Litany of God the Father
For Private Use Only.
Lord, have
mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy
on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously
hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,
have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity One God,
have mercy on us.
Father, First
Person of the Most Blessed Trinity,
have mercy on us.
Father of the Only-begotten Son,
have mercy on us.
Father and Son, from Whom proceeds the Holy Spirit,
have mercy on us.
Father of the Immaculate Virgin Mary,
have mercy on us.
Father of her most chaste Spouse,
have mercy on us.
Our Father in Heaven,
have mercy on us.
hallowed be Thy
Father, infinite majesty,
hallowed be Thy
Father, infinite holiness,
hallowed be Thy
Father, infinite goodness,
hallowed be Thy
Father, infinite happiness,
hallowed be Thy
Father, all-powerful,
hallowed be Thy
Father, all-knowing,
hallowed be Thy
Father, present everywhere,
hallowed be Thy
Father, all-just,
hallowed be Thy
Father, all merciful,
hallowed be Thy
creating Heaven and earth,
Thy kingdom come.
Father, promising a Savior,
Thy kingdom come.
Father, revealed by the Son,
Thy kingdom come.
Father, willing the passion of Jesus,
Thy kingdom come.
Father, accepting the Sacrifice of Calvary,
Thy kingdom come.
Father, reconciled with mankind,
Thy kingdom come.
Father, sending the Paraclete,
Thy kingdom come.
Father, in the Name of Jesus,
Thy kingdom come.
Father of Nations,
Thy kingdom come.
Father of
Love, cherish us.
Father of Beauty, protect us.
Father of Wisdom, direct us.
Father, Divine Providence, watch
over us.
Father of the
Thy Will be done.
Father of orphans,
Thy Will be done.
Father of widows,
Thy Will be done.
Father of the exiled,
Thy Will be done.
Father of the persecuted,
Thy Will be done.
Father of the afflicted,
Thy Will be done.
Father of the infirm,
Thy Will be done.
Father of the aged,
Thy Will be done.
Father, we
adore Thee.
Father, we love Thee.
Father, we thank Thee.
Father, we bless Thee.
In joy and in
sorrow, may we bless Thee.
In sickness and in health, may we
bless Thee.
In prosperity and in adversity, may
we bless Thee.
In consolation and in desolation, may
we bless Thee.
In life and in death, may we bless
In time and in eternity, may we
bless Thee.
Father, hear
Father, graciously
hear us.
Lamb of God,
well-beloved Son of the Father,
spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, commanding us to be perfect as the Father,
graciously hear us,
O Lord.
Lamb of God, Our Mediator with the Father,
have mercy on us.
Let Us Pray.
Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom
come; Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive
those who trespass against us.
And lead us not
into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen.