The Goldfish Bowl:
The Catholic Church Since Vatican II
Published on the web with permission of the author.
This brings me at last to the Second Vatican Council. I felt it
necessary to provide this long preamble in order to set the Council in
its historical perspective. The movements and ideas I have been
describing must inevitably have influenced many of the bishops and
theologians attending the Council, and hence would probably be
discernible in its debates and in its documents. These ideas would
rarely have been held explicitly, even by those from such "advanced"
countries as Holland, France and Germany. Yet these ideas permeated the
societies in which contemporary Catholics lived, and even bishops could
no more remain unaffected by them than could the inhabitants of London
have remained unaffected by the notorious smog which tainted her
atmosphere up to the middle of this century. Rationalism, Modernism,
Marxism, democracy, anti-authoritarianism, naturalism,
these attitudes have a common factor---they are concerned exclusively
with this world, with man; they are not concerned with the world to
come, with God. Man has come of age. The Creator-creature relationship
is a thing of the past.
It was thus almost inevitable that whereas previous general councils of
the Church had been concerned almost exclusively with spiritual
matters, this one would give much of its attention to material
concerns; less attention would be given to God, more attention to man.
This need not necessarily be a bad thing, for no one can claim to love
God who is unconcerned with the plight of those in material need. But
such a concern could be a bad thing if it resulted, on a practical
level, in Catholics joining the rest of society in making the relief of
material deprivation their primary if not exclusive concern. There
would then be nothing remaining to distinguish Catholicism from
The First Vatican Council had been suspended with its work
when Rome was invaded by the victorious armies of the Italian
Revolution in 1870. It is worth noting that almost every leader in the
movement for the unification of Italy was a Mason. On two occasions
serious consideration was given to convening another general council to
complete the work of Vatican I, once under Pope Pius XI and once under
Pope Pius XII. On both occasions the project was dropped, not least
through fear that it might be infected by the Modernism which was
reemerging in the Church once more. Cardinal Billot warned Pope Pius XI
that a second Vatican Council might be "maneuvered by the Church's
worst enemies, the Modernists" who were already preparing a revolution
in the Church, "a new 1789." No one quite knows why Pope John XXIII
decided to convene a council. He claimed that it was the result of a
Divine inspiration. Others have suggested that the elderly pontiff did
not like being thought of as a stop-gap pope and called the council to
insure himself a place in history. Well, he certainly did achieve that!
He spoke of opening up the windows of the Vatican to let in a little
fresh air, but the effect upon the Church is as if a tornado had
smashed through it. Cardinal Heenan told us that the Pope and most of
the Council Fathers shared an illusion that they had come together for
a short convivial meeting. God was merciful in allowing Pope John to
die before witnessing the results of his decision to hold a council.
I must make a distinction here. It is the distinction between the
Council itself, and the Council as an event, and it is an important
distinction. We will first consider the Council in itself, that is, in
the teaching found in its sixteen official documents. These documents
contain much sound and even inspiring teaching, but some are banal and
full of platitudes, and in some places there are unfortunate
ambiguities. There was considerable tension between the conservative
and progessive Fathers, and where agreement could not be reached,
compromise texts were drawn up, which each side could interpret in its
own way.
Where Pope John XXIII was concerned, there was no question but that his
Council should uphold orthodoxy. In his opening speech he stated:
The greatest concern of the Ecumenical Council is this: that the sacred
deposit of Christian Doctrine should be guarded and taught more
efficaciously ... to transmit that doctrine pure and integral without
any attenuation or distortion which throughout twenty centuries,
notwithstanding difficulties and contrasts has become the common
patrimony of men. That was the Pope's intention. The result was
somewhat different.
"I often wonder," wrote Cardinal Heenan in 1968, "what Pope John would
have thought had he been able to foresee that his council would provide
an excuse for rejecting so much of the Catholic doctrine which he
wholeheartedly accepted." The solemn closure of the Council took
place in December 1965. By 1967 Pope Paul VI was so alarmed at
tendencies appearing throughout the Church that he spoke out in terms
reminiscent of St. Pius X in the Encyclical
Pascendi, to which I have
already referred. St. Pius X described the original Modernists as
"partisans of error," working within the "very bosom" of the Church
where "they put into operation their designs for her undoing." Pope
Paul VI lamented the fact that, "In the very bosom of the Church there
appear works by several teachers and writers who, while trying to
express Catholic doctrine in new ways and forms, often desire rather to
accommodate the dogmas of the Faith to secular modes of thought and
expression than be guided by the norms of the teaching authority of
the Church."
