"Transgressors shall all of them
be plucked up as thorns, and they shall be set on fire." [2 Kings 23:
1. These are words of inspiration, and refer to the thorny crown of our
blessed Lord. They were uttered by holy David in his old age, and are a
portion of the last words which this holy king, and prophet pronounced
under a special inspiration of the Holy Ghost. David the son of Isai
"The man to whom it was appointed concerning the Christ of the God of
Jacob ... The spirit of the Lord hath spoken by me and His words by my
tongue. The God of Israel said to me ... Trangressors shall all of them
be plucked up as thorns." These words of inspiration evidently refer
to the Crown of Thorns of our Divine Savior and indicate the causes,
induced Him to wear upon His adorable Head, this terrible crown of pain
and ignominy. This will form the subject matter of this present
2. Thorns seem to be the natural fuel for fire. Hence the Royal Prophet
in this place says: Transgressors shall all of them be plucked up as
which are not taken away with hands ... but they shall be set on fire.
As we have already observed, thorns are the effect of sin, and the most
striking figure of sinners. Hence, St. Augustine says: "What do thorns
signify but the condition of sinners who, like hedgehogs, are all over
bristling with the thorns of sin," spinae quid significant, nisi
qui quasi ericiis spinae peccatorum cooperti sunt. [In Ps. 10] St.
Basil says, that whenever he beheld a beautiful and sweet smelling
his heart was more deeply pained than his senses were gratified. He
that the rose, queen of flowers, is surrounded with sharp and crooked
that bitterly reproached him for his sins, on account of which this
has been condemned by the irritated justice of God to produce thorns
thistles. [St. Basil in Exame.] Hence, according to the opinion of this
holy Doctor of the Church, the rose would have been free from thorns,
sin had never been committed by men. St. John Chrysostom affirms, that
God did not originally create thorns upon earth, but, that He only
their growth in consequence of sin and as a punishment to sinners. No
then, that sinners, like prickly thorns and thistles, are doomed to be
burned up with fire, as holy David says: "All transgressors shall be
plucked up as thorns ... and shall be set on fire." To fire then
we wretched sinners are condemned.
3. But happily for us, there are two very different kinds of fire. The
first is the uncreated fire of God's eternal love. The second is the
fire of His irritated justice, prepared, and intended for the
of the rebellious Angels, and of all unhappy sinners. To deliver us
the fire of Hell, our merciful Savior brought with Him from Heaven the
fire of His Divine love. It was in fact of this love, He spoke, when He
said: I am come to send fire on the earth, and what will I, but that
it be kindled? [Lk. 12: 49] Sinners, He says to us, sinners, like
and thistles, you are doomed to be burned with fire. In punishment of
transgressions, you should have to burn in Hell, during a miserable
in company with the devil, and all his wicked companions. It is
in My power to offer to you, the blessed fire of My Divine love, which
burns in the bosom of God from all eternity, in exchange for the
fire of Hell due to your crimes. Accept My love and I undertake to
for all your sins. "I am come to send fire on the earth, and what will
I, but, that it be kindled?"
Behold here the first formal cause of the Crown of Thorns. It
is the goodness of God: It is the love and mercy of His Incarnate Son,
Who with the Crown of Thorns assumed upon His Head,
the responsibility of atoning for all the sins of mankind. The great
St. Leo, the Pope says: Causa reparation is nostrae non est nisi
Dei." [Serm. de jejun. 10. mens.] Origen says, our Lord Jesus Christ
assumed the thorns of our sins, infixed upon His Head. These are His
words: "In spina illa corona suscepit [Jesus] spinas peccatorum
intexta in capite suo." [Tract. 35 in Mt. 27: 29] The Angelic doctor
St. Thomas says: "These bloody thorns of our Savior's crown are
to signify the stings of sin, with which our conscience is wounded. Our
merciful Lord accepted these thorns as our substitute, because He
to suffer and die for our sins. [St. Thom. in Chap. 27 Matt.] He is
the Good Shepherd Who thrusts His Head and Body within a thorny
in order to disentangle the suffering sheep from its prickly branches
which she is surrounded, and held captive, in pain and hunger. Prompted
by His love, He endures the pricks of the thorns in His effort to free
His beloved sheep from suffering and death. His love and mercy was then
the moving cause that induced our blessed Savior to endure the painful
and ignominious Crown of Thorns. "In His love and in His mercy the
says: He redeemed them, and He carried them and lifted them up."
