"Platting a Crown of Thorns,
they put it upon His Head." [Mt. 27: 29]
1. The bad example of superiors is contagious, and strongly affects the
life and conduct of their subjects. The soldiers of the Roman Governor
Pilate had during the morning repeatedly heard him giving to Jesus of
the title of King of the Jews. They presumed that such a high title
had by the President been used in irony and mockery. This was the
says St. John Chrysostom, why those barbarous men, after having, during
the scourging at the pillar, covered our Lord from head to foot with
and blood, resolved to make sport of Him, by treating Him in every
way as a mock king, and by forcing upon Him all the ridiculous
insignia and the affected homages of a sham royalty. "Quia Pilatus
eum Regem, Schema ei contumeliae apponunt." [Chrysostom Romil. 88].
Our Lord had been scourged in the court of the palace. From this place
the soldiers of the Governor took Him into the hall, and gathered
around Him the whole band of the garrison, which served as a body guard
to Pilate. Now, for His greater shame and confusion, they rudely strip
our Savior once more. They make Him sit down upon a cold stone, as His
royal throne; and affect to offer Him the flattering homages of
courtiers. "The soldiers of the Governor, [St. Matthew says], taking
Jesus into the hall, gathered together unto Him the whole band." [Mt.
27: 27] Whilst the majority of these heartless men heap outrages and
upon the incarnate Son of God, another small party, more malignant and
cruel, is eagerly engaged in weaving together, in the form of a helmet
or cap, a horrible and ignominious crown of Red-Sea bulrushes, the
of which are very long, hard and sharp. St. Vincent Ferrer says, that
Crown of Thorns intended for our Lord was made in the shape of a hat
His whole Head. "Domini Corona erat ad modum pilei, ita ut forum
caput." [Seffil. in Parasc.] Such an instrument of torture could only
be formed with long and pliable thorns like Red-Sea rushes. This is
the opinion of St. Augustine and St. Anselm, who mention a revelation
the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of others. The famous St. Vincent of
on the authority of eyewitnesses, states that these Red-Sea thorns are
so strong and sharp as to perforate the soles of the shoes of
In fact, some of the thorns of our Savior's crown are to the present
religiously preserved in various Catholic sanctuaries, and the sight of
them always produces a shudder of pious horror.
2. The pagan soldiers then, having prepared this horrible crown,
to place it on the adorable Head of our Lord. Two of the stoutest
plant themselves at opposite sides, close to Him. They put the thorny
over His Head, and, taking hold of the two extremities of a strong
stick, they cross it over the Crown of Thorns, and press this thorny
down in different directions, right and left, back and in front, with
force and violence as to cause the internal long and sharp thorns to
the skin, penetrate the skull, and prick the very brain of our dear
punctiones cerebrum perforantes." [St. Lawrence Justin. de Triumph.
Christ. Agon. cap. 14] Some of the longest thorns tear and torture the
most delicate and sensitive tissues of that adorable Head, forcing
way out of the occiput, whilst others take an opposite direction, and
projecting with their bloody points outside the forehead and temples.
of these terrible thorns penetrate as far as the ears, the eyes, the
and cheeks of our agonizing Savior.
Blessed Tauler says: "The most handsome countenance of Jesus was
by these thorns and by the streams of blood that flowed upon it." [B.
con. 10 de Passione] See how the blood is running from every part of
perforated Head and face! The long Nazarean hair of our Lord's Head,
sacred countenance and His beard are covered and saturated with His
Blood, which trickles down in large red drops upon His wounded
and bruised chest. "Divinum illud caput multiplici spinarum densitate
perforatum usque ad cerebri teneritudinem confixum est." [St. Peter
Damian, seffil. de Exalt Crucis.]
We learn from the revelations of St. Bridget that the most holy Mother
of our Lord was present at His Scourging and Crowning with thorns. Our
Blessed Lady gave the Saint the following description: "The soldiers
of the Roman Governor, after having scourged my Son at the pillar,
a Crown of Thorns to His adorable Head, and, pressed it with such
that Blood was made to gush so copiously from it as to cover His eyes,
fill His ears and imbrue all His beard." [Lib. 2 cap. 10]
This torture of the Crown of Thorns made such an impression on the
mind and heart of the afflicted Mother of our Lord, that she revealed
twice to her favorite servant. Here is the second revelation: "A Crown
of Thorns, reaching to the middle of His forehead, was most violently
upon the adorable Head of my Son. Through the numerous wounds caused by
those perforating thorns so many streams of Blood were flowing in every
direction, and in such a quantity, as to soak the hair of His Head,
His ears, cover His face, and saturate His beard. His whole countenance
was covered with Blood. His eyes were so filled with it that, when He
to look at any object, my Son was obliged, by compressing the eye-lid,
to squeeze the Blood out of them." [Lib. 4 chap. 7]
4. Reflect now, devout reader, that the head, on account of the brain,
is the most sensitive portion of the human body. Who will then be able
to imagine, and much less to express, how intensely painful must have
the agony caused to our dear Lord by that horrible Crown of Thorns
all at once, like a thorny bush, every part of His adorable Head! "Ipsa
corona Mille puncturis speciosum caput ejus devulnerat." [St.
