Researched and Compiled by Pauly Fongemie for Catholic Tradition


IN 1899, a member of the Masonic Council stated to a reporter of the French paper, Le Temps, that "We proscribe all political discussions. We keep out of every political agitation. We never present a candidate at any election whatsoever." Of course, they never present candidates openly stating that they are Masons, but in 1893, six years before the interview given to Le Temps, another member of the Council, Brother . . . Amiable, could say: "Our candidates won all along the line, and thus our group in the National Assembly is noticeably increased. In the name of the General Assembly of the 'Grand Orient,' I congratulate the Freemasons who are today the chosen representatives of universal suffrage."

The forces that control Masonry proceed slowly and cautiously, getting in the so-called "progressive" ideas. But when the people are completely blinded and powerless, then the moderate leaders, who were allowed to figure on the stage during the period of preparation, disappear and others, more fanatically progressive, take their places to serve their turn. Thus France passed from the hands of the men of 1789 to those of the men of 1791, to be delivered over then to the Terrorists, Mirabeau, Danton, Robespierre, or in more recent times, Waldeck-Rousseau, Combes, Clemenceau, [who] appear in succession on the scene, and the deputies, senators and ministers follow them like, well-trained dogs, while the violent measures are adopted or the laws voted which make of our Lord Jesus Christ an exile from one country more. The application of the law against the Religious Orders, made by Waldeck-Rousseau, was handed over to Combes on account of his fanaticism. Waldeck-Rousseau prepared the way for Combes, as Combes prepared the way for Clemenceau. In political action, then, Progressivists, Opportunists, Radicals, Socialists, Collectivists are only teams of promoters of destruction who play their parts and then are withdrawn from the stage. They may think themselves free in the carrying out of their roles, but, nevertheless, they are only instruments. It must also be borne in mind that ministers are, to a very large extent, dependent upon permanent officials. During the years of preparation, Masonry aims at getting hold of the key positions on government clerical staffs. Thus even the good men who become ministers find themselves very frequently
powerless. Needless to say, divisions among Catholics who should stand for the Kingship of Christ permit of the staffing-process going on unheeded and unchecked.

Mexico is a typical example of the rapidity with which the closing stages of the process of disruption may be carried through. At the General Convention of Latin-American Lodges, held at Buenos Aires in 1906, it was resolved, amongst other things, that religious persecution should be begun and carried on zealously by every possible means. The following Articles, taken from the minutes of the Convention in question, embody the programme of action:
"Art. 5.----Latin-American Masonry shall oppose by every possible means clerical propaganda as well as the establishment and development of religious communities. It shall, in addition, do all in its power to get these communities banished from the different countries under its jurisdiction. Accordingly, Masons shall not send their children to be educated in Catholic educational establishments, and shall use their influence over their wives and children to keep them from going to confession; [Fr. Fahey does not comment here, but note that this directive necessarily means that the Craft had enough Catholic members to render it operative.]

"Art. 6.----Masons shall try to stir up the zeal of the members of the different political parties for Masonic ideals: the separation of Church and State, the expulsion of religious communities, civil marriage and divorce, purely secular education, the exclusion of religious from hospitals, the suppression of military chaplains;

"Art. 10.-----Masonry shall strive to get the representative at the Vatican withdrawn, thus showing that the Papacy is no longer considered an International Power."

That Mexico was ripening for the Masonic harvest we learn from an article by A. Preuss, which appeared in the Fortnightly Review of 15th October, 1913. The distinguished writer, in describing the state of religion in Mexico, pointed out that the Indians had never lost the faith taught them by the first Spanish missionaries, but that, while the Mexican women were devout and pious, the men of the so-called educated classes were mostly Masons. He adds that he had often assisted, on Sundays, at the sad spectacle of men accompanying women to the door of the church, but then lighting a cigar and sitting down outside until the end of Mass. Doubtless, he comments, it would be wrong to say that all the men behave in this way, but the number of those who do so is considerable. They are the "liberal" as opposed to the "fanatical" Catholics. No wonder then that, when persecution came, so many women, but relatively few men, were found staunch.

The triumph of Naturalism in Mexico is celebrated by the solemn conferring of the medal for Masonic Merit on Brother . . . President Calles of Mexico by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, while the American Masonic Review, Masonic Tidings, in its August (1926) issue, extolled in flattering terms the person and work of the same "strong character." The press of the world, after having made no attempt to inform its readers of the real causes of the events chronicled about Mexico, nor of the lengthy preparations for them, [emphasis added] discreetly lets the curtain fall on yet another country from which Our Lord has been expelled, at least so far as human legislation can do it. Readers who have taken the trouble to peruse what has been written about the hidden action of Masonry and about the steady, never-ceasing effort of the adepts of the Lodges to get into positions of power ,will, it is hoped, understand a little better how such a state of affairs can be brought about. The majority of Mexican Catholics would have laughed incredulously a century or so ago if told that such a state of affairs was coming in their country. There were clouds on the horizon even then, for anti-clericalism was rife; but the present-day systematic uprooting of the Catholic Faith and the cutting off the minds of the coming generations from all contact with it, would have then seemed impossible. May we not say that a want of understanding by Catholics of the aim and methods of Masonry has contributed not a little to the present cataclysm?  As the final stage in the attack on the Kingship of Christ in Mexico was accelerated by a Masonic Convention at Buenos Aires in 1906, it may be of interest to note that an International Convention of  delegates of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was announced for the same city, 1927, with representatives from the Supreme Councils of the following countries,: England and Wales, Ireland, Scotland, France, Belgium, Low Countries, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Poland, Serbia, Roumania, Turkey, Greece, Egypt, United States, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, San Domingo, Panama, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chili, Ecuador, Colombia, Uruguay and Venezuela. What fresh advances in the path of progress had the representatives of Ireland the happiness of decreeing there?

Fr. Fahey wrote long before the insurgency of illegal aliens who come to America without intending to assimilate and without enduring the moral demands of legality, but if he was writing now, doubtless he would could include the very many hate e-mails Catholic Tradition continues to receive from "Catholic" Mexican-Americans who are for open borders and amnesty. The vile language employed by these people is beyond normal understanding, save to say that the morality of naturalism is immoral and clouds the judgment of these poor benighted Chicanos.

In a related matter, it is becoming increasingly obvious that learning English is no longer a priority, so much so that now some US companies have stopped providing instructions in English that accompany the purchase of equipment. Instead the instructions are either in Spanish and or another language, usually French, but no English. I am talking about equipment purchased by US citizens here from American companies, such as lawn care equipment from Home Depot. Those of us who speak English and not Spanish must e-mail for the instructions in English; in one case the e-mail arrived in such poor condition the English was unreadable. Is this another trial balloon like "eminent domain" theft? How soon before we will be required to know Spanish in order to engage in ordinary day-to-day transactions? In another incident, within the same week, a couple traveling to Northern Maine, French country, stopped off at a wayside motel for the night. The Do Not Disturb sign on the door had in very large, bold letters Spanish, then below in much smaller, non-bold text German, French versions. Below these finally was the English. The message is loud and clear, English-speaking people no longer preferred or wanted! I will never again purchase known Mexican products, period, whereas I used to, rather than buy goods from Red China. From now on I will buy only from Europe, Taiwan, the Philippines, Australia and the United States, in fact will go out of my way if necessary in order to do so, including going without non-food necessities. I refuse to "pay" for my own "demise" and to financially contribute to the non-privilege of being held in contempt within my own land.