Saint Cyril of Alexandria and Saint John Chrysostom

The Church is the dwelling-place of the Saints, the roof over the pious, under which the just have their abode. Indeed, as many as escape from the punishment of fire find their home in her.
St. Cyril of Alexandria

We know that salvation belongs to the Church alone, and that no one can partake of Christ nor be saved outside the Catholic Church and Catholic faith.
St. John Chrysostom

Secede not from the Church, for nothing is stronger than the Church. Thy hope is the Church! Thy salvation is the Church!
St. John Chrysostom

The fullness of Christ is the Church ... He has in very deed made us His own body. It is with This we are nourished, to This we are joined: made one body and one flesh with Christ ... Let us be fearful lest anyone should cut us off from this body, lest anyone should perish outside it.
St. John Chrysostom

Therefore, let no imposter seduce you from the true faith. Let us preserve our faith intact, untarnished by deceit or by heretical contention. In this way, we shall come to inher- it the kingdom of Heaven.
St. Cyril of Alexandria

He who does not believe contracts an incurable sin; for by his disbelief he dares to assert that God is either impotent or a liar.
St. John Chrysostom

Unbelief is like a sandy soil. It produces no fruit, howsoever much rain falls upon it.
St. John Chrysostom

In what manner will He "convict the world"? He will condemn the world, which means that He will condemn the ignorant and the unbelieving who continue unbelieving ... and who must die because of their offenses.
St. Cyril of Alexandria

He will convict the world of sin: that is, He will cut off all their excuses and show them that they have sinned in not believing.
St. John Chrysostom

What excuse shall he have, what mercy can he hope for, who corrupts the adorable and ineffable dogmas of our faith? This cannot be! It cannot, I say!
St. John Chrysostom


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