In 1968 he stated openly that these deviations from orthodoxy were
being justified in the name of Vatican II:
It will be said that the Council authorized such treatment of
traditional teaching. Nothing is more false, if we are to accept the
word of Pope John who launched that
in whose name some
dare to impose on Catholic dogma dangerous and sometimes reckless
Sadly, with very few exceptions, Pope Paul VI tended to do no more
lament abuses. If he had followed the example of St. Pius X and
excommunicated those who refused to return to orthodoxy after repeated
admonitions, then the situation of the Church today might be very
different. There is a paradox here, a tragic paradox. While Pope Paul
deplored the abuses and deviations from orthodoxy perpetrated in the
so-called "Spirit of Vatican II" he was inhibited from taking effective
action because, in his own way, he was a prisoner of that very same
spirit. I will try to explain why.
I have already said that we can consider the Council in two ways: in
itself and as an event. It was the Council as an event which was
primarily responsible for generating the ubiquitous spirit of Vatican
II. I have shown in my book
John's Council, and I think that few
if any commentators on the Council would dispute this, that the most
influential people at Vatican II were not the Council Fathers, the
bishops, but the expert advisers they brought with them, the
This was certainly the opinion of Douglas Woodruff, the outstanding
Catholic jouralist in England during the post-war era, and the Editor
The Tablet, when it was a
Catholic journal. "Vatican II," he wrote,
"has been the Council of the
Peritus, plural
periti, is the
Latin word for an expert adviser. These were the men brought to the
Council by the bishops to offer them expert theological advice. In the
case of some of the prominent European theologians, they were the very
men against whom the Encyclical
Generis had been directed. But
their views were precisely the views which representatives of the media
covering the Council found sympathetic, the very views which coincided
with the spirit of the post-war era, man rather than God as the focus
of our attention. Some of the
were given a popular build-up in
the media. Hans Kung provides a typical example. He and those who
thought like him were presented as fearless champions of freedom and
enlightenment, men who would save the Church by making it relevant in
the second half of the twentieth centry; and by relevance they meant
that the Church must adopt as its principal concern those priorities
currently preoccupying the leaders of secular thought. This meant that
the Church must have as its primary concern not life in the next world
but life in this; the Church must focus the attention of its members
not on avoiding sin and practising virtue in order to avoid Hell and
attain Heaven, but in combatting poverty, injustice and inequality
wherever they are to be found. And in striving to achieve these
objectives, Catholics must work with men of any belief or none. Thus
not even communism could be condemned. Four hundred and fifty Fathers
attempted to have a specific condemnation of atheistic communism
included in the Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, but
identically worded amendments were suppressed by an act of calculated
and arrogant fraud and so could not be debated. To the best of my
knowledge, there has not been a specific condemnation of atheistic
communism by the Vatican since the Council.
The attitudes I have been describing are not found primarily in the
Council documents, although they could be discerned there with the help
of hindsight, particuarly in
et Spes,
the Pastoral Constitution
on the Church in the Modern World. No, these attitudes became
widespread as a result of what I have been terming the "Council as an
event." The liberal
some of whom made it clear later that they
were neo-modernists, were able to spend months together in Rome during
the years of the Council, living in great comfort at the expense of the
ordinary faithful. Instead of being somewhat isolated individuals,
often under suspicion, who needed to express their ideas with great
caution, they found themselves among dozens of like-minded theologians,
and, moreover, the heroes of the hour. They were idolized by the media,
they were soon having discussions, official and unofficial, with
theologians from other countries, and even giving lectures to the
bishops. They were the men who drafted the documents for which the
bishops voted, and, as Bishop Lucey of Cork and Ross, Ireland,
complained, the
periti were,
in reality, more powerful than the
bishops. They did not, as I have already explained, succeed in getting
many of their ideas spelled out explicitly in the Council documents,
but sadly, and I say this in all seriousness, the Council in itself, in
its official documents, was of far less significance for the future of
the Church than the Council as an event. Hundreds of theologians and
bishops returned to their own countries in 1965 with a totally
different attitude to the Faith from that which they had brought to
Rome in 1965. They wouldn't dispute this; in fact, they would glory in
the fact. They were men who had "seen the light."
