Prayer for Christian Families
Composed by Pope Pius XII

O Lord God of goodness and mercy, Who in the midst of an evil and sinful world hast presented to the society of the redeemed the Holy Family of Nazareth as a spotless mirror of piety, justice and love, behold how the family is being undermined on all sides, every effort being made to desecrate it by stripping it of faith, religion and morals.

   Regard the work of Thy own hands. Safeguard in our homes the domestic virtues, for these alone will ensure us harmony and peace.

   Come and stir up the champions of the family. Bestir the modern apostles so that in Thy Name, bearing the message of Jesus Christ and exhibiting holiness of life, they may revive the doctrines of conjugal fidelity for married couples, the exercise of authority by parents, obedience on the part of children and modesty on the part of girls. Grant also through the efforts of these apostles, that the home favored by Thee with many blessings may again become an object of esteem and love in the minds and hearts of all.

   It is through the examples of the Divine model of Nazareth that the Christian family is to be restored in Jesus Christ and to recover its former respect and dignity. Then every home will again become a sanctuary and in every household will be rekindled the flame of faith to teach patience in adversity and moderation in prosperity and to promote order, peace and harmony in all things.

   Under Thy paternal gaze, O Lord, and with confidence in Thy Providence and in the loving patronage of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the family will become a sanctuary of virtue and a school of wisdom. It shall prove, as Christ has promised, a haven of rest against life's burdens. In the sight of the world it shall render glory to Thee, O Father, and to Thy Son, Jesus, until the day when, through Him, we shall, together with all His members, sing the Divine praises in the eternal ages to come. Amen.  

   Prayer to be Recited by Members of a Christian Family
Composed by Pope Pius XII

O Holy Family, Trinity of the earth, O Jesus, Mary and Joseph, sublime models and protectors of
Christian families, to Thee do we have recourse, not only to find comfort in the sweet contemplation of Thy loving examples, but also to implore Thy protection and to promise constant fidelity in the paths Thou hast pointed out to us.

   Thy peace, your unalterable serenity refreshes our troubled souls in the midst of the continuous stress and strain of life's burdens. We are thus given eloquent proof that only in a home adorned and embellished with the virtues Thou hast exemplified can our hearts find the peace and happiness they so earnestly desire.

   But how could such a tender plant as the family be defended against the burning heat of unbridled passions, against the insidious spirit of rebellion that asserts itself almost everywhere, against the raging storm of present-day life which seems bent on overthrowing everything? How else except by causing its roots to penetrate deeply into the noble soil of Christian piety; by imploring for it continuous streams of Divine grace, especially through the reception of the Holy Sacraments in common; by animating it with a true spirit of faith which will enable us to surmount the materialistic concept of life; by joining all its branches closely together through the strong bonds of a love which, were it not also supernatural, would pass away like all things here below; by strengthening it, from within through the firm resolution, made by each one, to fulfill our duties in everything that the right order of the family requires; by supporting it in the severe trials of this earthly exile where sometimes people are without even a decent home or suffer from a lack of the bare necessities of life.

  In the midst of the present confusion of ideas with which minds are often disturbed, we loudly proclaim the sanctity, the unity and Divine mission of the Christian family as the cell of society and of the Church, and each at our post-----parents and children-----humbly but firmly pledge ourselves to do all in our power in order that such holy ideals may become a reality in the world.

   Help us, O Joseph, mirror of the most admirable paternity in the diligent concern that thou didst manifest for the Savior and for the Virgin, ever faithful to the Divine inspirations; come to our aid, O Mary, the most loving, the most faithful and the most pure of all spouses and mothers; assist us, O Jesus, Who, as our light and model in all things, didst will to become the most submissive of children. Be always near to us, all ye three, in times of joy and in times of sadness, in our work and in our rest, in our anxieties and in our hopes, be near to those who are born and to those who die.

   Finally, obtain for us that all homes, made holy through the imitation of Thine, may become for all their members schools of virtue, sanctuaries of holiness, a sure way to that eternal happiness which we confidently hope for through Thine intercession. Amen.

December 30, 1957

  Prayer to be Recited by Catholic Teachers
Composed by Pope Pius XII

O Word Incarnate, Teacher of teachers, our most loving Jesus, Who didst deign to come into the
world and, out of Thy infinite wisdom and inexhaustible goodness, point out to men the way to Heaven, mercifully hear the humble prayers of those who follow Thy footsteps, thereby giving expression to their desire to be Catholic teachers worthy of the name and making known to souls the faith that will surely lead to Thee and through Thee to eternal happiness.

Grant us the light, not only to avoid falling into the pitfalls of error, but also to penetrate the truth so as to acquire that luminous clarity whereby that which is the most essential turns out to be the most simple and therefore best adapted to the intelligence even of children, in whom especially Thy Divine simplicity is reflected. Visit us, then, with the help of Thy Spirit, the Creator, so that in accordance with Thy mandate we may be able to give appropriate and adequate instructions in the doctrines of faith.

   Give us the ability to adapt ourselves to the still immature minds of our pupils, to foster their fine, youthful energy, to have a sympathetic understanding for their deficiencies, to support their spirit of restlessness. Give us the power to become little without neglecting our line of duty even as Thou, O Lord, didst become as one of us without leaving the exalted throne of Thy Divinity.

  Above all, however, fill us with Thy Spirit of love: love for Thee, Teacher unique and excelling, so that we may gladly sacrifice ourselves in Thy holy service; love for our holy profession, regarding it as a most noble calling rather than mere employment; loving concern for our personal sanctification, as the primal source of energy in all our work and apostolate; love of truth, not allowing ourselves to be turned aside from it; love for souls which we must pattern and form according to the standards of truth and goodness; love for our students, helping them to become exemplary citizens and loyal sons of the Church; love for our dearly beloved youth and for our children, like the love of a father, but more elevated, more conscious and more pure than mere natural paternal love.

   And thou, most holy Mother Mary, under whose loving care the youthful Jesus grew in wisdom and in grace, be our intercessor at the side of Thy Divine Son and obtain for us an abundance of Heavenly graces in order that our work may redound to the honor and glory of Him Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth for ever and ever. Amen.

December 28, 1957

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