The Obedience of Mary
by Saint Alphonsus Liguori
with Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur, 1931
When the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary God's great designs upon her,
she, through love for obedience, would only call herself a handmaid: Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
[Luke 1:38] "Yes," says St. Thomas of
Villanova, "for this faithful handmaid never, in either thought or word
or deed, contradicted the Most High; but entirely despoiled of her
own will, she lived always and in all things obedient to that of God."
She herself declared that God was pleased with her obedience, when she
said, He hath regarded the humility
of His handmaid, for in prompt
obedience it is that the humility of a servant, properly speaking
consists. St. Irenreus says that, by her obedience the Divine Mother
repaired the evil done by Eve's disobedience: "As Eve, by her
disobedience, caused her own death and that of the whole human race, so
did the Virgin Mary, by her obedience, become the cause of her own
salvation and of that of all mankind." Mary's obedience was much
more perfect than that of all other Saints; since all men, on account
of Original Sin, are prone to evil, and find it difficult to do good;
but not so the Blessed Virgin. St. Bernardine writes, that, "Because
Mary was free from Original Sin, she found no obstacle in obeying God;
she was like a wheel, which was easily turned by every inspiration of
the Holy Ghost." "Hence," continues the same Saint, "her only object
in this world was to keep her eyes constantly fixed on God, to
discover His will, and, when she had found out what He required, to
perform it." Of her was said, My
soul melted when He spoke. [Cant. 5:6] that
is, as Richard explains it, "My soul was as metal, liquefied by the
fire of love, ready to be moulded into any form, according to the
Divine will."
Mary well proved how ready she was to obey in all things, in the first
place, when, to please God, she obeyed even the Roman emperor, and
undertook the long journey of at least seventy miles to Bethlehem, in
the winter, when she was pregnant, and in such poverty that she had to
give birth to her Son in a stable.
She showed equal obedience in undertaking, on the very same night
which she had notice of it from St. Joseph, the longer and more
difficult journey into Egypt. Here Silveira asks why the command to fly
into Egypt was given to St. Joseph rather than to the Blessed Virgin,
who was to suffer the most from it; and he answers, that it was "that
Mary might not be deprived of an occasion in which to perform an
act of obedience, for which she was always most ready."
But above all she showed her heroic obedience when, to obey the Divine
will, she offered her Son to death; and this with such constancy, as
St. Anselm and St. Antoninus say, that had executioners been wanting,
she would have been ready herself to have crucified Him. Hence
Venerable Bede, explaining our Lord's answer to the woman spoken of in
the Gospel, who exclaimed, Blessed
is the womb that bore Thee ... Yea
rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it,
[Luke 11:27] says
that Mary was indeed blessed in becoming the Mother of God, but that
she was much more so in always loving and obeying the Divine will.
For this. reason, all who love obedience are highly pleasing to the
Blessed Virgin. She once appeared to a Franciscan friar, named Accorso,
in his cell; whilst she was still present, obedience called him to hear
the confession of a sick person. He went, and on his return found that
Mary had waited for him, and highly commended his obedience. On the
other hand, she greatly blamed another religious, who remained to
finish some private devotions after the refectory-bell had rung.
Our Lord, once speaking to St. Bridget on the security which is found
in obeying a spiritual director, said, "Obedience brings all Saints to
glory;" for, as St. Philip Neri used to say, "God demands no account
of things done by obedience, having Himself said, He that heareth you,
heareth Me: and he that despiseth you, despiseth Me. [Luke 10:16] The Mother of God
herself revealed to St. Bridget that through the merit of her obedience
she had obtained so great power that no sinner, however great were his
crimes, who had recourse to her with a purpose of amendment, failed to
obtain pardon."
Our own sweet Queen, then, and Mother, intercede with Jesus for us; by
the merit of thine obedience obtain that we may be faithful in
obeying His will and the commands of our spiritual Fathers. Amen.
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