Prophecy and Punishment
by Gerry Matatics
An edited transcript of a Speech
In my ten minutes I'd like to
connect the dots, biblically speaking,
between several of the themes that have already been raised by all the
speakers who preceded me, especially the themes of prophecy and
As Chris Ferrara mentioned, imagine
a man who was told that his arm
would be broken next week, his leg would be broken in two weeks.
A Natural Problem
I heard about a certain
where in the intensive care unit
there was a particular bed; and whatever patients were assigned to that
bed always died on Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, regardless of
their medical condition, regardless if they had cancer, or a heart
condition or what have you.
This enormously puzzled all
the doctors and some of them even
thought that it had something to do with the supernatural. And no one
could solve the mystery as to why the deaths occurred around eleven on
Sundays, in this particular bed.
So, a worldwide team of experts was
assembled to investigate the cause
of the incidents, and the next Sunday morning, a few minutes before
eleven all the doctors, scientists and paranormal investigators were
nervously waiting outside the ward to see for themselves what this
terrible phenomenon was, that was at the root of this chain of
Some of them were holding
Crucifixes, some holy water, some relics,
prayer books and other holy objects to ward off any evil spirits
involved. And just when the clock struck eleven, Goober Klutzman, the
janitor hired part time by the hospital custodial service to work each
Sunday; entered the ICU and unplugged the life support system so he
could plug in his vacuum cleaner.
Ours is a
Supernatural Problem
We have exactly the opposite
situation in our day; because what we
have, which we're here to focus on in this conference, is a
supernatural problem for which people are seeking a natural solution;
it's just the opposite.
The supernatural problem is because
Our Lady has made a demand that is not being met-----stubbornly; sinfully; not being met-----and
people are scampering about and scrabbling, hither; thither and yon to
come up with some natural solution to heal the world's woes.
This is the error of naturalism. It
is the error that Catholics-----of all people, Catholics-----have
fallen into in our day; including apparently virtually all of our
leaders. By the way; on the error of naturalism, and the organized
forces that promote naturalism (the idea that all things can be solved
at a natural level), I strongly recommend writings that I know all of
these speakers would recommend, and have recommended in previous talks,
and those are the works of Father Denis Fahey.
When recent occupants of the See of
Saint Peter can speak of the United
Nations as the world's last hope for peace, we know that naturalism has
triumphed over the structures of the Church-----not over
the Church, not over the embattled remnant that by God's grace holds
fast to the Faith of our Fathers and to the classic Catholic beliefs
but over the structures of the Church, there has been the triumph of
this error, that we can solve this by natural means, by seemingly
natural means.
And of this error of naturalism, the
people of Israel of the Old
Testament are a classic example; that's why I believe there's a
connection-----as Father Fahey draws out-----between them and even the woes of recent
The Old Testament closes on this
note. I want to bring this before you, and I want you to think about
this passage-----the
last prophet who prophesied in the Old Testament is the prophet
Malachi, or Malachias. And in the last paragraph of his book, the last
three verses read as follows. This is Malachi speaking, filled with the
Holy Ghost, prophesying from God, and he says: "Remember the law of
Moses, My servant (this is God speaking through Malachi), which I
commanded him in Horeb for all Israel with the various statutes and
judgments thereof. Behold I will send you Elias, the prophet, before
the corning of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn
the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the
children to their fathers, or else I will come and strike the land (or
the Earth)". The Hebrew word can be translated either way; locally or
globally-----"the land (or the Earth) with a curse."
Those are the words ringing in the
ears of the people of the Old
Covenant as the New Covenant Scriptures open up, as the Gospels begin.
And this is a verse that is relevant for us as well, as we stand on the
verge, I believe, of the second coming of Our Lord.
The Law and the
Let me just explain why:
There is a
marriage in the Bible between the
law and the prophets, that's why the phrase "the law and the prophets,"
summarizes the entire scope of God's Old Covenant revelation. God gives
us a law and in that law He
builds in certain
consequences: positive consesquences,
what we call blessings, for obedience of the law; and then negative
consequences or curses if we disobey God's law, if we violate His
Read on your own Leviticus, Chapter
26 and Deuteronomy Chapter 28,
which are two classic catalogues of these blessings and these curses.
And when God, therefore, gives us a law He sends prophets when we begin
to stray from the law, when we begin to break the covenant.
He sends His prophets to remind us
of the law, to reinforce the law. In
fact to enforce His covenant. Prophets are first and foremost, in the
Bible, not predictors of the future, they are that, but they are God's
prosecuting attorneys, to read the riot act, to remind us of the
clauses of His covenant. And God sends all manner of prophets.
The quintessential prophet, after
Moses in the Old Testament, is Elias
(Elijah). And God sent him to the farthest section of Israel, the ten
northern tribes, when they broke away after Solomon died. Roboam did
something very fool-ish in the southern kingdom and Jeroboam led the
northern tribes into adultery.
Promised and Sent
God therefore sends them
Elias, and
he reminds them of the laws of
Moses that they are breaking. And they don't listen to him, and finally
they are destroyed by the Assyrians and scattered in 722 B.C.
