Evening Prayers
These are for adults; the Children's
Prayer Index has a link for them; please note that the prayers
published below are in addition to the evening prayers found in
Traditional Catholic Prayers Index, link below. Not all of these are
necessary, but we provide them for those who may want to add to the
family recitation, which ought not be lengthy; God prefers prayer from
the heart, not the mere multiplication of words that appear as if
We ought never to omit evening prayers, even if it means a short
version due to illness or some other pressing matter beyond our
control. It is a mark of the grace of gratitude that when the day is
done, we return thanks to God for His aid and protection during the
day, especially for the crosses He may have sent to prove and sanctify
us; and we ought to pray that we may be protected from harm while we
sleep. Each night could be our last one here this side of eternity. We
should bear this in mind when saying our evening prayers. As always we
begin with:
IN the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
O ALMIGHTY and eternal God, Whose majesty filleth Heaven and
earth, I firmly believe that Thou art here present; that Thine
all-seeing eye is upon me; that Thou knowest all things, and art most
intimately present in the very center of my soul. I desire to bow down
all the powers of my soul to adore Thee; I desire to join my voice with
all Thy blessed Angels and Saints, to praise Thee and glorify Thee now
and forever.
I MOST heartily thank Thee, O Lord, for all Thy mercies and
blessings bestowed upon me and upon Thy whole Church; and particularly
for those I have received from Thee this day, in watching over me, and
preserving me from so many evils, and favoring me with so many graces
and inspirations. [Here pause and meditate on God's mercies.] Oh, let
me never more be ungrateful to Thee, my God, Who art so good and
gracious unto me.
Love of God
AT the close of evening I shall appear before Thee with empty
hands, for I ask not, Lord, that Thou wouldst count my works. All our
justice is tarnished in Thy sight. It is therefore my desire to be
clothed with Thine Own justice and to receive from Thy love the eternal
possession of Thyself. I crave no other throne or other crown but Thee,
O my Beloved.
O MY God, how good Thou art to me, the victim of Thy
merciful love. Now even though Thou dost join physical suffering to the
trials of my soul, I cannot say: "The sorrows of death have encompassed
me." But I cry out in my gratitude: "I have gone down into the valley
of the shadow of death, yet I fear no evil, because Thou, O Lord, art
with me."
A DAY ... an hour ... and we shall have reached the port!
My God, what shall we see then? What is that life which will never have
an end? ... Jesus will be the soul of our soul. Unfathomable mystery!
"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the
heart of man what great things God hath prepared for them that love
O MY Lord Jesus Christ, Judge of the living and the dead, before whom I
must appear one day to give an exact account of my whole life;
enlighten me, I beseech Thee, and give me a humble and contrite heart,
that I may see wherein I have offended Thine infinite Majesty, and
judge myself now with such a just severity, that then Thou mayest judge
me with mercy and clemency.
Here pause a moment to consider where and in whose company you have
been this day. Call to mind the sins committed against God, your
neighbor, or yourself; and reflect whether you have fulfilled the
duties of your state of life.
Offenses against God: Omission or negligence in religions duties;
irreverence and willful distractions in prayer; lack of confidence and
resignation; cursing, swearing, etc.
Against thy neighbor: Want of obedience or respect; scandal, hatred,
quarreling; stealing, injuries; lies, false reports; jealousy, desire
of revenge, etc.
Against self: Vanity, human respect; thoughts, desires or language
against purity; intemperance in eating or drinking; laziness and
neglect of one's duties.
Make an Act of Contrition.
VOUCHSAFE, O Lord, this night
To keep us without sin.
Have mercy upon us, O Lord.
Have mercy upon us.
Let Thy mercy, be upon us, O Lord.
As we have hoped in Thee.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
And let our cry come unto Thee.
Let us Pray
VISIT, we beseech Thee, O Lord, this habitation, and drive far
from it all snares of the enemy. Let Thy holy Angels dwell herein, to
preserve us in peace; and may Thy blessing be always upon us, through
our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Save us, O Lord, when we are awake, and keep us while we sleep, that we
may watch with Christ, and rest in peace. Amen.
LORD Jesus Christ, my God, I adore Thee and thank Thee for all
the blessings which Thou hast conferred upon mc this day. I offer Thee
my rest and all the moments of this night, and I beseech Thee to
protect me from all sin. Therefore I place myself within the most
sacred Wound of Thy side, and under the protecting mantle of Mary my
May Thy holy Angels assist me and preserve me in peace. May Thy
blessing be upon me forevermore.
After retiring say:
INTO Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. Lord Jesus, receive
my soul. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified, I lay me down
to rest. May He bless, govern and protect me; and, after this short
pilgrimage, bring to me everlasting happiness. Amen.
O LORD Jesus Christ, Whose unwearied eye neither slumbers nor sleeps,
but continually watches in defense of Thy servants; take me and mine, I
beseech Thee, into Thy protection, and grant, that whilst my body is
asleep, my soul may be awake to Thee, and that I may hereafter behold
Thee in that blessed and heavenly country, where Thou, with the Father
and the Holy Ghost, rulest eternally, and where all the Angels, with
the blessed Saints, are citizens forever. Amen.