Bishop William Adrian of Nashville, Tennessee, notes how first the
American theologians, and then many of the bishops, were converted by
the European
periti. "Some
conservative American bishops," he wrote,
"following their second-rate
joined the revolutionary group to
bring about whatever their mentors thought best. The European
who really imposed their theories upon the bishops, were themselves
deeply imbued with the errors of Teilhardism and situation ethics,
which errors ultimately destroy all Divine faith and morality and all
constituted authority."
Bishop Adrian then drew attention to the error which lies at the basis
of the confusion in the post-conciliar Church. Please pay particular
attention to these words: "They make the person the center and judge of
all truth and morality, irrespective of what the Church teaches. It is
the root of the evil of this disrespect for authority, Divine and
The Bishop was correct, the person becomes the center and judge of all
truth and morality irrespective of what the Church teaches. Man, not
God, becomes the ultimate arbiter of truth, the ultimate arbiter of
what is right and what is wrong. Let me quote a few more words from
Bishop Adrian:
These liberal theologians seized on the Council as a means of
deCatholicizing the Catholic Church while pretending only to deRomanize
it. By twisting words and using Protestant terminology and ideas they
succeeded in creating a mess whereby many Catholic priests, religious
and laymen, have become so confused that they feel alienated from
Catholic culture.
These words were written in 1969, but I am sure they express what many
of us feel, that is, totally alienated from what is presented to us
today as "Catholic culture." We simply cannot recognize this Faith in
most of the religious textbooks imposed upon our children in so-called
Catholic schools today; we cannot recognize it in what is imposed upon
us as Catholic liturgy in many of our churches; we cannot recognize it
in the prefabricated socio-political pseudo-religious claptrap
emanating from the commissions which seem to have taken over the
government of the Church from the bishops in so many countries today.
And what is the justification for all these aberrations? There is a
blanket response to any complaint you will make: you are opposing the
Second Vatican Council. Bear in mind that by 1968 Pope Paul VI had
protested publicly at the already established practice of invoking the
Council to justify "dangerous and sometimes reckless interpretations."
In many cases a change imposed in the name of the Council is
diametrically opposed to what the Council actually mandated. I will
restrain myself from going into great detail on the extent to which
this is the case where the liturgy is concerned. Do you regret the fact
that in many of our churches Gregorian Chant has been replaced by hymns
in what purports to be a folk idiom, often with words and music of
almost heroic banality? Dare to complain and you will be castigated as
an anti-conciliar rebel. But did you know that Vatican II actually
ordered that Gregorian Chant should become the norm for sung
Masses? Did you know that there is not a word in any conciliar document
ordering or even recommending the entire Mass in the vernacular, Mass
facing the people, standing for Communion, Communion in the hand, lay
ministers of Communion, thrusting the tabernacles aside to an obscure
"By their fruits you shall know them," the Bible tells us. If we are
totally objective we must admit that up to the present, Vatican II has
produced no good fruits at all. This might appear to be an outrageous
and irresponsible allegation, but a careful examination of the facts
will prove that it is totally objective. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre has
stated that the reforms enacted in the name of Vatican II "have
contributed and are still contributing to the demolition of the
Church, the ruin of the priesthood, the destruction of the Sacrifice,
and the Sacraments, the disappearance of the religious life, as well as
to the emergence of a naturalist and Teilhardian doctrine in
universities, seminaries, and the religious education of children---a
teaching born of Liberalism and Protestantism, and condemned many times
by the solemn Magisterium of the Church."
I have no doubt that there are many who would consider such an
allegation unworthy of consideration simply because it had been made by
Archbishop Lefebvre. Well, for those who are unwilling to accept this
gloomy assessment of the fruits of the Council, let me quote an
authority who, one might hope, might not be dismissed so lightly. I
refer to Pope Paul VI. The Council had no more ardent advocate than
this unhappy Pontiff, but by 1968 he had reached the stage of lamenting
the fact that the Church was engaged in a process of self-destruction
autodistruzione). On the
Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, 1972, he went
as far as saying that somehow or other Satan had found an opening into
the Church and was suffocating the fruits of the Second Vatican
Council. Father Louis Bouyer, the French Oraorian, is one of the most
distinguished theologians and liturgists in the Church today. He had
been an expert adviser at Vatican II, a
peritus (some of the
were orthodox). Soon after the Council closed, Father Bouyer wrote an
enthusiastic book explaining the great benefits it would bring. In 1969
he wrote another book,
Decomposition of Catholicism, in which he
set out the reality of the Council as opposed to the hopes it had
engendered. "Unless we are blind," he wrote, "we must even state
bluntly that what we see looks less like the hoped for regeneration of
Catholicism than its decomposition."