4. The second cause was the source of sin. Three conditions
are essential to sin. Sufficient matter, full knowledge, and deliberate
consent. Whatever may be the matter of sin, no sin can be committed
the necessary knowledge of its malice, and the free deliberate consent
of our will. Now knowledge is a prerogative of our mind, as consent is
the free act of our will. Sin therefore is committed first in our mind,
when, with full knowledge and deliberate consent we form in our head
resolution of doing anything morally wrong. Hence, St. Augustine says
it is with the will that we do wrong, as it is with the will that we do
good." "Voluntate peccatur, et bene agitur." All sins originate their
in our mind. Sin is first conceived in the head, and consented to in
soul. "Every man is tempted, being drawn away and allured by his own
concupiscence. Then, when concupiscence hath conceived it bringeth
sin." [James 1: 14] Our Divine Master expressly teaches: "that it
is out of the heart of man that originate, and proceed evil thoughts,
adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies, which
defile with sin the soul of man." [Mt. 15: 19]
The organs, senses and members of the body are only the instruments
by the soul in her operations and external deeds.
Hence, the
external action, as theft, murder, adultery, blasphemy is not the
but it is the consequence and the effect of the internal sin of the
In short, sin is committed with the mind, and with the will. Every
sin is an internal rebellion of the soul against God's eternal law. Now
the brain is the organ of human intelligence and will. The head is the
workshop of the mind. The brain is the laboratory of the soul. This
this human brain deserved therefore a special punishment. Behold here
other cause of our Savior's Crown of Thorns. Like a wise and skillful
physician, He applied the remedy to the seat of the complaint, to the
root of the evil. Having become our Redeemer, He applied to His
most holy and adorable Head, the painful Crown of Thorns as a full
and most effective cure for our sins. Moreover, man fell off from God,
through pride. "The beginning of the pride of man is to fall off from
God ... For pride is the beginning of all sins." [Eccli. 10: 14]
Pride being the origin of every sin, it was necessary that humility
become the general remedy of all evil. Now, we have seen in the
chapter, what profound humility our Divine Lord practiced at His
of thorns. Thus the Crown of Thorns on the Head of our Lord, becomes
general remedy of sin. May the contemplation of this crown enlighten
mind of men, to understand the malice of sin and especially the
sins of thought and affection.
5. Many persons make little account of internal sins. But besides the
fact, that all sins are essentially committed by the mind, and will of
men, we should, moreover, observe that the greater number of our sins
by their nature accomplished in the soul. All bad thoughts, and sinful
affections belong to this category. The Holy Ghost says: "Perverse
thoughts separate from God." [Wis. 1: 3] In fact evil thoughts and
sinful affections by their nature, corrupt more immediately the heart,
and defile the soul more directly than bad external actions. For, as we
have observed, the malice of sin is derived from the knowledge that the
mind has of the evil, and from the consenting of the will to it. All
mischief is perpetrated in the sacred cabinet of the soul.
We should, moreover, observe, that for the accomplishment of exterior
many external circumstances of time, place, persons, and means are
which are not necessary for the commission of internal sins. Again
external acts naturally, and often bring upon the sinner temporal
disgrace, infamy and many other human and physical punishment, to which
internal sins cannot be subject. Hence both reason and experience force
us to conclude that internal sins are without comparison more
committed, than exterior evil actions. We cannot venture to form any
but the knowledge of human nature induces us to fear that thousands of
internal sins are committed before one external crime is perpetrated.
what idea shall we be able to form of the awful amount of interior sins
committed, when so many exterior sinful actions are witnessed in human
Reflect, now, that all these sins were fully known to our Divine
He knew all past, present and future sins of mankind. He saw them all
in the soul, through the understanding and will. He observed the vast
of sins accomplished in the mind. To offer to His Eternal Father an
satisfaction for them our merciful Savior consented to bear the painful
and ignominious Crown of Thorns. "The Crown of Thorns, Theophilatus
says, is the figure of our sins which Jesus Christ abolished by His
represented by His Head." [Com. in St. Matt. 27: 29]
6. Reflect then, Christian reader, that our Divine Savior is crowned
sharp thorns, to punish on His own Head all your sinful deeds, but more
especially the wicked thoughts, by which you have offended God, and
defiled His Divine image impressed upon your soul. Numerous thorns
and torture His Divine Head, because we have harbored in our mind many
bad thoughts of different kinds. Our thoughts against faith and against
hope, our thoughts of presumption, or despair, impious and blasphemous
thoughts against God, have produced the longest and sharpest thorns
torment the most holy Head of our Divine Savior. Our habitual
of mind, our forgetfulness of God's holy presence, our voluntary
in prayer, are the reeds with which, like His cruel executioners, we
and more deeply press His thorny crown. Uncharitable thoughts against
neighbors, rash judgment, envy and jealousy against our fellow
are the cruel thorns that torture our Savior's Head. Those frequent
of pride, ambition, vain-glory; that hypocrisy, that habitual
to over reach, and deceive our fellow men, so common in human society
the present time, those desires of revenge, sensuality and lust, have
that terrible thorny bush from which the Crown of Thorns has been
that pricks and torment the Head of the incarnate Son of God.
