Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr
December 13
d. 304
Taken From THE LITURGICAL YEAR, Dom Guéranger OSB, Book I
THERE comes to us, today, the fourth of our wise virgins, the valiant
Martyr, Lucy. Her glorious name shines on the sacred diptych of the
Canon of the Mass, together with those of Agatha,
Agnes, and Cecily [Cecilia];
and as often as we hear it pronounced during these days of Advent, it
reminds us (for Lucy signifies light) that He who consoles the Church,
by enlightening her children, is soon to be with us. Lucy is one of the
three glories of the Church of Sicily; as Catania is immortalized by
Agatha, and Palermo by Rosalia, so is Syracuse by Lucy. Therefore, let
us devoutly keep her Feast: she will aid us by her prayers during this
holy season, and will repay our love by obtaining for us a warmer love
of that Jesus, Whose grace enabled her to conquer the world. Once more
let us consider, why our Lord has not only given us Apostles, Martyrs,
and bishops as guides to us on our road to Bethlehem, but has willed
also that we should be accompanied thither by such virgins as Lucy. The
children of the Church are forcibly reminded by this, that, in
approaching the crib of their sovereign Lord and God, they must bring
with them, besides their faith, that purity of mind and body without
which no one can come near to God. Let us now read the glorious acts of
the virgin Lucy.
Lucy, a virgin of Syracuse, illustrious by birth and by the Christian
faith, which she had professed from her infancy, went to Catania, with
her mother Eutychia, who was suffering from a flux of blood, there to
venerate the body of the blessed Agatha. Having prayed fervently at the
tomb, she obtained her mother's cure, by the intercession of St.
Agatha. Lucy then asked her mother that she would permit her to bestow
upon the poor of Christ the fortune which she intended to leave her. No
sooner, therefore, had she returned to Syracuse, than she sold all that
was given to her and distributed the money amongst the poor.
When he, to whom her parents had against her will promised her in
marriage, came to know what Lucy had done, he went before the prefect
Paschasius and accused her of being a Christian. Paschasius entreated
and threatened, but could not induce her to worship the idols; nay, the
more he strove to shake her faith, the more inflamed were the praises
which she uttered in professing its excellence. He said, therefore,
to her: We shall have no more of thy words, when thou feelest the blows
of my executioners. To this the virgin replied: Words can never be
wanting to God's servants, for Christ our Lord has said to them:
When you shall be brought before kings and governors, take no
thought how or what to speak; for
it shall be given to you in that hour what to speak; for it is not you
that speak, but the holy Spirit that speaketh in you. Paschasius
then asked her:
the holy Spirit in thee? She answered: They who live chastely and
piously, are the temple of the holy Spirit. He said: I will order thee
to be taken to a brothel, that this holy Spirit may leave thee. The
virgin said to him: The violence wherewith thou threatenest me would
obtain for me a double crown of chastity. Whereupon Paschasius being
exceedingly angry, ordered Lucy to be dragged to a place where her
treasure might be violated; but, by the power of God, so firmly was she
fixed to the place where she stood, that it was impossible to move her.
Wherefore the prefect ordered her to be covered over with pitch, resin,
and boiling oil, and
a fire to be kindled round her. But seeing that the flame was not
permitted to hurt her, they tormented her in many cruel ways, and at
length ran a sword through her neck. Thus wounded, Lucy foretold the
peace of
the Church, which would come after the death of Diocletian and
Maximian, and then died. It was the Ides of December (Dec. 13). Her
body was buried at Syracuse, but was translated thence first to
Constantinople, and afterwards to Venice.
We present ourselves before thee, O virgin Martyr, beseeching
thee to
obtain for us that we may recognize in His lowliness that same Jesus
Whom thou now seest in His glory. Take us under thy powerful patronage.
Thy name signifies light; guide us through the dark night of this life.
O fair light of virginity! enlighten us; evil concupiscence has wounded
our eyes: pray for us, O thou bright light of virginity! that our
blindness be healed, and that rising above created things, we may be
able to see that true light, which shineth in darkness, but which
darkness cannot comprehend. Pray for us, that our eye may be purified,
and may see, in the Child who is to be born at Bethlehem, the new Man,
the second Adam, the model on Which the life of our regeneration must
be formed. Pray too, O holy virgin, for the Church of Rome and for all
those which adopt her form of the holy Sacrifice; for they daily
pronounce at the altar of God thy sweet name; and the Lamb, Who is
present, loves to hear it. Heap thy choicest blessings on the fair
Isle, which was thy native land, and where grew the palm of thy
Martyrdom. May thy intercession secure to her inhabitants firmness of
faith, purity of morals, and temporal prosperity, and deliver them from
the disorders which threaten her with destruction.
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