records this, Tilman Bredenbach, says that he himself saw
the Host tinged with blood, the altar bearing the impress of Oswald's
hands and the ground into which he was sinking still hollow and covered
with iron bars. Witnesses testify to these visible evidences of the
miracle, even to the present day.
15. Three years ago one of our priests received a letter from his
father in Treves, Germany. In this letter a very melancholy example was
related that occurred in that city on the occasion of the solemn
procession of Corpus Christi. When the procession passed by the house
of a certain Protestant gentleman, his servant girl, who was a
Catholic, said to her master: "O come and see the splendid procession
and the faith of the Catholics." In answer to this invitation, the
gentleman uttered a most horrible blasphemy against the Blessed
Sacrament. No sooner had it left the blasphemous lips than he fell to
the ground dead. The whole city looked upon this instantaneous death as
an evident chastisement of God for the horrible crime of blasphemy.
16. "One day," said the Curé d'Ars, when, catechising the
people, "two Protestant ministers who did not believe in the Real
Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament came to me. I said to
them: 'Do you think a piece of bread could detach itself and of
its own accord go and place itself on the tongue of a person who came
near to receive it?' 'No,' said they. 'Well, then, it is not bread.' "
The saintly Curate then related the following fact: "There was a man
who had doubts about the Real Presence, and he said: 'What do we know
about it? It is not certain what Consecration is! What happens on the
altar at that moment?' But this man wished to believe, and he prayed to
the Blessed Virgin to obtain faith for him. Listen attentively to this:
I do not say that this happened somewhere, but I say that it happened
to myself. At the moment when this man came up to receive Holy
Communion, the Sacred Host detached Itself from my fingers while I was
yet a good way off, went of Itself and placed Itself upon the tongue of
that man." (
Spirit of the Curé
17. The same Cure relates also that a priest once, after Consecration,
had some little doubt whether his few words could have made Our Lord
descend upon the altar; at the same moment he saw the Host all red and
the corporal tinged with blood.
18. Charles II, king of Spain, took a ride in his carriage at Madrid on
the twentieth of January, 1685, accompanied by many personages of
nobility and high rank and followed by a large concourse of the common
people. Perceiving a priest approaching with the Blessed Sacrament, he
quickly alighted from his carriage and knelt down to adore his Saviour
in the Holy Eucharist, after which he begged the priest to take his
place in the carriage. Taking his hat in his left hand and holding,
like a coachman, the reins of the horses, he followed on foot with
uncovered head to the house of the sick person. Here he again knelt
down to adore his Lord and God in the Blessed Sacrament. He served the
priest to the best of his power. Finally, he bestowed a rich present on
the family in order that the sick man might die with less solicitude
for those he was to leave behind him. (Bollandus).
19. It may excite surprise to hear that irrational animals can teach us
lessons of reverence towards the Most Holy Sacrament, but such is the
case. There are not a few instances on record which prove that the
Divine Author of nature has been pleased sometimes so to direct the
instinct of brutes that, by their behavior, they might confound the
pride of heretics and infidels or awaken the devotion of lukewarm and
indifferent Catholics.
In the life of St. Anthony of Padua, a very striking miracle is
recorded. As Almighty God by the prophet Isaias proposed the docility
of the ox and the ass as a rebuke to the stubbornness of the children
of Israel, so in this instance He made use of a brute beast to reprove
the folly of those who reject the mystery of the Real Presence. In the
time of St. Anthony of Padua, there lived at Tolosa, a city of Spain, a
very obstinate heretic, Bovillus by name, who denied the Real Presence
of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Although St. Anthony
compelled him to acknowledge interiorly the truth of this doctrine, he
persisted obstinately in his heresy. At last he professed his
willingness to believe, provided he should see a miracle wrought in
proof of it. "What, then, do you desire?" St. Anthony asked. "I will,"
said the heretic, "keep my mule without food for three days;
afterwards, I will bring him to you. On one side I will place food
before him, and on the other side you shall stand with the Blessed
Sacrament. In case the mule leaves the food and goes to you, I will
believe that Jesus Christ is truly and really present in the Blessed
St. Anthony having agreed to the proposal, on the day appointed a great
concourse of people was assembled together in the public square to see
the issue. St. Anthony, after having said Mass, took the Blessed
Sacrament and carried It with him to the square. Then, when the hungry
animal had been brought near and food put before him, St. Anthony,
holding in his hands the Blessed Sacrament, thus spoke: "In the name of
my Creator, Whom I am not worthy to hold in my hands, I command thee to
draw near and prostrate thyself before thy God, to give due honor to
Him, that the heretics may learn from thee how they ought to worship
their God in the Blessed Sacrament." And behold, no sooner had St.
