To the Blessed Sacrament

Say the preliminary prayer,  MY LORD JESUS CHRIST, etc.

Oh, how beautiful a sight was it to behold our sweet Redeemer on that day when, fatigued by His journey, He sat down, all engaging and loving, beside the well to await the Samaritan woman, that He might convert and save her! Jesus, therefore, sat thus on the well. [John, iv. 6] It is precisely thus that this same Lord seems sweetly to dwell with us all the day long, having come down from Heaven upon our Altars as upon so many fountains of graces. where He awaits and invites souls to keep Him company, at least for a while, that He may thus draw them to His perfect love. From every Altar on which Jesus remains in the Most Holy Sacrament He seems to speak and address all, saying: O men! why do you fly My Presence? Why do you not come and draw near to Me, Who love you so much, and Who remain thus annihilated for your sake? Why do you fear? I am not now come on earth to judge; but I have hid myself in this Sacrament of love only to do good, and to save all who have recourse to Me: I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. [John, xii. 47]

Let us, then, understand, that as Jesus Christ in Heaven is always living to make intercession for us, [Heb. vii. 25] so in the Sacrament of the Altar He is continually, both night and day, exercising the compassionate office of our Advocate; offering Himself as a victim for us to the Eternal Father, thus to obtain for us His mercies and innumerable graces. Therefore the devout Thomas à Kempis says, that we ought to approach and converse with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament without the fear of chastisement, and unrestrained, as to a beloved friend, "as one who loves speaks to his beloved, as a friend to a friend." [Reference, HERE.]

Since, then, Thou thus givest me permission, let me, O my hidden King and Lord, now open my heart to Thee with confidence, and say: O my Jesus! O enamoured of souls, I well know the injustice that men do Thee. Thou lovest them, and art not beloved by them; Thou doest good, and receivest contempt; Thou desirest to make them hear Thy voice, and they give Thee no ear; Thou offerest them Thy graces, and they refuse them. Ah, my Jesus! and is it true that I also at one time joined these ungrateful creatures in thus displeasing Thee? O God, it is but too true? But I am determined to amend, and to endeavor during the time that I still have to live, to make up for the displeasure which I have caused Thee, by doing all that I possibly can to please Thee and to give Thee pleasure. Tell me, Lord, what Thou askest of me, I will execute all without any reserve: make it known to me by the means of holy obedience, and I hope to do it. My God, I now resolutely promise Thee that I will never, from this day forward, omit anything which I know to be, rather than another, pleasing to Thee, even were I thereby to lose all-----parents, friends, esteem, health, and even life. Let all perish, provided Thou art pleased. Happy is that loss, when all is lost and sacrificed to satisfy Thy heart, O God of my soul! I love Thee, O sovereign good, worthy of love above every other good; and in loving Thee I unite my poor heart to all the hearts with which the seraphim love Thee; I unite it to the heart of Mary, to the Heart of Jesus. I love Thee with my entire self; Thee alone will I love, and Thee alone will I always love.

Ejaculatory prayer. My God, my God! I am Thine, and Thou art mine!

Then follows the SPIRITUAL COMMUNION, after which the visit should be paid to the ever-blessed Mary, the Mother of God before her image:

Visit to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Click HERE.

[The forward button takes you to the the Sacred Heart Reader.]