YESTERDAY AND TODAY The Fatima apparitions took place a long time ago in the
estimation of
many people. It is exactly 95 years ago on May 13 (yesterday) that Our
Lady first appeared. And there are people who think that maybe there
should be something more recent than a message 95-years-old. But the
fact is, this message is more relevant, as Pope John Paul said, and
more urgent today than it was when Our Lady first appeared there. I'd
like to just review a little bit of what Our Lady did in order for us
to understand how it refers to us today. We Are
Living Through the Apocalypse NOW! Just looking at the Catholic Church for example, the only other time in Church history that comes close to this time is the Arian crisis, when 90% of the bishops were Arian. And there were only very few bishops who actually stood up to defend the Faith. And the greatest of them all, St. Athanasius, was actually excommunicated by the Pope in 357 A.D. Now he wasn't really excommunicated because, as the Church has always recognized, as St. Thomas points out, the law is not something that just the legislator says; law is the ordination of reason, it is for the common good. The Church law, to this day, points out that no one can be punished if he doesn't commit a crime. So because Athanasius was standing up for the Faith, because he was defending the Faith, which was his duty to do, he could not be punished for doing that, even if the Pope pronounced a sentence of excommunication. In fact, Liberius regretted his action, but Liberius is the first Pope not to be canonized from the time of St. Peter to the year 357. Fear
the Judgment of God Before the Judgment of Men As St. Paul tells us in Ephesians, the Church is built upon
foundation of the Apostles and the prophets, not just the Apostles. The
role of prophecy is essential. The
Role of the Hierarchy Is to Test, Judge and OBEY an Approved
Prophecy That obligation is primordial. It is not for us to say "I am telling the Pope what to do." No. But Our Lady of Fatima is telling him what to do. All I do is explain what it means, I answer the objections of theologians or others who haven't had the time to think about it. So when we get back to 1917, Our Lady comes, She comes and gives a message to show mankind the way to peace. She was asked, She was insisted upon, that She come. She comes, and She explains. And then, for the next 95 years we basically ignore Her. Make It Known So Our Lord Himself, in 1931, explained to the Pope and the bishops a lesson from history. He said, "Make it known to My ministers, given they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My command, like him, they will follow him into misfortune." What is that example He is talking about regarding the King of France? On June 17, 1689 Our Lord spoke to St. Margaret Mary and told her to tell the King of France to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart. Now the kings of France - there were three of them - from that day, all ignored St. Margaret Mary's prophecy and Our Lord's command through Saint Margaret Mary. Even during her lifetime, Saint Margaret Mary was known as a Saint. She was well hidden, but her reputation for sanctity was well known among her contemporaries. And so, because they ignored her message, they paid with their lives. On the 17th of June 1789, that's 100 years to the day, the King of France was stripped of his authority by the Third Estate. Three weeks later, the French Revolution openly started with the storming of the Bastille in mid-July 1789. By the 21st of January 1794, the King's head was cut off by the soldiers of the Revolution. Our Lord makes reference to this and says "Make it known to My ministers, given they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My command, like him, they will follow him into misfortune". Up until now, basically the Popes and the bishops around him have ignored, have delayed, have had one excuse after another. I think I've heard them all. And as we have had proven at these conferences and in our publications before, not one of those excuses really holds water. There is really no excuse for not doing it; however, that is not their choice, up to now. So we have a choice here. Of course, none of us are the Pope,
none of
us can command the Pope. Only he has the authority to command the
bishops of the Church. We, ourselves, are not without resources - we
will talk about this in another conference. But the chastisement for
disobedience is not just for the Pope. An Angel Prepares the Children for the Coming of Our Lady of Fatima Back in the Spring of 1916, when the Angel came the first time to prepare the children, he came over the trees. It was just after a light rainfall. And he appeared as a young man of about 15 years old, that's how he appeared to them. He had tremendous strength and he came in front of them and said: "Do not be afraid, I am the Angel of peace, pray with me." He then prostrated on the ground and he taught the children to do the same thing. "Pray thus," he said. So the children prostrated themselves on the ground with their forehead touching the ground and he said the prayer, which they repeated after him. "My God, I adore Thee, I believe in Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee. I ask pardon for all those who do not adore Thee, who do not believe in Thee, who do not hope in Thee, who do not love Thee." The Angel said this prayer three times and told the children to continue to pray that way, then he left. All day long, they prayed with their foreheads touching the ground, adoring God and asking for mercy for sinners. This was a very impressive event for them and they spoke to no one about it; but after a while, their fervor wore away. In the Summer when it was hotter at mid-day, they had put their sheep in the barn and were down at the well about 50 yards from Lucy's house and they were playing. And the Angel came the second time and he said to them: "You must pray more; why are you playing? You must offer sacrifices to the Most High for the conversion of sinners." And then, for the first time, Lucy spoke to him and said, "How do we make sacrifices?" The Angel replied: "Let everything you do be a sacrifice, but above all accept all the suffering that God sends you." And so, the children renewed their fervor and they prayed as the Angel taught them. In the Fall of 1916, the