Anthony thus spoken than the mule left his food, went before the
Blessed Sacrament, and bowed his head to the ground as if to adore it!
At this sight, Bovillus and many other heretics were converted and
professed their faith in the Real Presence.
20. St. Francis of Assisi, whose power over irrational creatures almost
carries us back to the days of man's original innocence, was followed
by a sheep wherever he went. This sheep went even into the church and
during the time of Mass would keep very quiet until the Consecration,
when it would kneel down as if to adore its Creator.
The most striking fact of this reverence shown by animals, and one
which would seem almost incredible, if its truth were not vouched by
such authors as John Eusebius and Stephen Menochius, is related of a
baker's dog at Lisbon. This dog, without ever having been taught to do
so, seemed to exhibit towards the Most Blessed Sacrament all that
devoted fidelity which so often distinguishes the attachment of these
animals to their masters. As soon as the bell rang to announce that the
Blessed Sacrament was to be carried to the sick, he would run to the
church, and lying down at the door, he would wait till the priest came
out with the Blessed Sacrament, when he would join the procession,
running from one side to the other, as if he was deputed to keep order.
Once, the bell was rung about midnight. The dog instantly jumped up to
go in all haste to the church, but the doors of the house being all
locked so that he could not get out, he went to his master's room,
whining and barking in order to awaken him, but not being successful,
he went to another person, whom he pulled by his clothes to the door of
the house and held on to him till he opened it. Once in Holy Week, he
watched for twenty-four hours successively when the Blessed Sacrament
was exposed in the sepulchre. He would not permit the slightest
indecorum in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, and so long as he
was in the church, no one dared to sit or stand.
On one occasion, as the Viaticum was being carried to a sick person, he
found a peddler asleep on the roadside; he barked until the man awoke,
uncovered his head and knelt while the Viaticum was passing. On another
occasion he compelled a country woman, who was riding on an ass, to
dismount and adore the Blessed Sacrament. Sometimes he was mistaken in
the signal and would go to the church when the bell had rung for a
funeral; in such cases he would return home immediately. No one, not
even his master, was able to break him of this habit, and whether they
tried to entice him with food or fastened him up, all was in vain. In
the one case, he would snap at the meat once or twice, then as if
fearing to be late, he would run off to the church. In the other case,
he would howl so dreadfully that they were glad to release him. Thus
has God been pleased to give us, through a creature devoid of
understanding, a lesson in our duty.
22. There is no kind of miracle which, to our Catholic instincts,
strikes us as less miraculous than a miracle wrought by the Blessed
Sacrament. The miracles of our Blessed Lord in the Gospels, as compared
to those of His Apostles and Disciples in the Acts of the Apostles,
seem natural and obvious. Once acknowledge Our Blessed Lord's Divinity,
and all distinction between the natural and the supernatural seems to
cease in His regard, and miracles flow as the direct consequence of His
Presence. In the same way, once grant the doctrine of the Real Presence
in the Blessed Sacrament, and the wonder is that miracles are not of
daily and hourly occurrence in our churches.
The word "miracle" is perhaps ill-selected to express what is here
intended, since every offering of Holy Mass is in reality a far greater
miracle than anything else in the world. Every Sacramental act of Holy
Church is miraculous, inasmuch as it is supernatural. The supernatural
order is as incidental to the ordinary working and life of the Church
as the natural order is incidental to the government of the world. It
is not the supernatural which is infrequent, but manifestations of the
supernatural. These are only granted occasionally at rare intervals for
the sake of encouragement or proof and generally as a reward for very
deep and ardent faith. As the Archbishop of Westminster remarks in his
prefatory commendation of this miracle, it is a manifestation of
supernatural power to "confirm our consciousness of the operations of
the Holy Ghost, both sacramental and miraculous, which like His
presence, from which they flow, are perpetual in the Church."
