To the Blessed Sacrament

Say the preliminary prayer,  MY LORD JESUS CHRIST, etc.

God is charity; and he that abideth in charity, abideth in God, and God in him. [John, iv. 16] He who loves Jesus dwells with Jesus, and Jesus with him. If any one love Me . . . My Father will love him; and We will come to him, and will make Our abode with him. [John, xiv. 23] When St. Philip Neri received the Holy Communion as Viaticum, on seeing the Most Blessed Sacrament enter his room, he exclaimed: "Behold my love! behold my love.!" Let each one of us, then, say, here in the Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament: Behold my love! behold the object of all my love for my whole life and for all eternity!

Since, then, my Lord and my God, Thou hast said in the Gospel that he who loves Thee will be beloved by Thee, and that Thou wilt come and dwell in him, and never more leave him, I love Thee above every other good: do Thou, then, also love me; for I, indeed, esteem being loved by Thee above all the kingdoms of the world. Come and fix Thy dwelling in the poor house of my soul in such a way that Thou mayest no more depart from me; or rather, so that I may never more drive Thee from me. Thou dost not go, if Thou art not expelled; but as I have already done this, so I might do again. Ah, never allow such a fresh act of wickedness, such horrible ingratitude, to be perpetrated in the world, as that I, who have been so especially favored by Thee, and who have received so many graces, should again drive Thee from my soul! But this might happen. I therefore, my Lord, desire death, if it so pleases Thee; that by dying united to Thee, I may live united to Thee forever. Yes, my Jesus; for this I hope. I embrace Thee; I press Thee to my poor heart; grant that I may always love Thee, and always be beloved by Thee. Yes, my most amiable Redeemer, I will always love Thee; and Thou wilt always love me. I trust that our love will ever be mutual, O God of my soul, and this for all eternity. Amen.

Ejaculatory prayer. My Jesus, I desire always to love Thee, and always to be beloved by Thee.

Then follows the SPIRITUAL COMMUNION, after which the visit should be paid to the ever-blessed Mary, the Mother of God before her image:

Visit to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Click HERE.

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