The self-destruction of the Church according to Pope Paul VI, the
decomposition of Catholicism according to Father Bouyer---that is the
reality of the Church since Vatican II. And as for the liturgy, here is
Father Bouyer's assessment: "We must speak plainly: there is
practically no liturgy worthy of the name today in the Catholic
Officially, of course, the Church is not undergoing a process of
self-destruction. We are witnessing not decomposition but renewal. In
an article in the
Toronto Star
this month, 6 October 1984, Cardinal
Emmet Carter, an aging and rather silly liberal, heaped praise upon
Pope Paul VI and the Second Vatican Council. Cardinal Carter writes:
He was wonderful. It was he who
brought the Second Vatican Council to
fulfillment and fruition. He implemented its decrees with remarkable
insightful application and faithful interpretation. He was harried,
hounded, and harassed by small-minded people who were making the fatal
error of thinking that the Council had abolished the Catholic Church
instead of renewing it.
Well, according to my dictionary, "renewal" involves transferring to
new life, invigorating, or regeneration. It would be interesting if
Cardinal Carter could tell us exactly where this renewal or
regeneration is taking place---certainly not in his own country of
where the Catholic Church is characterized by what can only be
described as an accelerating degeneration. This is true of almost every
country in the Western world. In every aspect of the life of the Church
subject to statistical evaluation the renewal of which the Cardinal
speaks exists only in the realm of fantasy. In the real world, Mass
attendance has decreased by percentages ranging from a modest 22% in
England to 70% in France and Holland; there has been a catastrophic
decline in Baptisms, as much as 50% in Britain and the U.S.A.
Conversions have plunged, seminary enrollment has declined by anything
from 25% to 80%, while ordinations have declined by as much as 97%. To
make matters worse, there has been an exodus from the priestly and
religious life. In the U.S.A. alone, 10,000 priests have abandoned
their vocation and over 50,000 nuns have left their convents. I might
add that the decline in seminary enrollment and exodus from the
priesthood is much less alarming than the fact that many of those being
ordained appear to have a very inadequate grasp of the Catholic Faith,
which is putting it mildly!
The majority of laymen will have felt the effect of the "spirit of
Vatican II" in six main areas: the liturgy; the religious education of
Catholic children; the moral teaching of the Church; the increasing
political involvement of the clergy, principally on behalf of left-wing
causes, ecumenism; and what I will term "democratic dialogue."
Before making a brief comment on each of these areas, I must mention
once more the distinction I made earlier between the Council itself and
the Council as an event. The abuses, abominations, and imbecilities
which now proliferate throughout the Church can rarely be justified by
citing a direct instruction of the Council. They originated rather in
the ubiquitous "spirit" of the Council which emanated from the Council
as an event, but those who complain about any post-conciliar aberration
will be condemned for opposing the Second Vatican Council by the
priest, bishop, or religious sister perpetrating the abuse; yet in many
cases these abuses are diametrically opposed to what the Council
actually ordered.
The outrages which scandalize the faithful were not envisaged, let
alone mandated, by the bishops who voted for the Council documents on
the liturgy. In some cases they were initiated by the zealots who took
control of the commissions set up to implement the Council after the
bishops had returned to their dioceses. The late Archbishop R. J. Dwyer
of Portland, Oregon, the most cultured and erudite American bishop of
the post-war era, considered that the greatest mistake of the Council
Fathers was to allow the implementation of the Council to fall into the
hands of these men, taken in the main from the ranks of the
God forbid that the interpretation of the Council should ever fall into
the hands of these men, Cardinal Heenan of England warned. But this is
precisely what happened. Other abuses were initiated by rebellious
priests, and rather than discipline them the Vatican eventually
capitulated and legalized their rebellion. Communion in the hand
provides such an example. As every student of history knows,
surrendering to the demands of rebels never brings about an end to the
rebellion, it simply prompts further demands. In 1980 I had a long
discussion with Cardinal Seper who was Prefect of the Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican department responsible for
doctrinal orthodoxy. He admitted to me that the Pope no longer
exercised effective control over the bishops in the U.S.A. A good
number of American dioceses are now, to all intents and purposes,
autonomous Modernist enclaves, where the only crime is to be loyal to
the Pope or to Tradition.
