Liturgical Time Bombs
in Vatican II: Excerpts
The Destruction of Catholic Faith 
Through Changes in Catholic Worship 
by Michael Davies

Published on the Web with Permission of the Author.

A Pastoral Disaster

The effects of the reforms are now manifest for everyone to see-----and the most evident of these effects has been a decline in Mass attendance, which has worsened in extent the more radical the reforms have been. It fell from 41 per cent of the population in France attending Mass in 1964 to 8 per cent in 2002-----and where young people are concerned, only 2% now assist at Mass. [NOTE 4] It would certainly be impossible to prove that every Catholic who has ceased attending Mass has done so because he dislikes the liturgical reforms. Progressive liturgists claim that many Catholics do not go because they would actually like the reforms to be more radical! What any sociologist could certainly have pointed out is that to disrupt completely the established customs of any community in so drastic and abrupt a manner, particularly a community in which stability had always been so important a characteristic, must certainly loosen the bonds which hold its members together.

     Pastorally, the reform has been a fiasco, a disaster. What sort of success can be attributed to pastoral measures which are followed by a large proportion of the flock-----which they are intended to help-----leaving the sheepfold for new pastures? All this has been done in the interests of a spurious form of ecumenism which has not brought true religious unity as much as one step nearer. "All these changes have but one justification," remarked Archbishop Lefebvre, "an aberrant senseless ecumenism that will not attract a single Protestant to the Faith, but will cause countless Catholics to lose it, and will instill total confusion into the minds of many more, who will no longer know what is true and what is false." [World Trends, May 1974.] The complete accuracy of Archbishop Lefebvre's assessment of the nature and effects of the reform is made clear in an article written by a young and outspoken Italian prelate, Monsignor Domenico Celada. His remarks appeared in the Italian journal lo Specchio on May 16,1969. Since that day the situation he described has worsened-----year, after year, after year:

      The gradual destruction of the liturgy is a sad fact already well known. Within less than five years, the thousand year old structure of Divine worship which throughout the centuries has been known as the Opus Dei has been dismantled. The beginning was the abolition of Latin, perpetrated in a fraudulent manner. The Council had in fact clearly laid down that "The use of the Latin language is to be preserved," while permitting the use of the vernacular in certain places, in certain cases, and in certain parts of the rite. By contrast, and in defiance of the authority of the Council, Latin has been suppressed practically everywhere, at all times, and in all parts of the rite. The Church's language has been abandoned, even at international liturgical functions. The universality of the Church is today claimed to be stressed by the use, on such occasions, of as many different languages as possible. The result is that-----unless these are used simultaneously-----all those parts of the rite which are not in one's own language become incomprehensible. It is Pentecost in reverse: while at Jerusalem the people "ex omni natione, quae sub caelo est" ["from every nation under Heaven"] understood the words of the Apostles, who were speaking but one language, so today, when all the different languages are spoken, nobody can understand anything. Instead of Pentecost, we should rather speak of Babel. We have seen, during these past years, the abolition of those sublime gestures of devotion and piety, such as Signs of the Cross, kissing of the altar which symbolizes Christ, genuflections, etc., gestures which the secretary of the congregation responsible for liturgical reform, Father Annibale Bugnini, has dared publicly to describe as "anachronisms" and "wearisome externals." Instead, a puerile form of rite has been imposed, noisy, uncouth and extremely boring. And hypocritically, no notice has been taken of the disturbance and disgust of the faithful . . . Resounding success has been claimed for it because a proportion of the faithful has been trained to repeat mechanically a succession of phrases which through repetition have already lost their effect. We have witnessed with horror the introduction into our churches of hideous parodies of the sacred texts, of tunes and instruments more suited to the tavern. And the instigator and persistent advocate of these so-called "youth masses" is none other than Father Annibale Bugnini. It is here recalled that he insisted on continuing . . . the "yea, yea Masses" in Rome, and got his way despite the protest of Rome's Vicar General, Cardinal Dell'Acqua. During the pontificate of John XXIII, Bugnini had been expelled from the Lateran University where he was a teacher of liturgy precisely because he held such ideas-----only to become, later, secretary of the congregation dealing with liturgical reform.
    4. La Croix, December 24 and 25, 2002. The same report reveals the alarming facts that while in 1962, 52% of priests in France were under 50 years of age, in 2000 it was only 11%. In 1960, 595 priests were ordained; in 2000 the figure was 142. 


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