Rosa Mystica
Page 2
Atonement for Neglecting
to Honor Mary
Lord, forgive all
reviling of Mary' name!
We bessech Thee, hear us!
Lord, forgive all contempt of her Immaculate Conception!
We bessech Thee, hear us!
Lord, forgive all coldness in the honoring of Mary!
We bessech Thee, hear us!
Lord, forgive all contempt of Mary's pictures!
We bessech Thee, hear us!
Lord, forgive all neglect of the Holy Rosary!
We bessech Thee, hear us!
Lord, forgive all indifferences to Mary's Motherly Love!
We bessech Thee, hear us!
Petitions for the Church
Jesus and Mary, give the Church holy priests!
We beseech Thee, hear us!
Jesus and Mary, give the Church holy vocations to religious orders!
Jesus and Mary, give the Church holy missionaries!
Jesus and Mary, give the Church holy, apostolic men and women!
Jesus and Mary, give the Church truly Christian families!
Jesus and Mary, give to the Church young people who are morally pure!
Jesus and Mary, grant the Church unity among the nations!
Jesus and Mary, grant the Church peace of soul!
Jesus and Mary, grant the Church true Christian love of neighbor!
Jesus and Mary, grant peace to the Church and to the whole world!
Jesus and Mary, in Thine overflowing love, Thou hast called us to make
We wish with complete devotion to console Thy most Sacred Hearts, and
atone for all the insults,
which are heaped upon Thee by ungrateful people.
To the Mother of All Priests
Mary, Mother of Our Lord
Jesus Christ, under the Cross thou didst
become the Mother of the Apostles, and so also, the Mother of all
priests. Thy house is the Church, thy table, the altar; thy servants
art the Angels, and thy sons, the priests, change bread and wine as of
old. The Lord said: Take eat . . . This is My Body. . . . Drink .
. . This is My Blood!" He had not only earthly bread in mind, when He
taught us the "Our Father," He wishes Himself to be our daily Bread!
Ever faithful Mother, thou dost wish that thy house, the Church, to be
preserved and well ordered. Pray for a constant supply of priests so
that the daily bread of eternal life may always be supplied!
Send thy Angels into families, so that Joy in the service of God may be
cultivated, so that the service of the King may become their vocation.
Send again thy Angels, so that holy priests may lead these young men to
the altar. A holy crusade for God is needed. An effort to preserve the
purity of our holy Faith and the good shepherd is more than ever
necessary; now that the wolf has broken into the fold.
Intercede also, Mother of all priests, for all those priests in peril
or in error, who no longer see their way and their goal and choose to
follow their own opinions.
No mother deserts her child when it is in danger. Send then thy holy
Angels with warnings so urgent that they cannot be ignored!
Mary, Our Lord's Mother, hold out as ransom money to thy Divine Son,
thy hands, thy Heart and thy tears. He will accept them all, and grant
His priests, the true light, due strength and the joy they have lost
awhile. Amen.
Two Prayers for Priests by St.
Teresa of Avila and St. Catherine of Siena
O my Most Sweet Jesus, O Jesus, Eternal High Priest, keep Thy priests
in the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart, where no one can hurt them. Keep
their anointed hands unsullied, which daily handle Thy Sacred Body.
Keep pure the lips which are reddened with Thy Precious Blood. Keep
pure and unworldly their hearts which are sealed with the sublime token
of Thy glorious priesthood. Cause them to grow in love and loyalty to
Thee and protect them from the contamination of the world. With their
power of transforming bread and wine, give them the power of
transforming hearts. Bless their work with rich fruit and grant them
one day the crown of eternal life. Amen.
[St. Teresa]
Hear Thy servant and look not upon the multitude of my sins. I beseech
Thee, direct the hearts and wills of the servants of Thy Bride, the
Holy Church, unto Thyself so that they may follow the poor, bleeding,
humble, and gentle Lamb of God on the way of the Cross. Make them
angels in the shape of men; for after all, they have to administer and
distribute the Body and Blood of Thine Only Begotten Son! Amen.
[St. Catherine of Siena]
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