January 2, 1873 --- Birthday. |
January 4, 1873 --- Baptism. |
August 28, 1877 --- Death of St. Thérèse's mother.
May 13, 1883 --- Miraculous Smile of the Blessed Virgin.
May 8, 1884 --- First Communion.
June 14, 1884 --- Confirmation.
28, 1887 --- Thérèse asks her father's
to enter Carmel.
November 20, 1887 --- Audience with Pope Leo XIII.
April 8, 1888 --- Entrance into the Carmel of Lisieux.
September 8, 1890 --- Profession.
July 29, 1894 --- Death of St. Thérèse's
father. |
June 9, 1895 --- Act of Oblation as a Victim of Divine Love.
September 30, 1897 --- Death of St. Thérèse. |
August 14, 1921 --- Declared Venerable.
April 29, 1923 --- Beatified.
May 17, 1925 --- Canonized.
December 14, 1927 --- Declared Patroness of the
Missions equally with St. Francis Xavier.