The following miracle is introduced to us under the double warranty, so
to speak, of the Curé of St. Martin at Metz, who narrates it,
and the Bishop of Metz, who endorses the narrative with his imprimatur
in the following words:
Bishop's Palace, Metz.
"Having considered the following narrative to be as edifying as we know
it to be strictly conformable to truth, we have approved of its
publication. It is scarcely possible to imagine anything more likely to
awaken in the hearts of Christians earnest sentiments of faith, trust
and love for Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the
altar and to increase among us devotion to the Institution of the
Perpetual Adoration than this simple recital of what took place in the
Church of St. Martin during the religious services of that holy time.
It would seem as if our Blessed Lord had wished to show by a signal
favor how acceptable is this homage to His Divine Heart and had chosen
for that token the sudden and miraculous cure of a young girl whose
faith had led her to fall at His feet and to cry out with lively faith
and humble confidence, 'Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me whole!'
+ Paul, Bishop of Metz
At Metz, 8th September, 1865
The statement of the Curé carries conviction to every candid
reader by the truthful simplicity of its style.
"At the age of thirteen, Ann de Clery, who was the daughter of a
distinguished member of the magistrature, still living, was sent to
school at the convent of the Sacred Heart at Metz. Soon after she first
went to school, her health gradually decayed, and after several serious
attacks, her malady assumed the form of the disease which her Paris
physician described as 'muscular and atrophical paralysis.' For more
than nine years she lingered in a state of infirmity, pronounced by one
doctor after another as incurable. In 1859 her physician had declared
that she would be a cripple as long as she lived. "From that time
is, from the middle of the year 1859 up to the present time
de Clery has not been attended by any physician. Her mother alone
watched over her health. Her infirmities kept increasing. She could
hardly digest any food. Her thinness and weakness were pitiable.
Violent headaches, three or four times a week, added to her prostration
of strength. She could not be laid on the bed or the couch without
suffering intense pain, and at such moments a strange effect of these
paroxysms was visible in her face. Her eyelids became inflamed and of a
purple color; this gave to her countenance an indescribable appearance
of suffering. Paralysis was beginning to affect her arms, the only
limbs she had hitherto retained the use of. It was feared that she
would soon lose the principal means of occupation and amusement within
her reach
-----the exercise of her skill in fancy works.
The future prospects of this young lady seemed sad indeed to human
prevision, but the time was at hand which God in His wisdom had fixed
upon for the fulfillment of His merciful designs."
Her resignation to God's will was most complete. During several years,
a priest brought her Holy Communion every week, and she spent her time
in embroidering altar cloths or making artificial flowers for Corpus
She felt a great longing to be carried to the church of St. Martin for
the forty hours' devotion, which was to take place on the 12th, 13th,
and 14th of last June. The state of her health prevented the
accomplishment of her wish until the third day.
"On the morning of the 14th of June, Ann received Communion in her bed.
At twelve o'clock, which was the hour of adoration assigned by the
parochial regulations to the inhabitants of the street in which the
Hotel Coetlosquet is situated, she was carried to the church like a
baby of a few months
-----she, a woman of twenty-three
years of age
her maid Clementine, who sat down on a bench on the left side of the
nave and held her on her knees. Madame de Clery and Mlle. Therese de
Coetlosquet knelt, the one by her side and the other on the bench
behind, in order, as much as possible, to screen her from observation.
Madame and Mlle. Paulin de Coetlosquet, who had preceded them, were
kneeling in another part of the church. Neither the invalid herself nor
any of her friends were expecting the extraordinary event about to take
"After a few moments' rest from the fatigue she had gone through and
which was producing, as usual, a purple flush in her eyelids, Ann fixed
her attention on the Blessed Sacrament; and after some instants' silent
adoration, she said the prayer she often used at the moment of
Communion: 'Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst cure me.' At the same
instant, she felt so violent a pain in her whole body that it was all
she could do not to scream out. She prayed earnestly for strength to
bear it and then added: 'My God, if it is Thy Will that I should be
carried back to my sick bed, give me grace at least to be always
resigned to Thy Holy Will.'
