The Communion of St. Jerome
St. Jerome,
Doctor of the Church
September 30
c. 342-420
Born at Strido, near Aquileia, Dalmatia, Eusebius Hieronymus Sophronius
studied at Rome under Donatus, the famous pagan grammarian, acquired
great skill and knowledge of the Latin, Greek, and great classical
authors, and was Baptized by Pope Liberius at Rome in 360. After
further study at Treves and travel in Gaul, Jerome became an ascetic at
Aquileia in 370, joining a group of scholars under Bishop Valerian,
among whom was Rufinus. When a quarrel broke up the group, Jerome
traveled in the East and in 374 settled at Antioch, where he heard
Apollinarius of Laodicea lecture. A vision of Christ caused Jerome to
go to Chalcis in the Syrian desert, after a serious illness, and he
lived as a hermit for four years, praying and fasting, learning Hebrew,
and writing a life of St. Paul of Thebes. On Jerome's return to
Antioch, he was ordained by St. Paulinus and entered into the Meletian
schism controversy, supporting Paulinus and denouncing the schism in a
treatise, Altercatio luciferiani et
Jerome went to Constantinople to study Scripture under St. Gregory
Nazianzen, and in 382 Jerome went to Rome with St. Paulinus and St.
Epiphanius to attend a council and remained there as secretary to Pope
Damasus. While there, at the suggestion of Damasus, he revised the
Latin version of the four Gospels, St. Paul's Epistles, and the Psalms,
and wrote Adversum Helvidium,
denouncing a book by Helvidius declaring that Mary had had several
children besides Jesus. Jerome encouraged a group of noble ladies to
study Scripture and made numerous enemies by his sermons to them on the
virtues of celibacy and by his fiery attacks on pagan life and some
influential Romans. On the death of Damasus, his protector and patron,
in 384, his enemies and the vicious rumors that were circulated about
him (including a scandalous rumor concerning his relations with St.
Paula) decided him to return to the East, which he did in 385. He
visited Antioch, where Paula, Eustochium, and others of the Roman group
joined him, Egypt and Palestine and in 386, they all settled at
Bethlehem, where Paula built three convents for women and a monastery
for men, which Jerome headed. Most of his time was devoted to his
translation of the Bible into Latin from the original tongues, which
had been suggested to him by Pope Damasus, but Jerome found time to
become involved in numerous controversies. In 393, he wrote Adversus Jovianianum
to refute Jovinian's belief that Mary had other children besides Jesus
and attacking the desirability of virginity; and Jerome's Contra Vigilantium
denounced Vigilantius' condemnation of celibacy and the veneration of
relics. Jerome's greatest achievement was his translation of the
Old Testament from Hebrew and his revision of the Latin version of the
New Testament in 390-405, a feat of scholarship unequaled in the early
Church. This version, called the Vulgate, was declared the official
Latin text of the Bible for Catholics by the Council of Trent, and it
was from it that almost all English Catholic translations were made
until the middle of the twentieth century, when scholars began to use
original sources. It remained the official Latin text of the Bible for
the Catholic Church until Pope John Paul II replaced it with the New
Vulgate in 1979. From 405 until his death he produced a series of
biblical commentaries notable for the range of linguistic and
topographical material he brought to bear on his interpretations. In
415, his denunciation of Pelagianism [a heresy that denies Original Sin
and the Catholic doctrine on grace] in Dialogi contra Pelagianos
caused a new furor, and in 416, groups of armed Pelagian monks burned
the monasteries at Bethlehem, though he escaped unharmed, and left them
poverty-stricken. He died at Bethlehem after a lingering illness on
September 30. In addition to the works mentioned above, Jerome
corresponded widely (some 120 of his letters, of great historical
interest and importance, are still extant); he also compiled a
bibliography of ecclesiastical writers, De viris illustribus and he
translated and continued Eusebius' Chronicle.
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