Whilst, Christian reader, you are considering the sufferings of your
crowned with thorns, enter into your heart and examine therein what are
the evil thoughts that more frequently occupy your mind. Conceive a
sorrow for them. Ask with profound humility your Savior's pardon; and
resolve for the future to watch over your heart, and promptly to banish
from your mind every imagination or thought that may be displeasing to
God, and calculated to increase the sufferings of our loving Redeemer,
crowned with thorns as the King of Sorrows. It is only in this
way that we can render our spiritual reading, or our meditation on the
Passion of our dear Lord, pleasing to His Sacred Heart, and profitable
to our souls.
"We see Jesus ... For the suffering
of death, crowned with glory and honor." [Heb. 2: 19]
1. A crown is an object of human ambition.
The reason may be because a crown,
by its very nature and form represents the idea of perfection and of
duration, having neither beginning nor end. Moreover a crown is always
associated with the idea of honor, dignity, power and glory. Several
have been invented in different nations for the encouragement and
for brave deeds and glorious achievements. The Pagan Romans, however,
every other nation in inventing, and, in awarding these honorable
Different writers mention seven as the principal crowns bestowed upon
persons as a reward for their meritorious deeds.
The first and most illustrious was the Triumphal Crown. This was a
crown placed on the head of the Emperor, or of some very distinguished
general of the army, when he was received in triumph in the city of
after having obtained some great victory over the enemies of the
The second was the Crown of Deliverance awarded to a general, or
who delivered a city, or fortress from a siege by forcing the enemy to
withdraw from it. This was a golden crown with a besieged city engraved
on its front.
The third was the Mural Crown which was given by the emperor to any
or soldier, who was the first to scale the wall of a city or fortress
an enemy during an assault made upon it. This was another golden crown
with a walled city or fortress being assaulted and scaled, engraven on
The fourth was the Camp Crown awarded
to the soldier who was first to enter the enemy's entrenched camp
a battle. This crown was also made of gold and had a military
engraven on it.
The fifth was the Naval Crown made of gold having a ship engraven upon
it. This crown was given to the sailor who during a naval engagement
the first to board an enemy's ship.
The sixth was the Civic Crown. It was formed of small boughs of holm
oak trees, carefully entwined in a garland, with which was publicly
any person who had saved the life of a citizen.
The seventh was the Poetic Crown formed of laurel leaves, and awarded
poetic genius.
2. These crowns were highly esteemed by the ancient Romans. No man upon
earth deserved all these crowns more than our Divine Savior.
But as He came to redeem man from
the curse of sin, and thorns being the most expressive figure thereof,
so He selected for Himself a Crown of Thorns. By this choice, our Lord
wished to announce to us, that He came to remove from earth the
pronounced against it by God on account of the prevarication of our
parents, Adam and Eve. These are the sentiments of the great and
Martyr, St. Cyprian, the eloquent Bishop of Carthage in northern
In his sermon on the Passion and Cross of our Lord, St. Cyprian says:
order that you may understand the deep mystery of the Crown of Thorns,
you should know that our Savior not only came to take away sin from the
world, but also to remove the curse from the earth which God pronounced
against it in punishment of the sin of our first parents when He said:
"Cursed is the earth in thy work ... Thorns and thistles shall it
bring forth to thee. Hence, Jesus our Lord, is crowned with thorns
to the end that this first sentence of condemnation may be removed ...
Propterea ergo spinis coronatur Jesus, ut prima ilia condemnationis
solvetur." [St. Cypr. Serm. de Pass and Cruce Domini] As this first
sentence of condemnation was pronounced by God against the first man,
was the head and representative of mankind; so our Divine Redeemer as
Head of the Church, and the first of the elect wished to have His
Head crowned with thorns, to teach us that by so doing He, as God,
the curse which had been pronounced against us. For the Head of Jesus
His Divinity. "Corona ex spinis peccata sunt; quae Christus sua neitate
consumit. Per caput enim Deitas praesignatur." [Theophil. in Matt.
