Lady of Fatima

Rosary Is Not Optional
by Father Patrick Perez
true apparitions, Our Lady, or whoever is sent from Heaven, does
not waste words and does not use them idly.
Fatima, in the most relevant and urgent apparition of our times, Our
Lady introduced Herself to the three shepherd children and She said "I
am the Lady of the Rosary." It was not for nothing that She chose these
words. Why choose this title now? Of Our Lady's one hundred and
seventeen titles that She has had through the history of the Church,
why introduce Herself now, in our modern age, as the Lady of the
put, each one of us, our families, our cities, states, our countries,
our Church and in fact our whole world needs the Rosary now more than
at any point in history. The Rosary is not just a devotion that we may
take or leave. We have this from the words of the Mother of God
Herself. To quote Sister Lucy (who wrote) "people must recite the
Rosary every day."
Lady repeated this in all the apparitions. In all the apparitions of
Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 She said many things. But above all, She
said "every person must recite the Rosary every day."
there are those who would disagree, but I happen to believe that when
the Mother of God appears to you and tells you to do something, you
really should do it; whether that be to pray the Rosary or consecrate
Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.
We Must Pray the Rosary Every Day
When the Mother of God gives us a command that comes from the
Throne of God in Heaven, we are not at liberty to reject it. It becomes
essential at that point. And Our Lady clearly indicated that we must
pray the Rosary every day. This is a command. This is not peripheral.
This is not something we can take or leave.
do not have just a casual need either. It's not that, well we can make
it, but if we say the Rosary we'll get a little more grace and this
will help with something. No. We don't just have a casual need of Our
Lady's Rosary, but an urgent, desperate need. She appeared to tell us
just that. And to give us, Her children, hope in these last times.
title reminds us as well that the Fifteen Promises She made for those
who pray the Rosary are still in effect. And for those of you who don't
know, I can tell you what they are. (One of Father Gruner's pamphlets
reprints the Fifteen Promises that Our Lady made for those who will
pray the Rosary. Call toll-free: 1-800-845-3047)
And when you read these you realize you are in need of every one of
these graces and could not do without them.
15 Promises for Praying the Most
Holy Rosary
1) Whoever
shall faithfully serve Me by
the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.
2) I
promise My special protection and the greatest graces to all who
shall recite the Rosary.
3) The
Rosary shall be a powerful armor against Hell. It will destroy
vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies. (Actually, were that the only
promise, we should pray it for that
reason. Because what have we in our world today? We are surrounded by,
wherever we are in the world, vice, sin and heresy.)
4) It will
cause virtue and good works to flourish. It will obtain for
souls the abundant mercy of God. It will withdraw the hearts of men
from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the
desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by
this means.
5) The
soul which recommends itself to Me by the recitation of the
Rosary shall not perish.
6) Whoever
shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the
consideration of its Sacred Mysteries, shall never be conquered by
misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not
perish by an unprovided death. If he be just, he shall remain in the
grace of God and become worthy of eternal life.
7) Whoever
shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die
without the Sacraments of the Church.
8) Those
who are faithful in reciting the Rosary shall have during
their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His
graces. At the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of
the Saints in Paradise.
9) I shall
deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the
10) The
faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of
glory in Heaven.
11) You
shall obtain all you ask of Me by the recitation of the Rosary.
12) All
those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by Me in their
13) I have
obtained from My Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall
have for intercessors the entire Celestial Court during their life
and at the hour of death.
14) All
who recite the Rosary are My sons, and brothers of My only
Son, Jesus Christ.
Devotion to My Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
My friends, these promises are
still in effect. Our Lady does not make promises that have an
expiration date on them. These promises are not only still in effect
but even more than ever. And how can I say more than ever? Because of
something else that Sister Lucy let us know.
Today the Rosary is Even More
We already know the power of the Rosary, through
history---Lepanto and
Austria---and the many miracles throughout the history of the Church.
And now in our times what has happened? Once again Sister Lucy said,
"The Most Holy Virgin in these last times,"---interesting that Sister
Lucy refers to the times in which we live as 'these last times.'---"The
Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new
efficacy to the recitation of the Holy Rosary ..."
A new efficacy, more power. If the Holy Rosary in days past was gun
powder it is now a nuclear weapon, is what she is saying---new
She has given this "efficacy" to such an extent that there is no
problem, no
matter how difficult it
is, whether temporal or, above all, spirituaL in the personal life of
each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world, or of
the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations,
that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem I tell you, no
matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of
the Holy Rosary."
My dear friends, those who are realistic know all too well that saving
our souls is not easy. I am from the United States which was founded,
if anything, as a Protestant country and so we are surrounded with
Protestant principles. We have the false principle that pretty much
everybody is going to Heaven. You don't have to do anything in
particular except make a vague act of faith at some point in your life.
those of us who know, are aware that salvation is difficult. The road
is narrow.
We are in Greater Need
Even in 1917, the children were given a vision of Hell and souls
falling into Hell like snowflakes fall in a snowstorm. And then we
think, 1917, things were pretty good back then. Where have we come
since 1917? If it was a snowstorm of souls falling into Hell at that
time what is it now? Several times worse, I guarantee. How can someone
say that they wish to save their souls and at the same time refuse to
pray the Rosary faithfully? This does not make any sense. I would say
somebody who does not say the Rosary and says they want to go to Heaven
is contradicting themselves, especially after Our Lady has told us we
must pray the Rosary.
There is hope for us and that hope is Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. And
the key to Her Heart is Her Holy Rosary. The Message of the Rosary is
one of hope. Our Lady did not show the children the vision of Hell to
discourage them. It was to encourage them in the ways of truth and of
virtue. To confirm them on the right path.
We Priests Must Pray the
I want to conclude with something from the writings of St. Louis Marie
de Montfort and this is found in his great work The Secret of the
Rosary. It should be enormously encouraging to all of us. He
says, "If
you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that in
spite of the gravity of your sins you shall receive a never fading
crown of glory. For even if you are now on the brink of damnation, even
if you have one foot in Hell..." And my dear fellow priests and
bishops, this applies to us in particular, because for those to whom
more has been given more is expected. I realize every day that my foot
may be on the brink there, maybe on the edge, because of my great
responsibility that has come with my priesthood. So this applies, more
to us than anyone.
Remember St. John Chrysostom said, "Hell is paved with the skulls of
bishops" and there's a reason for that because the priests and bishops
have such a responsibility. St. Louis de Montfort continues, "even if
you are now on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in
Hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil, sooner or later you
will be converted. Heaven will amend your life and save your soul if
you say the Rosary devoutly every day of your life."
My dear friends, let us commit ourselves to the recitation of the
Rosary. No matter what the day has been like. And there are days when
we can't get in the Fifteen Decades---there are simply days like that.
But never let a day go by when we cannot find those few minutes to get
the graces from Our Lady and from Our Lord by at least the Five
Decades. If nothing else comes out of hearing this, it should be that
renewed dedication to the power of the Rosary and to its
indispensability as a means of grace in our modern times. In the name
of the
Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
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