Angel came for the third time, and he came this time with the Blessed Sacrament, with the Host in one hand and a chalice with the Precious Blood in the other hand. He came before them at the location of the Cabeco, where in the Spring he had prayed the first time. He had them again bow down with their foreheads touching the ground and make this prayer of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. They prayed this prayer three times after him: "Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly and I offer up to Thee the Most Precious Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of the same Son, Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for all the blasphemies, outrages and indifferences by which He is offended. And I draw upon the infinite merits of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary that Thou might convert poor sinners." The Angel had them pray this prayer three times and then he gave them Holy Communion. Lucy had already received First Holy Communion so he gave her the Host to receive on the tongue, of course, and he gave the Precious Blood from the chalice to Jacinta and Francisco. This was the first of two Communions that Francisco had before he died. Just two Communions made him a blessed, made him a Saint, along with, of course, his cooperation with God's grace. Jacinta was also not able to receive Holy Communion very often but yet she was made a Blessed as well. We will talk about that further as we go through this week. So all of us can pray. In fact, on that occasion of August 1931 when Lucy was told to "Make It known to My ministers," Lucy's unspoken prayer was: "The Pope has, of course, the choice to obey or not obey. But we don't have that choice; what can we do in the light of the Pope's refusal to obey?" She didn't ask this directly but this unspoken question can be understood from Jesus' reply. Jesus said, "It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary." We can't do Our Lady's requested Consecration of Russia without the Pope. We love the Pope and we respect him. In fact, this command to consecrate Russia that has been given to him and the bishops will enhance their prestige like the Church has never seen before. When the world sees that peace has come worldwide, that this killing of over one and a half billion people will come to an end - only because the Pope has finally obeyed - when this is seen by the whole world, they will see how important the authority that God gives to the Pope and the bishops really is. It Is
NEVER Too Late to Have Recourse to Jesus and Mary
Saint Padre Pio said to pray the Rosary and get others to pray
Rosary. All of us can pray the Rosary ourselves; all of us can get
others to pray the Rosary with us; all of us can encourage others to
pray the Rosary. On July 13, 1917, when Our Lady appeared, She said to
pray the Rosary, that only Our Lady of the Rosary can help you. She is
telling us that we must get the Rosary prayed, because only She, only
Our Lady and the Rosary can help us and, of course, She
will help us if we pray the Rosary. "I am the Lady of the Rosary" The children came closer and Our Lady was told by Lucy that, "Francisco does not see you." She said, "Tell Francisco to pray his Rosary" He took his Rosary out of his pocket and started to pray the Rosary and then he, too, could see Our Lady. Francisco never did hear Her, but he did see Her. Lucy asked: "Who are you? Where do you come from?" She said, I am of Heaven. I will tell you Who I am in October." Lucy then asked, "Will I go to Heaven?" "Yes, Lucy, you will go to Heaven." "Will Jacinta go to Heaven?" "Yes, Jacinta also will go to Heaven. "And will Francisco go to Heaven?" At first, She didn't answer and then She said, "Yes, Francisco will also go to Heaven but first he must pray many Rosaries." Our Lady, at first, had Her hands folded and then She opened Her hands. The light came from the palms of Her hands and fell on the hearts of the three children. In this light, they saw themselves in the presence of God and they were given a foretaste of Heaven. Francisco, in this light, although he didn't hear, he understood very profoundly that God was very sad, that God was saddened by the sins of mankind. Francisco, from that time on, wanted to console God. He wanted to make reparation to God for the sins of men. One of the great messages of Fatima is the need for reparation, that we need to make reparation to God for the sins of man. Pope John Paul II said, when he went to Fatima: "The world has gone in the
opposite direction from the one indicated by
the Message of Fatima." Since Our Lady's appearances in 1917, sin has been institutionalized, sin has established itself. It's one thing for a man or a woman to sin one time or another but it is a very serious matter for sin to be institutionalized and established. We see that today with such things as abortion or homosexuality. Abortions I am sure took place throughout the ages, but it's only in our time that it's been institutionalized, that there are so-called laws - which, of course, cannot be laws at all - so-called laws which protect the murderers, which protect the people who commit the crime of abortion from those who protest against it. Sin has institutionalized itself. If we are to judge a man or a woman, we judge them by their habits; we don't judge them by one particular instance. If someone was tired or irritated one day and he said something that he shouldn't say, but otherwise he is very kind and very sweet and very pleasant, we don't say this person is a terrible person. Similarly, we don't judge a country or people by an occasional fault. We judge people by their habits and we judge nations and societies by their institutions. The very fact that slavery was institutionalized centuries ago was considered a black mark on that society. Much worse than slavery is abortion. Much worse than slavery is protecting the criminal action of homosexuality. In my country, it was a crime to make a homosexual act until 1968. The excuse that came in then by the so-called Catholic Prime Minister was that we should not criminalize things in the bedroom. But, in fact, now - according to "the law" - it's a crime to denounce the crime of homosexuality. Either We Are for God Or Against God Now it's understood that the bad people don't pay any attention to the message. They are, after all, bad. But Lucy includes the good people in this rebuke, "Our Lady is sad because even the good people do not pay attention to Her message." That is why She is sad. That's why - when Our Lady was despised in 1952 by not doing the proper Consecration of Russia - a statue of Her in Syracuse cried tears. I have seen many photos of statues of Our Lady crying tears of blood. By not obeying Our Lady of Fatima, mankind is reaping a tremendous chastisement that mankind has never seen before. Those Who Survive Will Envy the Dead The