"I cannot describe what then happened between God and her soul. She
says she felt penetrated with faith and hope and, as she expresses it,
became conscious that she was cured. She wanted to kneel. Her maid
whispered to her: 'Mademoiselle, you will fall down? But Ann threw
herself on her knees, and said to those about her: 'Pray, pray; I am
cured!' These words filled them with astonishment; tears and sobs
mingled with their prayers. Madame de Clery, overwhelmed with emotion,
in a state of bewilderment, not knowing what to think or to believe,
led her daughter out of the church. She could not credit the evidence
of her senses when she saw her standing on her feet, and then walking
only with the help of her arm.
"They went into a summer house in the adjacent garden, and there the
poor mother, whose fears made her incredulous, ascertained that the
knots under her daughter's knees had entirely disappeared. Ann
entreated to be allowed to return to the church, where she remained for
three quarters of an hour kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament,
without feeling the least tired and pouring forth praises and
"When I was told what happened, I went to the summer house, but could
not attend to any of the persons assembled around Ann. I could only
look at her in silence and astonishment, while with intense gratitude
to God she showed me that she could stretch out her limbs, walk, kneel,
and hold up her head without effort. She was completely cured. God had
done the work, and His work, accomplished in an instant, was perfect.
All the ailments which had afflicted her had disappeared at the same
time as the paralysis, and the weakness which follows long illness did
not attend her recovery. Numerous proofs evinced it. The hour of
vespers was at hand. Ann said she wished to be present at the service.
Following the dictates of natural prudence
-----for I was
not certain how far, in restoring her health, God had also given back
to her her strength
advised that she should rest, or at least if she were bent on coming to
the church that day, that she should wait in the summer house till the
time of Benediction. She complied with my request, but when the hymn
Pange lingua, etc., resounded in
her ears
-----'Sing, my tongue, the mystery of the
glorious Body of Christ'
-----she could not sit still,
and hastened to join the crowd which filled the church.
"The next day, which was the Feast of Corpus Christi, she heard a Mass
in thanksgiving and went to Communion, kneeling at the altar among all
the other communicants
-----a happiness she had not
enjoyed for nine years. She was present during the whole of the High
Mass, which is celebrated every Thursday in honor of the Blessed
Sacrament, and in the afternoon was again in the church, kneeling
before the altar and pouring forth the expressions of her ardent
thankfulness. Three days afterwards
-----that is, on the
Sunday on which the Feast of Corpus Christi is kept in France
spent seven hours in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, hearing
Mass, attending Benediction, or visiting Our Lord at other times. When
she was urged to moderate her devotion and to husband her strength, she
replied that, far from feeling the least fatigue, she experienced an
increase of strength and vitality whenever she approached our Blessed
23. Having received information from many persons of the wonderful
occurrence which I am now going briefly to relate, says St. Alphonsus
in his book,
Visits to the Blessed Sacrament,
I endeavored to collect evidence sufficient to enable me to publish an
account of it, and I first obtained a full relation of the fact written
by a priest of the same town who was one of the eye witnesses of the
miracle. But, not satisfied with this, I myself read the authentic
process which was drawn up by the Archiepiscopal Court of Naples, by
order of his eminence Cardinal Sersale, the present Archbishop. The
process is very long, consisting of 364 pages
-----a most
careful investigation into the facts having been made by the officers
of the court from the evidence of many priests and lay persons, all of
whom, in perfect agreement, made their depositions on oath.
It happened, on the morning of the 28th of January in the past year
1772, at a place called S. Pietro a Paterno, in the diocese of Naples,
that the tabernacle of the parish church in which the Blessed Sacrament
was reserved was found open and that the two ciboria, a large and a
small one, containing many Particles, had been taken away.