Bernard, de Passione Domini] Consider, moreover, that the brain is most
intimately connected with every portion of the human body, and
with the heart. The head is the seat and center whence radiate all the
muscles, nerves, veins and arteries that branch out and pervade every
limb and organ of our body, diffusing a thrill of joy or pain
according to the actual condition of the head and affection of the
Hence it naturally follows that even a slight pricking of the brain, or
wounding of the head, produces intense suffering, causes convulsions,
and apoplectic strokes. A severe headache, an intense neuralgic pain,
the strongest man. See whether you can now conceive what agonizing
that frightful crown of long and sharp thorns must have produced in
part of the most refined and sensitive Body of our Divine Savior!
"When the pricking
of one single thorn is sufficient to produce in our foot intolerable
who can form an idea of the intense agony caused to our Lord by so many
thorns perforating all at once His adorable Head?" exclaimed St.
Ferrer. "Spinarum punctiones cerebrumperforantes, Christus debuisset
mori tanto dolore transfixus." [S. Laurent. Justin. de Triumphali
Christi Agone]
Reflect, finally, that all these terrible sufferings were directed as
a common center and compressed within His palpitating Heart, submerging
it into a rushing flood of overwhelming anguish Ah! our suffering Lord
could indeed cry out, "Save Me, O God, for the waters of affliction
and sorrow are come in even into My Soul." [Ps. 68: 2]
The thorns that perforated His Head were a figure of those more
that penetrated into His Heart. For this motive our Lord showed His
to blessed Margaret Marie Alacoque, surrounded by a Crown of Thorns,
the Church represents it to us in this painful condition. The thorns
the lance have left their impression upon it. The lance, however, is
there; but the thorns remain, to attract our attention, excite our
and stimulate our devotion.
Meditate often and deeply, Christian reader, upon this painful mystery
. It will give you some faint idea of the harrowing agony endured by
Redeemer on account of that terrible Crown of Thorns. This, however,
only His physical sufferings.
Catharine de Sandoval, a young Spanish lady of high aspirations,
in a very extraordinary manner the powerful attractions of the King of
Sorrows crowned with thorns. She was very wealthy, beautiful and highly
accomplished. All these qualifications obtained for her the attentions
and homages of many of the Spanish nobility anxious to solicit her
But she rejected them, with haughty disdain as far beneath her
Catharine had often been heard to protest that she should never consent
to marry any person except a king with a royal crown over his head, or
at least a prince of royal blood. One of the Spanish grandees, who was
very persevering in his suit to the young lady, succeeded to engage in
his favor the chamber-maid of Catharine, to whom he promised a handsome
reward if she helped him in obtaining his intended object. The servant
agreed to use all her influence in his favor with her young mistress.
that day she seized every favorable opportunity for speaking in his
and extolling his personal qualities and merits but without any visible
effect upon Catharine.
One morning, after having with great care accomplished the toilet of
young mistress, the wily chamber-maid burst into expressions of high
of her charming beauty, and began to relate a most agreeable dream of
previous night, wherein she delighted to witness her splendid wedding
that noble and handsome cavalier. At the mention of his name Catharine,
with great indignation, strictly forbade her servant ever to speak of
in her presence, and raising up from the chair with an air of great
she said: "How often have I told you that I will never consent to marry
any person except a king? Now remember this well, and begone
out of my room." After this ebullition of pride and ambition, Catharine
began to pace up and down in the room, stopping once or twice before a
large mirror in admiration of her handsome and majestic form, saying to
herself: "I am made to be a queen. I should marry only a king."
With these thoughts in her head, she turned from the mirror, and her
fell upon a silver crucifix standing on the table. The Crown of Thorns
first attracted her attention; then she read the inscription over the
of the sacred image, "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." A
interior inspiration was moving her to choose this great King for her
spouse, when she heard in a sensible manner a miraculous voice, saying:
"Behold the King Who loves thee more than anybody else, and desires to
be thy spouse. Take me as I am." At these words Catharine fell in
prostrate to the floor of the room, when she saw our Savior coming near
her, Who said: "Fear not, I am He." Consoled by the Heavenly sweetness
of these words, she rose upon her knees and, shedding abundant tears,
addressed to our Lord the following prayer: "My Lord and my God, Thou
how often and how far I have fled from Thee. But now I surrender myself
entirely and forever to Thy most holy Cross. I accept Thee as my Lord,
my King and my Spouse, just because Thou art crowned with thorns. I
every thought and affection for the world, and offer my whole heart to
Thee, beseeching Thee never to permit it to escape from Thy hands."
Hereupon our Lord extended His right
arm to embrace His new bride, saying: "I stretch forth my omnipotent
to communicate to thee the strength necessary for the accomplishment of
My Divine will, and for keeping the promises thou hast made to Me. Be
thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life."
From that moment Catharine was completely dead to the world, and lived
only for her Divine Spouse crowned with thorns, as the King of Sorrows.
After having for some years edified her household and the whole city by
her profound humility, self denial and detachment from creatures, she
herself to St. Teresa as one of her first companions in the reformation
of the Carmelite nuns. She requested to be called in religion
of Jesus," in order that, whenever she heard her name, she might
the promises she had made to our Lord, and thus remain faithful to Him:
[Boscape cant. 3, and instruzioni in forma di catechismo di Padre Maria
Ferreri, S. J., art. 4 Credo.] Having so far considered the physical
caused to our Lord by the Crown of Thorns, we will now proceed to
on the deep humiliations and internal anguish endured by the great Son
of God on that memorable occasion.