ONLY Solution Is the Consecration of RUSSIA God's Ways Are Not Our Ways Part of the problem with the Message of Fatima is because it seems too simple. Part of it is because some say: "Well, how can the peace of the world be entrusted to such a simple Message or to such simple peasant children?" God's ways are not our ways. He values more the sacrifices of the simple, believing faithful peasants, or those of whatever station, than one who has lots of intelligence and lots of wealth or lots of power or lots of prestige among men. We should seek our honor from God, as Our Lord said, but the Pharisees chose, rather, to seek honor from men. Let us ask ourselves these questions: • Will we make the Message of Our Lady of Fatima our number
priority? Our Lady is sad because neither the good nor the bad pay attention to Her Message. Our Lady has been despised. Frère Michel told me that, in his opinion, the Consecration of Russia will not be done until the Third Secret is revealed to the Church. He said that Our Lady was insulted and dishonored by the Vatican officials who disobeyed Her command to release the Third Secret in 1960. And until the Secret (of course, the whole Secret) is released, God will not give the grace for the Consecration of Russia until sufficient reparation has been given for this insult, this disobedience. And the full release of the Secret is the only reparation that God will accept. Frère Michel, who came to our first conference in 1985 in the Vatican itself, wrote the most thorough three-volume set of books on Fatima. He relied upon the research of Father Alonso, whose books, by the way, are still under ban after being ready to be published since 1975. Father Alonso's 24 volumes of over 5000 documents on Fatima are still forbidden to be published. If everything was released in June of 2000 for the Third Secret, why are they hiding these documents to this day? Both the Claretian Superiors as well as the Bishop of Fatima have these volumes, but they are still hidden from the public.
The war, you might say, was started by the President of the United States keeping a secret. I am not making this up. You can find this documented over and over again. I read books on it myself. My point here is not to talk about President Roosevelt. My purpose here is to talk about the need for information that you need to have especially now because you are under attack, - you are in a war to the end. You need the full Third Secret to protect yourselves. As St. Paul tells us, our war is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and the rulers of the world of darkness. This warfare is being carried on not only by the devil and by his fallen angels who work with him, the warfare is also carried on by men and women who are the enemies of the Church. These human persons are doing so actually right now - that is, human beings who work for the devil are deliberately fighting against God and Our Lady. They are not the only ones, but certainly there are Masons who, in the 33rd degree, worship the devil, as Pope Leo XIII pointed out. The Masons have declared war on God and on the Church since 1730. The Masons have heavily infiltrated the Catholic Church, including the Vatican itself for the past 50 years.
I have met the priest, Father Francisco Putti, who published the
names of 12 Cardinals who were Masons. Father Putti would start his
article off with naming the Cardinal and saying what he has done and
then he would end his article by saying Cardinal so-and-so is a Mason.
This is the day he entered into masonry, this is his code name, this is
his number. I asked: "Father, you seem to imply that he is a Mason but you don't actually say so." He said, "That's correct, because I don't have the documents on him. I have the documents on hundreds of priests and bishops, but I don't publish them because most of them have recognized the error of their way and have given up, but these ones I identify as Masons have not given up." One time, Father Putti was threatened at least indirectly by a press statement that the Vatican was thinking of excommunicating him. So Father Putti called a press conference and he said: "Up to now, I have only published the facts, but if I'm excommunicated, I will publish the documentation." The very next day there was a press release by the Vatican that there is no intention whatsoever of excommunicating Father Putti. I bring this up, not because it's pleasant to talk about how some Cardinals and bishops - and for that matter, of course, priests - are members of the Masonic sect, it's that they have opposed Fatima from the beginning. It was the Mayor of Fatima - the Masonic Mayor of Ourem, more precisely - who put the children in jail, who threatened them with death, threatened to kill them by boiling them in oil. This Opposition to Fatima was more open at that time but it is much more subtle today. Nevertheless, the Opposition to Fatima is real. In fact, their indirect attack is much more effective. I have been speaking to a Member of Parliament from Europe who had not been aware of the need for the Consecration of Russia - which tells us how effective the devil has been in hiding the Message of Fatima. Fatima, the Rosary and the Scapular
Silenced on the Pulpits Fatima
Is Opposed Yet Fatima Is Addressed to Every Human Being There is much you can do and we will talk about that during
conference. Thank you and we look forward to your questions and
participation so that you, too, will become as engaged as anyone in
promoting this urgent Fatima Message and bringing about the triumph of
the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our time is running out and there is a
lot of work to be done. God Bless you. DOWNLOAD THE DESKTOP WALLPAPER HOME---------DIRECTORIES---------E-MAIL www.catholictradition.org/Mary/fatima46.htm |