For several days the whole neighborhood was in the greatest distress
and grief, and though the most diligent search was made, no tidings
could be obtained either of the ciboria or of the Sacred Particles. At
length, on Thursday, the 18th of February, a certain youth, Giuseppe
Orefice, of about 18 years old, as he was passing in the evening near
the property of the Duke of Grottolelle, saw a number of lights, which
had the appearance of bright stars. The following evening, he saw the
same thing, and on coming home, he told his father what he had seen.
His father, however, would not believe him.
On the following day, about an hour before sunrise, the father was
passing by the same spot, with Giuseppe and his brother Giovanni, a
child of 11 years, who, turning to his father, said: "See, father, the
lights of which Giuseppe spoke to you yesterday evening, and you would
not believe him."
On the evening of the same day, the same boys, on coming home, again
saw the lights in the same place. D. Girolamo Guarino, the confessor of
Giuseppe Orefice, was then informed of it, who in company with his
brother, D. Diego, also a priest, went to the spot where the lights had
been seen, and meanwhile sent for Orefice, who on coming there with his
brother and a person called Tomaso Piccino, again saw the lights; but
at that time the priests saw nothing.
On the evening of Monday, the 23rd of February, Orefice returned to the
spot with Piccino and a man named Carlo Marotta and met on the road two
strangers, who stopped and asked them what those many lights were which
they had just distinctly seen and which twinkled like stars? They
replied that they did not know; and taking leave of the strangers, they
ran in haste to mark the spot where they had seen the lights. As soon
as they had marked the spot, which was distant a few steps from the
hedge, and in which was a poplar tree higher than the rest of the
trees, they went to find the two priests already mentioned, told them
what had occurred and returned all together to the spot.
When they were all there, with a child of five years, nephew to the two
priests, the child cried out, "See, there are the lights, which look
like two candles." (Here we must observe that the lights did not always
appear in the same manner.) At the same moment, Orefice saw these two
lights and said they shone like two stars; Carlo and Tomaso also saw
them, and three other children of Signor Guarino, close to the poplar
already mentioned.
After this they heard the shouting of many people, who from a stack of
straw which was on the property were begging the priest to come and see
in the stack a great light in the appearance of a flame. In the
meantime, a woman named Lucia Marotta threw herself with her face to
the ground on the spot where the light was seen.
The priests and many other persons ran up and, having lifted up the
woman, commenced to dig in the ground, but then they found nothing. The
two brothers, Giuseppe Orefice, with Tomaso Piccino and Carlo Marotta,
then returned to the town and, going along the Strada Regia, they heard
the cries of those who had remained on the spot. Going back there,
Piccino fell suddenly upon his face, and after a few steps, Giuseppe
felt himself pushed forward on the shoulders, and he also at once fell
to the ground. In the same way and at the same moment, the other two,
Carlo Marotta and Giovanni, Giuseppe's brother, also fell; and all four
felt their heads wounded, as if they had received a severe blow with a
Having got up, they went forward a few steps; and both Giuseppe, as
also Carlo, Tomaso, and Giovanni, saw a brilliant light as of the sun
coming forth from beneath the poplar tree; and they all four saw rising
out of this light, to about four or five feet in height, a dove, which
was almost as brilliant as the light itself. The dove, however, gliding
down into the earth at the foot of the poplar from which it came out,
disappeared, as also did the light. What the dove signified is not
known, but it appears certain that it was something supernatural, and
all the persons already! mentioned gave evidence of the fact upon oath
before the Vicar-General of Naples.
After this, remaining in the same place, they all cried out: "See,
there are the lights!" And going on their knees, they began to seek for
the Sacred Particles. While Piccino was scooping out the earth with his
hands, they saw one Particle come out, white as paper. They then sent
to call the priests. D. Diego Guarino came, and kneeling down, he took
the Sacred Particle and put it in a white linen handkerchief, amid the
tears and devotion of all the people, who wept bitterly. He then began
to search more carefully, and having
removed some more earth, he saw a group of about forty Particles
appear, which had not lost their whiteness, although they had been
buried for nearly a month from the time they were stolen. They were
placed in the same handkerchief, and the earth in which they were found
was also removed.