27: 29]
3. Jesus is crowned as a victim.
It was a general custom among Jews and Gentiles to crown the victims
for sacrifice. This crown laid on the head of the victim was a public
of profound respect for him to whom the sacrifice was offered.
strictly speaking being, by its very nature offered to God alone,
to Him should always be offered the most perfect, the most worthy and
victims. Now a crown was placed on the head of the animal to declare it
to be the best victim found for the occasion.
We have a remarkable illustration of this in the Acts of the Apostles.
St. Paul and St. Barnabas being in the city of Lystria in Lycaonia,
cured in an instant a poor man who had been born lame, and never could
walk. When the multitude had seen this prodigy they all lifted up their
voice saying: "The gods in the likeness of men are come down to us ..."
Then the priest of Jupiter, bringing oxen and garlands would have
sacrifice in honor of the two Apostles, had he not been strongly
for it by St. Paul. [Acts. 14: 12] Now Jesus our Lord was truly the
worthy, indeed He was the only worthy victim fit to be offered to the
majesty of God. He was to be offered to God for the four principal
for which victims are immolated, namely in recognition of the supreme
of God over all creatures; as the most perfect act of adoration of His
Divine majesty; as the most complete act of atonement for sin; and
as the most powerful and effective prayer to obtain every grace and
from Almighty God for time and eternity.
Moreover, in the person of our Savior sacrificed on the Altar of the
on Mount Calvary, all the victims and sacrifices of the old Testament
contained in a most eminent degree of perfection. "For if the blood
of goats and of oxen, and the ashes of a heifer, being sprinkled,
such as are defiled, to the cleansing of the flesh; how much more shall
the Blood of Christ, Who, through the Holy Ghost, offered Himself
spot to God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, to serve the
God? And therefore He is the mediator of the New Testament; that by
of His Death for the redemption of those transgressions, which were
the former Testament, they who are called may receive the promise of
inheritance." [Heb 9: 13] Surely this great, this glorious, this Divine
Victim of the Cross deserved to be crowned before sacrifice. Behold
another cause of the Crown of Thorns.
5. Jesus is crowned as our model.
We have seen above that our Divine Lord has been crowned with thorns in
order to atone for our sins, and thus satisfy Divine justice. The holy
and learned Pope, Innocent III, concludes from this fact our individual
duty of doing penance. The Crown of Thorns is intended, he says, to
us that we should surround our head, or rather our mind with deep
of sorrow and penance for our sins according to the words of the Royal
Psalmist who says: "I am turned in my anguish whilst the thorn is
I have acknowledged my sins to thee." [Ps. 31: 4] By these words: "I
am turned in my anguish whilst the thorn is fastened," may be expressed
the intensity of the Royal Prophet's sufferings, who could not enjoy
rest; but they may also signify the salutary effect produced in his
by these intense pains which become the happy cause of his perfect
and turning to God. Let us imitate his good example.
Sin being committed by the understanding
and will, our conversion should begin from a full understanding of the
malice of sin, passing then to sorrow of heart, and to the detestation
of sin by the will. All this we shall learn and accomplish, if we
deeply on the mystery of the Crown of Thorns.
Moreover, from our thorn-crowned Savior, we should learn the duty of
because, as St. Bernard says, we should be ashamed to be delicate
of Jesus Christ crowned with thorns. Thorns and thistles represent the
sorrows, trials and sufferings of this life. Let us learn from our
model to bear them with perfect patience and full resignation to the
of God. "Not my will, but thine be done." The holy Martyr St. Agapitus
having red hot coals put upon his bare head exclaimed with joy: "I can
cheerfully bear to have my head burned with fire, which will be crowned
in Heaven with glory. These burning coals will be changed into precious
stones to adorn and enrich my crown. Oh! how glorious that crown will
for my head tormented for love of Christ." An habitual dislike for
and a constant yearning for the amusements and pleasures of this world,
are essentially opposed to the spirit of Jesus Christ, the King of
How can loving and faithful subjects crown themselves with flowers,
they behold their King crowned with thorns on account of their sins?
Clement of Alexandria says: "It is contrary to reason and to common
sense for a Christian who has heard the history of the Crown of Thorns
of our Lord, to wish himself crowned with flowers. This is a mockery
an insult to our thorn-crowned King." [Lib. 2 Poer,. Chap. 8]
The famous ecclesiastical historian, Baronius relates that about the
167, the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, on a certain occasion of general
commanded all his soldiers to wear a crown of laurel leaves in sign of
joy. Observing however that one of them had no crown, he asked the
of it. The brave soldier calmly and respectfully answered: "Sire, it is
not proper for a Christian to wear during this present life a crown of
pleasure." Worldlings may wish to be crowned with roses, but they
thereby the crown of eternal glory. Those who wish to be crowned with
in Heaven, must be willing to share His Crown of Thorns upon earth. The
pious king of Jerusalem, Godfred de Bouillon, constantly refused to
a crown of gold in that city wherein our Lord, the King of Kings, was
with thorns.