1. Liturgical Abuses
But to return to the subject of the liturgy, Father Bouyer, whom I have
already cited, claims that there is practically no liturgy worthy of
the name in the Catholic Church today, and that what has been imposed
upon us in the name of the Council represents, in fact, a contradiction
of what the Fathers of the Council and the great figures of the
liturgical movement desired. The Council authorized no more than a
moderate liturgical reform which no reasonable person would have
opposed. It stated that all lawfully acknowledged liturgical rites were
to be preserved and fostered in every way, and that there must be no
innovations unless the good of the Church genuinely and certainly
required them. But what has happened? Let Father Joseph Gelineau tell
us. Father Gelineau was a
at the Council and he has been in the
vanguard of the elite corps of liturgical commissars which has been
imposing liturgical changes on us since it ended. Father Gelineau is,
however, an honest commissar. He makes no secret of what has happened
since the Council, and I quote:
To tell the truth, it is a
different liturgy of the Mass. This needs to
be said without ambiguity: the Roman Rite as we knew it no longer
exists. It has been destroyed.
The rite of Mass as you knew it until the post-conciliar revolution
began in 1965 was the culmination of a gradual and natural development
under the influence of the Holy Ghost which lasted for fifteen hundred
years. By the year of Our Lord 1570, it had reached as near perfection
as anything upon this earth can be. Father Faber described it as "the
most beautiful thing this side.of Heaven."
In the year 1570 Pope St.
Pius V codified the Roman Rite of the Mass, as it then existed,
forever. No priest, he said, could ever be forced to say any other form
of Mass. Vatican II ordered that all lawfully acknowledged rites should
be preserved and fostered in every way. That is what the Council
ordered. Father Gelineau boasts that the Roman Rite has been destroyed.
That is what has happened.
There are two categories of people whose views are listened to with the
greatest respect by Catholic bishops today: Protestants and
sociologists. Well, here is the testimony of a man who is both a
Protestant and sociologist. Professor Peter L. Berger is a Lutheran
professor of sociology. In a lecture delivered at the Harvard Club in
New York on 11 May 1978, he commented upon the changes in our liturgy
from the dispassionate standpoint of a professional sociologist. He
remarked that if a thoroughly malicious member of his own profession,
bent on injuring the Catholic community as much as possible, had been
an adviser to the Church, he could hardly have done a better job.
Professor Dietrich von Hildebrand, probably the greatest Catholic
philosopher and lay theologian in the English-speaking world this
century, made an almost identical remark:
"Truly," he said, "if one of
the devils in C. S. Lewis' The Screwtape
Letters had been entrusted
with the ruin of the liturgy he could not have done it better."
Malcolm Muggeridge is one of the most distinguished converts received
into the Church since the Council. He held back from this step for many
years largely due to the crazy antics of so many Catholic clerics. He
made the mistake of confusing the Church itself with individual
churchmen. He told me in a long interview I had with him last year that
he now recognizes this was a mistake, but that he still holds to an
opinion he expressed before his conversion that if our bishops
stationed men with whips outside our churches to keep people away they
could not be doing a more effective job.
I have cited these three men because they are not ignorant, they are
not illiterate; their opinions cannot be dismissed as of no consequence
as are those of us of lesser intellectual stature who dare to suggest
that the new clothes worn by the emperor of the great conciliar renewal
do not exist, that the alleged renewal is no more than a delusion
concocted by those in authority who dare not face up to the fact of a
disintegrating Church.