It being now rumored about, other priests of the place came to the
spot, bringing with them a ciborium, cotta [surplice], stole, canopy
and torches. In the meantime, a priest and a gentleman went to
Monsignor the Vicar-General to know what was to be done. An order came
that the Particles should be carried processionally to the church. They
did so and arrived at the church about half-past eleven at night, when
the particles were placed in the tabernacle.
This took place on the night of the 24th of February. The people were
much consoled, but not fully so, because the greater part of the
Particles, as was supposed, were still wanting.
But on the evening of the following Tuesday, the 25th, a small light,
but very brilliant, was seen in the same place as at the first, by many
persons, country people, gentlemen, as also by the priests D. Diego
Guarino and D. Giuseppe Lindtner, who wrote for me an account of the
whole affair, as I mentioned at the beginning. This priest, being much
terrified, pointed to a mustard plant which was growing there, and
cried out: "O Jesus, O Jesus! Look at the light there, look at it!"
Upon which, the others also saw a most dazzling light, which rose about
a foot and a half from the ground and formed itself on the top into the
figure of a rose. Guiseppe Orefice, who was there, affirmed that the
light was so brilliant that his eyes remained for some time dazzled and
They began, therefore, to seek the remainder of the particles in that
place, but found none; but on the evening of the following day, the
26th of February, a number of lights were seen round the stack of straw
by three cavalry soldiers of the regiment called Borbone, Pasquale de
S. Angelo of the diocese of Atri and Penne, Giuseppe Lanzano, and
Angelo Di Costanzo of Acerra, who were all examined before the
Archiepiscopal court. These deposed before Monsignor the Vicar-General
that as they were riding round the royal villa of Caserta, where His
Majesty the King then resided, they saw on the property above
mentioned "several lights like shining stars." These are the very
words of the soldiers as taken down in the process.
Moreover, on the same evening of the 26th, Signor D. Ferdinando Haam, a
gentleman of Prague in Bohemia, Chancellor and Secretary for letters to
the Embassy of His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, was returning
from the city of Caserta at about nine at night, along the Strada Regia
near to the above-mentioned property. He got down from his carriage to
go and see the place where he had heard the stolen Particles had been
found two days before. On arriving there, he found many persons, and
among them the priest D. Giuseppe Lindtner, with whom he was
acquainted, who told him the whole history, both of the sacrilege and
of the miraculous discovery of the Particles.
Signor Haam, after having heard the priest, related that he also, eight
or nine days before, on the 17th or 18th of the month, not having then
heard either of the Particles that had been stolen or of the lights
that had been seen, was passing by this place about nine at night and
that he saw "a great number of lights amounting to about a thousand,"
and at the same time a number of persons who were standing in silence
and with devotion round the lights. Being much frightened at what he
saw, he asked the driver what those lights were; he replied that
"perhaps they were accompanying the Most Holy Viaticum to some sick
person." "No," replied Signor Haam, "that cannot be, otherwise we
should at least hear the bells."
Hence, he suspected that these lights were the effect of some
diabolical sorcery, and so much the more as the horse had stopped and
would not go on a step; he therefore made the driver get down, but it
was impossible to make the horse go on; it trembled all over and foamed
at the mouth. At length, after many attempts, the horse, drawn away as
by force out of the road which led to the ground, set off with such
speed that the driver cried out: "O Jesus! What will come of this?" And
so Signor D. Ferdinando returned to Naples seized with great fear. He
himself deposed the whole of this in the Archiepiscopal Court, as may
be read in the process (page 60, ff.).
On the evening of Thursday, the 27th, about 7 o'clock, Giuseppe Orefice
and Carlo Marotta went to the place where the stack of straw was, which
they found had been burned by the priests D. Girolamo Guarino and
Giuseppe Lindtner, in order that they might more easily search for the
missing particles. They found also Giuseppe Piscopo, Carmine Esposito
and Palmiero Novello prostrate on the ground and weeping because they
had seen a little light appearing and then disappearing before them
several times. When Orefice heard this, he knelt down and began to
recite the Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity. When he had finished, he
returned with the others to see what the light was, which according to
the deposition of Orefice, rose up about four fingers from the earth
and then disappeared, as it were in the ground. After this, having put
a mark over the place where the light had appeared, so as not to be
mistaken, Orefice and Marotta went to inform the priest, D. Girolamo
Guarino, who came immediately to the place and found many persons
kneeling there. He began to search with care about the ground on which
the mark had been placed.
