The Blessings of Mary
Taken from
Irish Ursulines, 1920 with IMPRIMATUR


Mary's Picture

Such great misfortunes, following so closely, one after another, had come upon a certain family, that the father's confidence in God and his fellow-creatures, had given place to despair, which is the worst thing that can befall a man; and taking a rope, he resolved to go and hang himself. Before going away, he avoided seeing either his wife or little children, lest, perhaps, such a touching sight should hinder his evil design. He chose a lonely place situated outside the town, and planted with willow trees, for the execution of his desperate intention. On his way, he saw a square piece of white paper lying on the ground; he picked it up and turned it over; it was a little picture of our Lady, under which were the words:

"O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

"It is very wonderful," he thought, and he stood still, "that I should find this little picture, just now, pick it up and read these words." He went a little further looking at the words, "Pray for us who have recourse to thee." He stood still again; suddenly, he felt as if the love of life had returned, and he said: "Pray for us"
-----he retraced his steps, and continued-----"who have recourse to thee." He threw away the rope, kissed the little picture of our Lady, and hastened back to his family. Embracing his wife and children, he asked their forgiveness, and then showed them the picture; they all knelt down, and said: "O Mary, Mother of God, pray for us who have recourse to thee!" After this, the man made known his sinful intention to the parish priest, and soon succeeded, with God's help, in freeing himself from all trouble. But he ever kept the little picture as a sacred treasure, for he said that it was through the instrumentality of this picture of the Mother of God, that he had been saved.


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