2. Irreligious Education
The second way in which many Catholic laymen have been affected by the
spirit of the Council concerns the education of their children. In
place of the Catholic Faith bequeathed to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ,
and which He commanded His Church to teach, we are gradually seeing a
mish-mash of philanthropy and sociology. Many of the defective texts
used today are clearly the progeny of the notorious Dutch Catechism
which was published in 1967, within only two years of the closing of
Vatican II. The state of the Church in Holland has now disintegrated to
the extent that being an orthodox Catholic there is akin to being a
Catholic in England during penal times. Professor van der Ploeg, one of
Europe's most outstanding Biblical scholars, assessed the Catechism as
The Dutch Catechism is, from one end to the other, a manual of
Modernism for which it aims to win an acceptance everywhere. In order
not to alarm its readers the true import of its teaching is frequently
concealed by deceptive and ambiguous phrasing, although at times the
authors have the insolence to flaunt it openly. The Dutch Catechism
has already caused incalculable harm throughout the world, as a Roman
Cardinal confided to me recently.
The Dutch Catechism was written for adults, but it became the model
for countless textbooks for adults and children. Its influence upon the
quite deplorable
series, which is widely used in Ireland and
Great Britain, is obvious. In a lecture given in Paris on 8 January
1983, Archbishop Ryan of Dublin lamented the fact that in spite of the
time, money and energy spent on the production of elaborate textbooks
and tapes, many children emerge from the primary and post-primary
schools without a basic knowledge of the Faith and the Christian way of
life. Canon George Telford is a priest of my own diocese of Southwark.
He was, at one time, our Catechetical Director, as well as being Vice
Chairman of the National Department of Catechetics. Canon Telford is a
very orthodox priest who believed that children in Catholic schools
should be taught the Catholic Faith. He fought an almost lone fight
for a number of years, enduring much criticism and even abuse, but
finally resigned when it was clear that he could expect no backing
whatsoever from the bishops in his attempt to uphold orthodoxy. In his
letter of resignation he made a statement which says all that needs to
be said about contemporary catechetics:
Modern catechetics is
theologically corrupt and spiritually bankrupt.
Its structures and innovations are irrelevant unmeaningful for Catholic
Faith, and can achieve nothing but its gradual dilution. The authentic
renewal of catechesis will come not from them but from the faithful.
"Theologically corrupt and spiritually bankrupt"---that is the
education being given to the generality of children in our Catholic
schools today. I cannot imagine anyone better qualified than Canon
Telford to make such an assessment.
Cardinal Ratzinger, the present Prefect of the Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith, spoke at the same conference as Archbishop Ryan.
He admitted candidly that there is a crisis in catechetics; that it had
been a fundamental and grave mistake to suppress the catechism; that
the method of teaching the Faith had come to be considered as more
important than what was taught; that this resulted in the attitude that
religion must be adapted to what is acceptable to man, rather than man
adapting his life to the demands of the Faith; that behind the
rejection of the catechism and the collapse of traditional religious
instruction lies a rejection of traditional Catholic dogma; and that
the experience of the community is the ultimate criterion for deciding
belief. The Cardinal had no hesitation in telling us where we must go
to discover what it is that we must believe: it is the
Catechism of the
Council of Trent published by St. Pius V.
Cardinal Ratzinger's courageous declaration has given new heart to many
parents throughout the world who have been fighting the dilution of the
Faith for almost twenty years now, and who had been ridiculed for
making precisely the claims that the Cardinal has now made. Almost
invariably, diocesan bishops had sided with the catechetical directors
who were destroying the faith of Catholic children. Parents or teachers
who protested at the new texts were told that they were against the
Council, that they were ignorant, that they were unChristian---or all
three---and a few other things besides! Yet now the Cardinal Prefect of
the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has endorsed their
stand, just when some of them were beginning to fear that perhaps they
really were ignorant and unbalanced.
3. Moral Decadence
The third area in which the "Spirit of the Council" has affected the
laity is that of the moral teaching of the Church. The Council
authorized no departure from the traditional norms, and the Vatican has
issued a series of documents upholding the traditional teaching since
the Council ended. This is something for which we must be profoundly
grateful. Unfortunately, in the majority of dioceses, there is now no
aspect of Catholic moral teaching which cannot be questioned or
repudiated with impunity, even by priests holding important positions
in Catholic institutions; and, with very few exceptions, they are
allowed to use these positions to undermine the teaching of the Church
and confuse the faithful. Studies in the U.S.A. have revealed that
there is now little difference in belief and practice between Catholics
and non-Catholics where sexual morality is concerned, and each
succeeding poll reveals a higher number of Catholics jumping on the
permissive bandwagon, which goes a long way to explaining the plunging
rate of Baptisms. Protestants are rightly scandalized at the ease with
which Catholics can now obtain marriage annulments; tens of thousands
are granted in the U.S.A. each year, where only dozens were granted at
the close of the Council, and other countries are following suit. Pope
John Paul II is much concerned about this abuse.