At this moment, many persons again saw the light, and Guarino, who did
not see it, made the Sign of the Cross upon the ground and ordered his
brother Giuseppe to scoop out the earth on which the stack of straw had
stood to the left of the cross, using a pick-axe which he had in his
hand. But he found nothing. However, just as they were thinking of
digging in another part, Giuseppe Orefice, who was on his knees all the
time, put his hand on the ground and, finding that it was soft and
yielding, mentioned it to the Rev. Guarino, who taking a knife from his
brother, stuck it into the ground on the spot which had been marked
with the cross. And when it was at its depth, he heard a noise as if
several hosts united together were broken. He drew the knife out
of the ground and with it a little ball of earth, to which he saw many
Particles were attached. Struck with fear at what he saw, he cried out
in astonishment: "Oh, oh, oh!" and then fainted away, so that as he
himself deposed, his sight failed him and, losing all power over
himself, the knife, with the ball of earth and the Particles, fell from
his hand.
As soon as Guarino recovered his senses, he put the Particles in a
white linen handkerchief, covered them up and laid them in the hole in
which they had been found; for on account of the trembling which had
come over him, and especially in the arms, he was not able to stand
upright. The parish priest, being informed of what had happened, came
quickly to the spot, where he found all kneeling before this Hidden
Treasure. And having taken better information of the event, he went
back to his church and sent a canopy, veil, a number of wax-tapers and
a chalice, in which the Sacred Particles were put.
The assistants spread the veil over a little table covered with silk,
on which the Blessed Sacrament reposed; around this a number of persons
knelt with lighted torches, and many people arrived, not only from the
town, but also from the surrounding villages, with their priests, all
of whom shed tears of tender devotion. In the meantime, the priest
Lindtner and Signor Giuseppe Guarino went off to find Monsignor the
Vicar-General and returned about 10 o'clock with orders to carry in
procession to the parish church of S. Pietro a Paterno the Particles
that had been found. They did so, and along the way they all sang,
praising and thanking Almighty God. As soon as they arrived at the
church, Benediction was given with the chalice in the midst of the
tears and cries of devotion of the whole people, who could not leave
off weeping and thanking the Lord for the great consolation they had
We read in the history of olden times of many suchlike prodigies in
confirmation of the truth of the most Holy Sacrament. I myself, in my
History of Heresies, have
related many examples on this matter in the
time of the impious Wickliffe, who was the first of modern heretics to
deny the truth of this venerable Sacrament. At that time Almighty God
was pleased to work many miracles to confound their incredulity, which
I have inserted in the book just mentioned (Chapters 36 and 37).
Nevertheless, there are not wanting certain critical spirits who
altogether refuse to believe these ancient accounts and say, "But who
saw them?" Now, if such a one should doubt the fact which I have just
now related and which was proved with such exactness in the
Archiepiscopal court of Naples, he can easily certify himself of the
truth of it by going himself to the town of S. Pietro a Paterno, which
is not far from the city, where he will find many lay persons and
ecclesiastics who will assure him that they beheld, with their own
eyes, the prodigies here related.
For the rest, let others say what they please; for my own part, I hold
the fact to be more than certain, and therefore I wished to make it
known by publishing an account of it. It is true that the miracle here
described does not call for any other than mere human faith;
nevertheless, of all such facts grounded on human faith, I do not know
if there be one that is more deserving of belief than this that I have
just related, considering the extreme care with which the information
was taken by the Neapolitan court and the evidence, not of credulous
women, but of 17 men, lay and ecclesiastics, who judicially deposed on
oath all that they had seen with their own eyes. All these
circumstances, which are so many marks of truth, make the fact more
than morally certain. Hence, I hope that all those who read this
account will not be disinclined to believe it, but will do what they
can to make it known
-----for the glory of the
Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
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