Based on the Writings of Father Luigi Villa, Th.D
and Dr.  Franco Adessa
Compiled and Integrated by Pauly Fongemie




The Satanic Temple Dedicated to Padre Pio


In October of 1998, the magazine, "Places of Infinity" reported on a design of a cross, pictured above, which the sculptor, Arnaldo Pomodoro, known worldwide for his grotesque "creations", wanted to do for the "new church" of Renzo Piano in San Giovanni Rotondo, to be dedicated to Padre Pio. Since there appeared to be very strange symbols - what appear to be ultra arriviste hammers and trowels - on the arm of the cross, [not to mention its utter ugliness beyond comprehension], Dr. Adessa decided to investigate, giving a report to Fr. Villa:

The 11°, 22° and 33° degrees of Freemasonry of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite are represented on the lower and side arms of this cross. The Masonic Apron is contemporarily symbolized on the central part of the cross and on the upper arm, Lucifer is represented in different ways. Dr. Adessa says that these neo-modern versions represent the Cult of Man, the Cult of the Phallus, and the Cult of Lucifer.


Notice the trowel wielded by the "New Man", one of the symbols of Freemasonry, which appears very much like the trowels in this extremely garish, sacrilegious "cross".

According to Dr. Adessa, the project management of this "new church" was in the hands of Renzo Piano, the architect, although the responsibility for it over all was given to the Pontifical Commission for Cultural Heritage of the Church, chaired by Msgr. Francesco Marchisano, who was denounced as a Mason in Issue No. 109 of "Chiesa Viva".

Even with documented membership this prelate continued his position until he was appointed Vicar General for the State of Vatican City and President of San Pietro Works, by John Paul II.

In September of 2002 Fr. Villa issued a dossier, titled, An Appointment with Scandal, that included three letters the Msgr. had sent to the Grand Master, in which he acknowledged that he would quietly organize, throughout the Piedmont and in Lombardy a plan to "disrupt the studies and discipline of seminaries."

Father distributed the dossier by the thousands and some Vatican personage came to Brescia to acquire some of these. Others in Rome confided their unease and even despair. It seemed that no one would stop the rise of this Mason in high position in the Church, although he was as yet not made a Cardinal. The dossier appeared to have at least prevented this outrage, for he was not on the consistory list in October of 2003. But that changed as he was then slated to make Cardinal after all. On national TV John Paul II read his name after hesitation and personal irritation at having to do so.

On July 1, 2004, the "new Church" dedicated to Padre Pio was inaugurated.
On February 20, 2006 the special edition of "Chiesa", 381, was released. No Church authority was able to refute anything in that issue, so a conspiracy of silence ensued as the policy.

The special edition included the meaning of the occult symbols that were everywhere etched in this "new church" - the glorification of Freemasonry and its "god", Lucifer, which grievously insults Our Lord [Lucifer as redeemer of men], in fact all Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity because of the blasphemous Masonic Triple Trinity.

The policy of silence was not limitless as several countries had editions of the study on this Satanic Temple "new church". The number of pilgrims continued to decrease,

Several months later Fr. Villa, along with a driver went to visit a "friend" who served an unpleasant tasting tea. Only the driver companion drank it. In stead on going all the way back after the meeting, Fr. Villa decided to visit a lawyer friend unexpectedly. While they were there the driver became intensely ill, unable to move his hands and feet. After about 15 minutes he became better. If they had been on the road when this seizure occurred, what could have happened? If they had been killed, it would have been judged an accident with two elderly men.

Benedict XVI to the Satanic Temple at San Giovanni Rotondo

With each passing day the heavy pall over the atmosphere grew. It was time for the full weight of Church authority.

In March of 2007, Secretary of State Card. Bertone, the same Bertone who would later admit on television that his original story on the Third Secret was not exactly accurate, went to the Temple with a large retinue of bishops. In the issues 395 and 396 of "Chiesa", 2007, an account titled "Sacrilegious Celebration in the Masonic Temple in San Giovanni Rotondo, dedicated to St. Padre Pio" Father Villa asked that this celebration not be undertaken. But Bertone went through with it and there were more such celebrations. So once again "Chiesa" denounced them in both the month of November and December of that same year, asking "How long will you allow Masonry to insult Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Trinity?"

Church officials turned a blind eye and went on with the concelebrated Masses.

Then "Chiesa" began publishing letters the magazine received on the matter, followed by the July-August, 2008 issue, headlined, "A Satanic Temple for Padre Pio?" This was the beginning of many articles from newspapers, weekly magazines, periodicals, both Italian and other languages, letters and the like exposing the scandal.

This time a Cardinal or two would not do to give the "blessing" to the monstrosity. Talk of Benedict XVI paying a tribute in person was circulating. That Pontiff, indeed would be going in 2009 with a planned program. The 21st of June arrived, the day of the announced visit. Pope Benedict was to arrive in a helicopter but a violent storm interfered - a warning from Heaven perhaps - so he had to take a military aircraft part of the way and then proceed by car to San Giovanni Rotondo. The Mass celebrated in that Satanic Temple seemed to not have the favor of Heaven either, because as it finished, torrential rains poured down, followed by what was described as "an onslaught of hail" the size of walnuts. In seconds the people had vanished. Moreover, the television station broadcasting the event could not do so because of "technical difficulties." Some commented at the time that this was "a punishment from God."

It was certainly humiliating for the Vicar of Christ, and if these hindrances were not by direct Divine command, they at least show that Almighty God, Who can stop whatever He wills, did not prevent the humiliation!

On the mosaic tombstone is the inscription:

"On the occasion of the pastoral visit, His Holiness Benedict XVI, in this church embellished by the devotion of the faithful and with the beauty of art enshrining the body of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, paused in prayer and blessed it".

We leave you to judge the "beauty" of such a building!

The people had been lied to, told that the body of St. Pio would never be moved to this hideous "church" and the Pope was tricked into blessing the place when as he was about to exit,  a Msgr. D'Ambrosio put his arm around Benedict, stopping him and showing him the sprinkler, inducing him to bless the entire building.

All in all, Benedict should have been more wary and known this was a Masonic revenge on Padre Pio, an ardent opponent of Freemasonry.

And with the silence of the Vatican throughout the construction, surely one cannot be faulted to presume "consent".

"How was it possible that the Vatican has been able to build a "Satanic Temple" - mocking millions and millions of Catholics around the world who gave stacks of money in good faith?"

Although the hierarchy opposed Father Villa's journalism over the years,, the priest received two major awards for his work as a writer and journalist, and for his commitment to defend the Catholic faith and Christian civilization.

In December, 2008, he received the International Inars Ciociaria Journalist Award, sponsored by the Presidency Council of Ministers, Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the National order of Journalists, and other entities, "for his extensive work as a journalist, author of books and pamphlets on theology ... and for his commitment to defend the Christian roots of Europe and for his protection of truth against forces alien to our civilization."

In October of the following year, Father Villa was awarded the Cultural Prize of Val Vibrata di Teramo, for "being a journalist and outstanding writer, an incorruptible editor, Head Publisher and Editor of Chiesa viva, but also for being an eminent theologian devoting his entire life to defend the Catholic religion and disseminating the historical truth and living according to the Gospel."

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