Liturgical Hell: Preview of coming attractions . . .

Nuns holding urns of incense at the altar during the consecration of the new Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles, California by Cardinal Mahoney on September 2, 2002. [Part of the description accompanying the credits for the photograph; text not in red is that of the Web Master.]

This image appears on the cover of Mr. Davies' book. I could not bear to make a graphic set with it, as you would have to look at it every page. I selected a Mass Angel in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament by way of reparation for what took place in that "cathedral" dedicated to Our Lady, as our presentation image.

I once attended a so-called Mass officiated at by feminists run amok, unaware that it was about to take place. When I realized what was occurring, I remained to record the hideous affair for posterity as no one would believe me if I left early and had no "context", given the modern mentality. The above picture, worth the proverbial thousand words, is tame compared to what I witnessed that Saturday afternoon many years ago. Maine is on the cutting edge of rebellion, it seems. The nuns I witnessed wore "stoles" and a number of them were overtly lesbian in their actions with one another, a kind of "in your face" display to push the envelope of dissent and disobedience, not to say indecency, sacrilege and blasphemy!

Of course that charade of a "Mass" was not conducted in a "cathedral" under the auspices of the Ordinary, thus it had no official standing, strictly speaking, but the audacity spoke volumes: the planners behind the event felt free to experiment before the scandalized laity, something that would never have occurred to any nun I knew prior to the Council's promulgation. At the time I had yet to read the documents of the Council in full. What little I knew of them, especially those relating to the Mass, was filtered down to me through dissenting priests and or those who were duped because the bishops were asleep at the sheep gate or part of the deception itself. I was told only what they thought I needed to hear and in a manner designed to get me to comply. A lot of the ploys worked at first, until a priest asked me to be "a Eucharistic minister". An alarm bell went off loud and clear and I began looking elsewhere for the truth. My first baby steps back to Tradition were by way of several of Michael Davies' books and pamphlets. This latest work is really a concise [under a hundred pages] compendium that pulls much of his previous books together, perfect for those who have time and or money for but one book on the mischievous mess called the New Mass.

Until I read Mr. Davies' works, I could not comprehend where this howling from Hell was coming from: Right from our own back yard, springing from deliberate ambiguities in the Second Vatican Council as we now know. I had to fight through constant aspirations to Our Lord and Our Lady in order not to lose my faith that day described above. It has been over twenty years and still its sulfuric fumes reek in my memory.