4. Political Prelates
My fourth point is that of politics. The Catholic laity will have
noticed how preoccupied with politics their bishops have become, or to
be more accurate, the commissions which run the bishops. If you
complain to your bishop about the use of altar girls, which is a
flagrant violation of current Church law, he will be outraged that you
dare to take up his time on so trivial a matter when the world is
waiting with bated breath for him to settle the problems of El Salvador
or Nicaragua, the question of nuclear weapons, or the redistribution of
the wealth of the west to the Third World. Such bishops have succumbed
totally to the spirit referred to earlier, a spirit which diverts the
attention of the believer from his spiritual life, and ultimately of
life in the world to come, to exclusively material concerns. In other
words, they are now concerned with man and his material needs, no
matter how often they may invoke the name of God as the motivation for
their endeavors. In an article in
Daily Telegraph on Thursday, 22
October 1984, Dr. Edward Norman who is Dean of Peterhouse, Cambridge,
an Anglican, wrote an article entitled "When Churchmen Neglect Our
Spiritual Condition." It was concerned with the attitude which I have
been describing, an attitude which infects clerics of all the
mainstream Christian bodies. Dr. Norman wrote:
However good their intentions, and however properly they may have
attuned their yearning for social righteousness, the fact is that
contemporary Church leaders frequently fail to appreciate the real
nature of their own spiritual function. They have, indeed, succumbed to
a material view of man and his purpose in the world. The
real danger to mankind in this and in every age---but perhaps
particularly in this, because of the prevalence of non-religious
ideologies---derives from threats not to his material but to his
spiritual condition.
This is it precisely, the real danger to mankind today concerns his
spiritual not his material condition. Is this not the essence of the
message of Our Lady of Fatima? The times we live in cry out for our
bishops to bring us down upon our knees in a crusade of prayer and
penance to avert the justly deserved chastisement of which the Blessed
Mother warned. But no, their eyes are upon nuclear weapons and the
Third World, which, to a large extent may be termed the opium of the
5. Ecumania
This brings me to the fifth aspect of the "Spirit of Vatican II" which
affects many of the faithful---that of ecumenism. Perhaps I should term
it false ecumenism, as every Catholic must be in favor of true
ecumenism which aims at bringing non-Catholics into the unity of the
one true Church. This false ecumenism is nothing less than
indifferentism, and was condemned by the Council. Once again it
reflects the turning away of attention from God to man. If we are not
concerned with God then we are not concerned with truth, and if truth
does not matter then why should we not gloss over or minimize anything
which separates us from our dearly beloved separated
brethren---including our traditional liturgy? While the Tridentine Mass
remained the universal form for worship within the Roman Rite there was
no hope or possibility of ecumenical progress. As Luther remarked, it
stank of sacrifice. The doctrine of the sacrifice of the Mass is
anathema to Protestants of every denomination. I had better mention
that the form of Mass celebrated in Germany in Luther's time before the
Council of Trent was identical in almost every respect to the rite
promulgated by St. Pius V in 1570, and now known popularly as the
Tridentine Mass. The pervading spirit of the current ecumenical
movement is one of indifferentism. It is totally alien to the true
Catholic ethos, and cannot be supported by anyone who takes his faith
serious1y. There is no little irony in the fact that the very bishops
who would have condemned us for assisting at a Protestant service
before the Council will now condemn us if we do not take part.
6. Democracy and Dialogue
When they are not engaged in earnest ecumenical dialogue, those
exercising effective authority in the Church today are usually talking
to each other. Writing in
Order a few years ago, Father Bryan
Houghton described the principal effect of the Council as the fact that
we now belong to "the talking Church." Someone is always talking to
someone else about something, usually the same people talking to each
other about the same things. We have parish councils, deanery councils,
diocesan councils, and even national pastoral councils and congresses.
We are continually informed of the need for those in authority to
engage in a process of consultation, but the only people who ever
appear to be consulted are those who already share the opinions of
those doing the consulting. They will then foist their latest
eccentricity upon the long-suffering faithful under the guise of a
response to a popular demand.