God sent them storms, He sent them
earthquakes, He sent them famines,
He sent invading armies, He sent them everything He had promised He
would send them, in these catalogues of curses that were predicted
centuries before that in the laws of Moses-----in the constitution, in the five books of
Moses, the Pentateuch-----and
they didn't listen. And so God sends these things. He heaps them upon
their heads. Now here, in this passage, God says to the Jews as they
come back from the Babylonian exile, here in Malachias, that He would
send them a prophet like Elias to again turn their strained hearts back
to their fathers or He would strike their land with a curse. And that
person who fulfilled His commandment before the first coming of the
Lord was Saint John the Baptist, or Saint John the Baptizer.
In the Spirit and
Power of Elias
Saint John the Baptizer was
sent to
come in the spirit and in the power
of Elias. The Archangel Gabriel told his father, Zacharias, that he
would come that way. Our Lord, in Matthew Chapter 11, indicated that
Saint John the Baptist was a fulfillment of that prophecy. And again,
the Jews in Our Lord's day did not listen to this warning to "repent
for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." And so God struck the land with
a curse in 70 AD.-----the temple was destroyed, the
priesthood was annihilated, the people were scattered to the ends of
the earth, under God's disciplinary action.
God, in the Bible, always works in
what I call paradigms: clearly
established models, certain established patterns of Divine behavior
that are repeated again and again. I have a whole tape set called "The
Paradise Paradigm", which shows that everything in Genesis 1-3 is
repeated, replicated, again and again.
Because God works this way; we can
expect a repeat of the same
phenomenon before the second coming of Christ, someone who will come in
the spirit and power of Elias. And that is what Our Lady of Fatima is.
Elias Like Our
Lady of Fatima
I will develop this thought
in my
talk on Sunday; I'm going to give you
biblical proof you can share with all your non-Catholic friends for
everything we believe about Our Lady; so that we can show that our
devotion to Her, and our obedience to Her, makes us Bible-believing
Christians, and those who reject Her message are not Bible-believing
Christians. Because there is a parallel, between Elias and Our Lady;
that is why Our Lady in Her Assumption, was caught up to Heaven m
dramatic fashion, at the end of Her life, as Elias was caught up m the
chariot of fire at the end of his.
I want to leave you with this
thought, and that is, Our Lady came to
Fatima, m 1917, specifically like Elias, to call Catholics who were
already straying (as Pope Saint Pius X pointed out) from the true path,
already falling into paths of modernism, heresy; indifferentism, the
Americanism that our country has been exporting to the Catholic world
and all over the world. She came to call us back to the Faith of our
That is Her message: that we must
believe as our Fathers in the Faith believed, that we must pray as they
Return to the
Faith of Our Fathers
We can't even pray the Rosary
The vast majority of Catholics in
our day are praying a Rosary that has been changed, by the insertion of
five novel mysteries not given by Our Lady to Saint Dominic and not
part of the tradition of the Rosary; That throws us off kilter. By the
way; when you pray the Rosary in its classical model, you pray exactly
153 Hail Mary's: Three for Faith, Hope and Charity, and 150 because
there are ten Hail Mary's for each of the 15 decades.
That 153 number is very significant
biblically; In John Chapter 21,
it's the number of fish the Apostles caught in the Sea of Galilee. It's
also the exact number of days between Our Lady's first appearance in
1917, on May 13, to Her last appearance October 13. That's 153 days!
Pull out a calendar and count for yourself And that symbolic sacred
number has been tampered with. We must turn back to the Faith of our
Fathers, or God will strike the Earth with a curse,
with this great Divine judgment that
hangs over us.
We must convert as many people as
possible to the Catholic Faith. We
must show them the biblical foundations of our Catholic Faith. We all
need to be doing this type of thing.
We Must Recover
Supernatural Wisdom
That is what Our Lady is
calling us
to. She is calling us to recover
the wisdom that has been given our fathers, which we have lost in the
last 100 or so years. Even the wisdom of the world is being degraded in
our day. The wisdom of the world isn't even up to snuff. Political
wisdom, conventional scientific wisdom, it's just all falling to
It doesn't matter, ultimately, as
Jim Condit said, who we elect. It
doesn't matter, ultimately, what laws we pass. It doesn't matter,
ultimately, what educational reforms we bring about, what economic
reforms we bring about. All those things are necessary and good, but if
all of those things are done in ignorance, in neglect of the ultimate
solution, then all we're doing is being naturalistic Catholics who will
come under the wrath and the curse of God.
We must make sure the supernatural
solution is finally in place before
we do our naturally virtuous things in the areas of politics, economics
and education. And that is what our leaders are not doing, they are not
listening to Our Lady;
wiser than an owl, She is the Seat
of Wisdom, the sede sapientiae.
And She cries out in Proverbs Chapter 8: "Hear Me, you kings, you
princes of the world. Hear Me. I call out to men and the sons of men."
Those Who Hate
Fatima Love Death
Read Proverbs Chapter 8 on
your own.
It closes with this verse, verse
36: "All those that love Me, that seek Me, will find Me. But those that
hate Me love death."
Those that hate the Fatima Message,
those who have no time for Our
Lady; love death. And they will bring death upon the structures of the
Church (as they have already done in so many ways), upon our nations,
upon our children and our children's children, unless we heed Our
Lady's call as the new Elias, come before the second coming of Her Son
to prepare the way of the Lord.
Taken from the Autumn 2004 Special