Taken from The
Revelations of St. Bridget, TAN BOOKS
1. Blessed art Thou, my Lord, my God, and most beloved lover of my
soul, Who art one God in three Persons. Glory and praise be to Thee, O
my Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast sent by Thy Father into the body of a
Virgin, yet ever remainest with Thy Father in Heaven, the Father with
His divinity remaining inseparably with Thee in Thy humanity in the
2. Honor and glory be to Thee, O my Lord Jesus Christ, Who, conceived
of the Holy Ghost in the Virgin's womb, didst corporally increase, and
humbly dwell therein, to the time of Thy birth, and, after Thy joyful
nativity, didst deign to be handled by Thy Mother's most pure hands, be
wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger.
3. Blessed art Thou, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst wish Thy
immaculate flesh to be circumcised, and Thy name called Jesus, and also
to be offered in the temple by Thy Mother.
4. Blessed art Thou, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who caused Thyself to be
baptized in the Jordan by Thy servant John.
5. Blessed be Thou, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst preach with Thy
blessed lips the words of life to men, and didst work many miracles
personally before them.
6. Blessed be Thou, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who, fulfilling the
Scriptures of the prophets, didst reasonably show Thyself to the world
to be true God.
7. Benediction and glory be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst
wonderfully fast for forty days in the desert, and didst permit Thyself
to be tempted by Thine enemy the devil, Whom Thou didst drive off by a
single word, when so it pleased Thee.
8. Blessed be Thou, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst foretell Thy death
before the time, and in the Last Supper didst wonderfully consecrate
Thy precious Body of material bread, and also charitably gave it to Thy
Apostles, in memory of Thy most worthy Passion, and by washing their
feet with Thy sacred and precious hands, didst humbly show Thy very
great humility.
9. Honor be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who through the fear of Thy
Passion and death didst send forth blood from Thy body, and
nevertheless didst perfect our redemption as Thou didst wish to do, and
thus didst more manifestly show the charity which Thou didst bear the
human race.
10. Glory be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who, sold by Thy disciple,
and bought by the Jews, wast seized for us, and Who didst cast Thy
enemies to the ground by a single word, and didst afterwards, of Thy
free will, give Thyself up a captive to their unclean, rapacious hands.
11. Blessed be Thou, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast led to Caiphas, and
Who, though judge of all, didst humbly permit Thyself to be given up to
the judgment of Pilate.
12. Blessed be Thou, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who wast sent by Pilate the
judge, to Herod, and didst suffer Thyself to be derided and despised by
him, and didst consent to be sent back again to Pilate as judge.
13. Glory be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, for the derision which Thou
didst undergo, when, clothed in purple, Thou didst stand, crowned with
most acute thorns; and, because Thou didst most patiently bear to be
spit upon, in Thy glorious face, Thy eyes bound, and to be most
violently beaten on the cheeks and neck by the malignant hands of the
14. Peace be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst most patiently
suffer Thyself to be bound to a pillar, inhumanly scourged, led,
streaming with blood, to Pilate's tribunal, and to be seen like an
innocent lamb.
15. Blessed be Thou, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst most patiently
submit to hear, with Thy blessed ears, insults and lies vomited against
Thee, and the voices of the people asking that a guilty robber should
be absolved, and Thou, innocent, condemned.
16. Honor be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who, with Thy whole
glorious body bathed in blood, wast condemned to die on the Cross, and
didst painfully bear Thy Cross on Thy sacred shoulders, and wast
furiously led to the place of Thy Passion and despoiled of Thy
garments, and didst thus wish to be fastened to the Cross.
17. Immense glory be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, who didst humbly
bear for us that the Jews should extend Thy venerable hands and feet
with a rope, and cruelly fasten Thee to the wood of the cross with iron
nails, and should call Thee a betrayer, and writing a title of
confusion above Thee, should in manifold ways deride Thee with their
horrid words.
18. Eternal praise and thanksgiving be to Thee, my Lord
Jesus Christ,
Who didst so meekly endure such cruel pains for us; for when Thy
blessed body lost all its strength on the Cross, then Thy blessed eyes
were darkened, Thy beautiful face, from loss of blood, was all
overspread with pallor, Thy blessed tongue was parched and dried up,
and Thy mouth was moistened by a most bitter draught. Thy hair and
beard were filled with blood from the wounds of Thy most sacred head.
The bones of Thy hands and feet, and of all Thy precious body, were
rent from their places, not without great and intense grief to Thee;
the veins and nerves of all Thy blessed body were cruelly broken. And
thus Thou wast inhumanly scourged and wounded with grievous wounds,
that Thy most innocent skin and flesh were intolerably torn. And thus
afflicted and tortured, Thou didst hang on the Cross, O my most sweet
Jesus, and in excessive pain didst patiently and humbly await the hour
of death.
19. Perpetual honor be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who,
in such agony, didst humbly look with benign eyes of charity on Thy
most worthy Mother Who never sinned, nor consented to even the
slightest sin, and consoling her, didst faithfully commit her to the
guardianship of Thy disciple.
20. Eternal benediction be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, for each hour
in which Thou didst endure the most intense bitterness and agony on the
Cross for us sinners. For the acute pain of Thy wounds keenly
penetrated Thy happy soul, and cruelly pierced Thy most sacred heart,
till, Thy heart breaking, Thou didst happily give up the ghost, and
bowing down Thy head, didst humbly commend Thyself into the hands of
God Thy Father, and then Thy dead body remained all cold.
21. Blessed be Thou, my Lord Jesus Christ, Who for our salvation didst
permit Thy side and heart to be pierced with a lance, and didst send
forth copiously from the same side Thy Precious Blood and water to
redeem us, and didst not wish Thy most sacred body to be taken down
from the Cross till permission was given by the judge.
22. Glory be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, because Thou didst wish Thy
blessed body to be taken down from the Cross by Thy friends, and to be
laid in the arms of Thy most afflicted Mother, and didst permit it to
be wrapped by her in winding-sheets, and laid in the sepulcher, there
to be guarded by soldiers.
23. Eternal honor be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Who didst rise
from the dead on the third day, and didst manifest Thyself alive to
such as Thou didst wish, and after forty days, didst ascend in the
sight of many to Heaven, and didst there honorably place j Thy friends
Whom Thou hadst delivered from Limbo.
24. Eternal praise and jubilee be to Thee, my Lord' Jesus Christ, Who
didst send down Thy Holy Spirit into the hearts of Thy disciples, and
didst augment in their spirits immense Divine love.
25. Blessed be Thou, and pleased and glorious forever, my Lord Jesus,
Who sittest on the throne in Thy kingdom of Heaven, in the glory of Thy
divinity, living corporally with all Thy most holy members, which Thou
didst assume of the flesh of a Virgin. And thus Thou wilt come on the
day of judgment to judge the souls of all, living and dead.
Who livest and reignest with the Father and Holy Ghost, forever and
ever. Amen.