This is a graphic representation only; you will need to make your own from two sets of old Rosary beads.
Please do not write in requesting to purchase a chaplet.

The Story of the Chaplet
by a Visitor Who Request to Remain Anonymous

Since childhood, I have been lead to recite the prayers of the Rosary. If said slowly and with reflection on the words, they are beautiful beyond anything I can imagine. In 55 years, they have never lost their attraction for me.

I have also been lead to develop a personal devotion which I call “The Little Chaplet of the Three Hail Marys.” Years ago, I formed the habit of saying a "Little Rosary" when time was not available to say all the decades. I prayed the initial part of the Rosary preceding the decade beads and asked my Guardian Angle to finish the rest of the Rosary for me. Later, I discovered the devotion called, "The Three Hails Marys," in a little book of Marian prayers. I realized that I was already making use of this devotion without realizing it. I added an offering for souls before the Sign of the Cross and three petitions for her prayers to our Blessed Mother according to her titles in the original devotion. Thus the Little Chaplet came to be.

I would like to share this Chaplet with you.

First, a design for a simple set of beads.

 (Cross)---(Large Bead)---(Small Bead)(Small Bead)(Small Bead)---(Large Bead)---(Cross)

One of the Crosses may be replaced by the Miraculous Medal, or whatever Marian medal the individual desires. I have made my own from parts taken from other (unblessed) Rosaries.

Here is how the Little Chaplet is said:

Introductory prayer (said only once  i.e., when beginning the devotion).

Eternal Heavenly Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer Thee this Little Chaplet of three Hail Marys for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory and for the souls of all poor sinners on earth, especially Bishops, Priests, and Religious, and those within my home and family; according to Thy most holy Will; in Jesus Name and in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God forever and ever. Amen.

Mary ever virgin, Daughter of the Father, pray for us.
Mary ever virgin, Mother of the Son, pray for us.
Mary ever virgin, Spouse of the Holy Ghost, pray for us.

On the Cross: Make the Sign of the Cross and say the Apostles Creed.

On the first Large Bead: Say the Lord’s Prayer.

On the three small beads: Say one Hail Mary each.

On the second Large Bead: Say the "Glory be to the Father…" the "O my Jesus, forgive us" (Fatima Prayer)… Then add:
Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us.
Our Lady of the most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us.
Holy Angels and Saints of the living God, pray for us.

The beads may then be turned around and the entire Chaplet repeated using the beads in the other direction, starting with the Cross or medal on that end. I find that this arrangement works well in every situation, but especially when I am driving, during which time I pray the Little Chaplet over and over again.

When finished saying the devotion, use the Crucifix to make the Sign of the Cross, kissing it.

Please feel free, if you are so moved, to post this little Chaplet on your beautiful web site. I ask nothing in return but prayers for the salvation of souls. I also request anonymity, as I believe that God alone is the author of this prayer grouping and that I am nothing more than His little pencil, given to write these things and hand them on.

Thank you.

In Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior,
Mr. ----------------



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