![]() THANK YOU, MEGYN KELLY, KIRSTEN POWERS, MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, GLENN BECK AND BRENT BOZELL by Pauly Fongemie April 13 Feast of Bl. Margaret of Castello * Ever since the beginning of January, 2011, Glenn Beck through THEBLAZE.COM has been reporting on the infamous "doctor", Kermit Gosnell, now 72, a Philadelphia-based abortionist, who has finally been charged with eight murders. He and his crew of researchers have been in the forefront of this now just unfolding story, unfolding, that is, in some of the media, while most, dedicated to "if it bleeds, it leads," have chosen to ignore it by and large. Certainly, other than those saluted here on this page, they have failed to provide any in-depth look at this mass murderer. Brent Bozell of the MEDIA RESEARCH CENTER is another who has worked tirelessly to bring this exposé to the public's attention. We placed the two gentlemen last in our tribute title, because they are gentlemen and it is our habit to put ladies first, although they are first to note that the public is being shielded from the truth by the admittedly pro-abortion media. This is why Catholic Tradition is not only paying tribute to the two men, but also to the above mentioned women, one of whom, at least, Miss Kirsten Powers, a FOX News contributor and political writer for THE DAILY BEAST, says she is a liberal who is not for getting rid of Roe v. Wade. She is forthright and honest, one of those liberal pundits one is fortunate enough to discover here and there, such as Joe Trippi, another FOX commentator. She is outraged by the crimes committed by Gosnell, of which there is so little doubt, I decline to use the term, "reportedly". She appeared on a panel of FOX's AMERICA LIVE, hosted by Megyn Kelly, mother of three, one of whom is still 6 months in her womb. She, too, is taken aback by the lack of interest in the Gosnell trial and its background. The other member of the panel was new to me, a Mollie Hemingway of PATHEOS.COM, who took it upon herself to interview various journalists who should have been covering the story and were not. One reporter claimed that it "was a local story" and thus not worth the effort. Miss Hemingway did not really believe this as she indicated in so many words. Megyn Kelly joined her because it has implications far beyond the Philadelphia area. Those of us in the pro-life trenches are well acquainted with those implications and the phony rationale of the afore-referenced reporter. PATHEOS is a blog that is faith-based, centering on conversion. Miss Hemingway is also associated with NBC'S TODAY SHOW, so surprising to me. I do not watch any of the broadcast network morning shows. The only daytime news show of any import that I do take in on a regular basis, time permitting is AMERICA LIVE during a late lunch break. For those of you still in the dark because you do not have access to these news outlets, briefly put --- taken from Glenn Beck's THE BLAZE web site, Kermit Gosnell, who should have his license to practice medicine revoked, is:
Catholic Tradition proclaims our deepest gratitude to all of the above media persons who merit an award for effort above the usual that we have been accustomed to. Congratulations, folks, on a job superbly done and for the much needed service you are providing to the public who do, indeed, as one of you put it, have a "moral" responsibility to know about. Most of the media is AWOL, they are simply not cutting it by any definition that can be described accurately as investigative reporting. "If it bleeds, it leads," to them, means, if the children are killed with a gun, we will cover the mayhem ad infinitem because it suits our agenda. If "it bleeds" but the children are butchered by a "doctor" who must have taken the hypocritic oath, not the Hippocratic oath, we will hide it under anything we can and hope we are not exposed for the craven, journalistic reprobates we truly are and know in our cold hearts because we are committed to the cause of the left, even if we have to lie or concoct a cover-up. Thus far, no call for a ban on surgical scissors and "background checks" in re abortionists, one homicidal maniac the media seems to like. THANK YOU, MEGYN KELLY, KIRSTEN POWERS, MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, GLENN BECK AND BRENT BOZELL DOWNLOAD THE MADONNA AND CHILD, PLAIN About St. Margaret of Castello Bl. Margaret was a blind, crippled, hunchbacked, deformed child and is the patron of the poor, crippled, and the unwanted. Her family belonged to the nobility southeast of Florence. Soon after she was born a kindly maid took her in and gave her the name of Margaret meaning "Pearl". After nearly being discovered, her parents Parisio and Emilia imprisoned her for 13 years so no one would see her, though she could attend Mass and receive the Sacraments. When she was 20 her parents took her to a shrine in Castello, where miracles were reportedly being wrought, to pray for a cure for her birth defects. When no miracle happened, they abandoned her. The poor of the city took her in as one of their own. She lived in prayer and charity, helping the poor and prisoners. She died at the age of 33. In 1558, Margaret's remains were transferred because her coffin was rotten. Her clothes were also rotten, but her body was preserved. She was beatified on October 19, 1609 by Pope Paul V. Her canonization is pending. ![]() ![]() MATERNAL PRAYERS---------------------------HOME www.catholictradition.org/Life/thank-you.htm |
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