1. Cited in N. Gihr, The
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (St. Louis, Missouri: B. Herder Book
1908), p. 337.
2. John Henry Newman, Loss
and Gain, Part II, Chapter XX.
3. The full story of the
active participation of Protestants in the composition of the New Mass
of Pope Paul VI is provided in Appendix III of my book Pope Paul's
Mass (Angelus Press, 2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri
1980. This book is referred to as PPNM in subsequent notes.
4. Monsignor Klaus Gamber,
The Reform of the Roman Liturgy (Roman Catholic Books, P.O. Box
255, Harrison, New York 10528), 1993, p. 5. Referred to as RRL in
5. Michael Davies,
John 's Council (Kansas City, Missouri: Angelus Press, 1992), pp.
6. Dietrich von Hildebrand,
Devastated Vineyard (New York: Roman Catholic Books), p. 199.
7. PPNM, Chapter XXill. (The
Critical Study is also known as The
Intervention. TAN, 1992.)
8. PPNM, p. 493.
9. Cited in Testimonial by
Msgr. W. Nyssen in RRL, p. xiii.
10. RRL, p. 109.
11. RRL, p. 43.
12. RRL, p. 100.
13. Adrian Fortescue, The
Mass (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1917), p. 205.
14. Owen Chadwick, The
Reformation (London, 1972), p. 119.
15. G. G. Smith, The
Teaching of the Catholic Church (London, 1956), p. 1056.
16. A Vindication of
the Bull "Apostolicae Curae" (London, 1898), pp. 42-43.
17. Annibale Bugnini, The
Reform of the Liturgy: 1948-1975 (Collegeville, Minnesota: The
Press, 1990), p. 221.
18. J. Gelineau, Demain
la Liturgie (Paris, 1976), pp. 9-10.
19. A detailed comparison
of the parallels between the two reforms is provided in Chapter XXV of
20. PPNM, p. 329.
21. Michael Davies, Apologia
Pro Marcel Lefebvre, Vol. II (Kansas City, Missouri: Angelus Press,
1983), p. 378.
22. John Heenan, A Crown
of Thorns (London, 1974), p. 223.
23. Twin Circle,
October 26, 1973.
24. Louis Bouyer, The
Decomposition of Catholicism (London, 1970), p. 99. Referred to as
DC in subsequent notes.
25. DC, p. 99.
26. RRL, p. 61.
27. DC, p. 99.
28. Homiletic and
Review, New York, February, 1979.
29. Op. cit., note
6, p. 71.
30. Op. cit., note
18, p. 10.
31. J. Ratzinger, Feast
of Faith (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986), p. 84.
32. Philip Hughes, The
Reformation in Europe, Vol. II (London, 1953), p. III.
33. DC, p. I.
34. Notitiae, No.
88, December, 1973, p. 396.
35. Vicesimus Quintus
Annus, December 4, 1988.
36. Figures derived from
Magazine of May 24, 1976 and Homiletic and Pastoral Review
November, 1991.
37. RRL, p. 9.
38. The full text of Memoriale
Domini, together with a detailed account of the introduction of
in the hand, is available in my pamphlet A Privilege of the Ordained,
available from the Neumann Press, Long Prairie, Minnesota 56347.
39. Documentation on the
400 false translations in the ICEL (International Commission for
in the Liturgy) version of the Mass and the indefensibility of the
of pro multis as "for all" is provided in Appendix V to PPNM.
multis, see also RRL, pp. 55-56.
40. "Hawaii: Bishop
Decision Overturned; Society Followers Declared by Rome Neither
nor Excommunicated," The Angelus, August, 1993, pp. 22-23;
6: The Ratzinger Decree," The Angelus, April, 1994, pp. 36-37.
Press, 2918 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64109). In his decree
June 4, 1993 Cardinal Ratzinger stated that Mrs. Patricia Morley, who
the chief petitioner for recourse, "did not, in fact, commit the crime
of schism."
41. RRL, p. 114.