The Blessings of Mary
Irish Ursulines, 1920 with IMPRIMATUR
Conversion Obtained Through the Rosary
A holy priest named Father Clement was called near midnight to hear the
confession of a young nobleman who had just been attacked by apoplexy.
He hastened to the house, found all in confusion, and the physicians in
vain exerting their skill, the patient being totally unconscious. The
night wore away in the midst of all this distress. At daybreak, the
churches being open, the priest went to say Mass for the sick man at a
chapel of the Blessed Virgin. Just as the Mass was over a servant came
to inform him that his master had recovered consciousness. What was the
joyful surprise of the religious when, on reaching the bedside of the
nobleman, who had been unhappily notorious for his profligacy, he found
him penetrated with feelings of the most lively compunction, asking
mercy of God more by his sighs and tears than by his words, and
offering up his life with heroic generosity in expiation of his sins.
In these dispositions the sick man made his confession and asked for
the Last Sacraments. The confessor, edified and affected, inquired of
his penitent what could have prevailed with Our Lord to work in his
favour this great prodigy of mercy. "Alas, Father," replied the sick
man, in a voice broken by sobs, "alas, what is there that could have so
prevailed with Him but mercy itself obtained by your prayers and
perhaps by those of my deceased mother."
This good lady, who was held in reverence for her piety by the court
and the city, had, when dying, called to her the young duke, her only
child, and spoken to him much as follows: "I leave to you, my son, a
great name and great property, but I exhort you less earnestly to
maintain these than to be true to the title of Christian. What dangers
do I not foresee for you, my son! Into what excesses, perhaps, will not
the great fortune you are about to possess precipitate you! I am dying
too soon, alas, for you; but the will of God be done. It is under the
protection of the Blessed Virgin that I leave you. I implore her to
take the place of a mother towards you. My son, if you preserve any
remembrance of me for the remainder of your life, if from henceforth
you wish to give any marks of attachment to your mother who loves you
most tenderly, who in dying regrets life only for your sake, promise me
you will do the only thing I am going to ask of you; it will cost you
little: it is to say the Rosary every day."
"I promised this very sincerely," said the sick man to his confessor,
after having given him the above details, "and I have done regularly
what my mother so anxiously begged me to do. I acknowledge that it has
been for ten years past my only act of religion." The confessor
entertained no doubt but that this was a special protection of the
august Mother of God who had obtained for his penitent this astonishing
mercy from Our Lord. He exhorted him to redouble yet more his
confidence in his Benefactress, and did not leave him till he had
received his last sigh breathed forth in the same spirit of penance.
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