6. Jesus is crowned as our King.
Jesus Christ, being the incarnate Son of God is consequently by
preservation, and redemption, the Lord, Master and King of the
But, here, we wish here to consider Him as our King in relation only to
His Crown of Thorns. Through His Passion and Death our Savior has
sin, death and Hell.
First. He wished to be crowned with thorns and thistles, both being
the emblem and the punishment of sin. Our Lord, through His thorny
shows to all the world that He has removed sin from mankind, and the
of God from the Earth. Through the punctures of the Crown of Thorns,
crucified Lord has removed from the penitent sinner the sting of
and the pang and danger of despair. Moreover as the Crown of Thorns
copious streams of Blood to flow from our Savior's Head down on the
members of His suffering body, so, through this sacred crown He
for all His elect, who are the mystical members of His Body the Church,
all the graces, blessings, and gifts of God. As sinners we were thorny,
noxious and barren trees destined to be cut down to the ground, and
to eternal fire. But since our Lord has been crowned with the thorns of
our sins, He has removed the thorny branches, and by engrafting His
holiness upon us through His Sacraments, has enabled us to bear
fruits of virtuous actions.
Second. Through His Crown of Thorns our Heavenly King has conquered
death. By removing sin our Savior has taken away its terrible sting
death. "Death is swallowed up in victory. O death where is thy;
O death where is thy sting? Now the sting of death is sin. But thanks
to God Who hath given the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." [1
Cor. 15: 55] Our Lord, then having obtained the victory over sin and
deserved to receive a crown. The crown which He was pleased to choose
that of thorns.
Reflecting on this glorious victory the servants of God rejoiced at the
hour of death. Gerard, the pious brother of St. Bernard, feeling that
was dying, intoned aloud with a cheerful voice the Psalm, Laudate
"Praise ye the Lord from the Heavens; praise Him in the high places,
ye Him all His Angels." [Ps. 148: 1] St. Bernard says: "I was called to
witness this prodigy. I saw this man exulting in death, and defying its
In his last agony the seraphic Patriarch,
St. Francis, was singing sacred hymns and psalms, together with His
Being somewhat chided for this by Brother Elias, the dying Saint mildly
answered: "Dear brother, I cannot help doing this, knowing that I shall
soon be with God."
Blessed Reginald, a Dominican friar, being near death, was exhorted by
his religious brethren to prepare himself for his last combat by
the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. "I desire, my dear fathers," he said,
"to receive all the Sacraments of the Church, because through them all
the merits of our Savior's Passion are applied to our soul, and because
the grace that we have received through them is by them increased.
I have not the least fear of death; on the contrary, I am expecting it
with great joy. Christ our Lord has overcome death and has taken away
it its sting. Through the Crown of Thorns He has blunted the sting of
Death, my dearest brothers, is life for those for whom the passage to
is opened through the sacred side of our crucified Savior. Do then,
dear fathers, in your charity, administer to me the Sacrament of
Unction." This dying servant of God having received this last Sacrament
with the most lively faith and devotion, sweetly slept in the Lord.
Third. Through the Crown of
Thorns Hell has been conquered. Sin and death being overcome, the devil
can no longer have any power over our soul. The infernal serpent is
by those very thorns which he sowed upon earth, through the sins of our
first parents, and the malediction that on his account God pronounced
this earth, rebounds with terrible effect upon his proud and malignant
head. The Crown of Thorns, on our Savior's Head is the impenetrable
with which He surrounds and protects the vineyard of His Church, and
one of His elect. Through this hedge the friends of Christ are
and the infernal enemy of their soul is excluded.
Fourth. Lastly the Crown of our Savior is the infallible pledge of
our diadem of everlasting glory. Sin, death, Hell being overcome,
is secured to us. It was in a special manner through His Crown of
that our Savior has merited, for His faithful servants the crown of
glory, "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee the Crown of
Life." [Apoc. 2: 10]
Dionysius the Carthusian says: Jesus has been crowned with thorns, that
we may be crowned in Heaven with a crown of precious stones. "Therefore
they shall receive a kingdom of glory and a crown of beauty at the hand
of the Lord." [Wis. 5: 17]