If the Warnings of Fatima Are Not Heeded . . .
A Gallup poll disclosed that only one and one-half percent of all catholics in the United States really know the Fatima message. Why? because the other 98.5 percent of American Catholics are ignoring-----or do not have a chance to learn about-----God's plan for a just and lasting place-----"so that everyone would believe."
The time was October 13, 1917. The place was Fatima, Portugal. This "miracle of the sun" was witnessed by more than 70,000 people. An event so outstanding that it was reported in many secular newspapers of the times-----including the influential O Dia and O Seculo, papers run by atheists and agnostics.
At that time and in four previous apparitions, Our Blessed Mother told three shepherd children that wars are a punishment due to sin and that man must stop offending God "already too much offended." She predicted that if people did not follow the "Peace Plan from Heaven" Russia would rise and spread her errors throughout the world and that "various nations would be annihilated." She also predicted World War II which would come in the reign of Pius XI-----and it arrived right on schedule.
The Blessed Mother gave the three children a frightening vision of Hell and told them this was where the souls of poor sinners go and that "many souls go to Hell because there is no one to pray for them."
Were these visions and predictions for real? The most recent Pontiffs seem to think so. What is the Peace Plan from Heaven? Stop offending God with sin. Pray the Rosary daily. Offer prayers and sacrifices of reparation, including the devotion of the Five First Saturdays. Consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Wear the Brown Scapular.
What happens if we do not do these things? Our Lady of Fatima warned if people do not heed her warnings, there would be wars, famines, persecution of the Church and various nations would be annihilated. And despite all that has happened in this world since, the Fatima experts think the worst is still to come-----if people do not fulfill Our Lady's requests at Fatima . . .
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