by Pauly Fongemie
January 19, 2017
As always our imperial, unduly rash, temperamental President
strokes his unrestrained narcissism so as to simultaneously achieve two
opposing policies. Of all his traits, the phrenetic paradox is
paramount. One could say that he is a passive-aggressive progressive.
To wit:
The Great Pretender exuded the
appearance of good grace and hospitality when receiving the
newly-elected President Trump, yet he and his wife refused the
traditional joint family portrait, thus the passive-aggressive tactic
that is so characteristic of him, especially when coupled with his
declaration soon after that he would not be quietly leaving the scene
as past Presidents have done, but would be taking up residence in
Washington; he also called for active resistance so as to thwart
President Trump in order to preserve his "legacy". Under the
circumstances, to refer to this paradox as magnanimity towards Trump is
an understatement. Surely Trump must realize this despite his consistent statements indicating the contrary.
After the rout by Trump there was a mad scramble to come to
terms with the Dems' defeat. First it was FOX News and Talk Radio's
fault. Then it was the Russians, specifically Putin who is considered
to prefer Trump to Hillary, much like Obama had his own favorite in
Israel and it certainly was not Netanyahu.
For years, the Communist Chinese as well as the Russians
have been hacking and leaking sensitive security data, but Obama played
it down. His cohort in crimes against humanity [abortion support in
over drive] mocked anyone who gave any hint that the election
process was not
secure. But then, that was when Hillary was considered a shoo-in
against the likes of Trump. Like taking a rabbit out of a magician's
hat, Russian interference had to be punished. Not so for the Chinese
whose hacking has much more import for national security. The paradox
is compounded by Obama's participation in a cabal to influence the
Israeli election in the direction he and they hoped. Nothing like
glaring, prodigious hypocrisy to shed light!
The paradox increased its intensity when the Great Pretender
communicated the sentence of a supposed he-she ex-military person who
leaked far greater secrets than John Podesta e-mails. Hmm?
The uproar is on interference with our election process. But then, is
not this what the press, by and large, does day in, day out, by lying,
deliberate distortion and other tactics to veil the truth we are
entitled to as citizens and as men and women created in the likeness of
And it is truth above all that matters in this case. Yes, ordinarily we
ought to be secure in our private correspondence and discourse. But no
candidate and his supporters have any right to withhold the truth from
the voters. No one is saying the Russians made up the contents of the leaks or altered them, unlike some of our press. And Wikileaks is denying the Russians were the source.
Who knows, actually. But it is the truth that is at stake, the truth
about what the candidates think about the American people. We were
absolutely entitled to
know that Hillary held deep contempt for devout Catholics, her plans to
infiltrate the Church - talk about interference - why is this not wrong
but the Russians are? We were absolutely entitled to know she has a
strong dislike for ordinary Americans and on and on. Just as it is
licit to break down someone's door to rescue a dying person, although
we have to destroy property, because innocent human life trumps the
material. So it is licit to reveal what the candidate was hiding in
order to gain the election win. Her contempt is not part of her private
life, which she rightly has, because it involves directly the rest of
us, who may not be a part of her elite circle. The truth will out.
Anyway, anyone so cavalier and with such hubris could write such things
about us the voters on an unsecured server demonstrates not only
her/his blackened character, but also their base stupidity - no such
person merits the Presidency! Period!
Now that various federal agencies have been politicized beyond doubt,
no one knows who to believe anymore. Some contradict others. What a
mess! But the Great Pretender, the great Provocateur of Paradox, wants
us to pretend that we know it was the Russians and that Trump is not
legitimately elected. Well, okay, then since the media lies like crazy
by covering up for their pet candidates, interference on an epic scale,
previous Presidents, such as Obama, by his own definition, was not
legitimate either! Which is it?
Meanwhile, when are we going to be tired of electing so many officials
who are not real grownups, but throw tamper tantrums to get their
way???? Who needs Russian interference, we are our own worst enemy,
here. We, too, are fond of playing, let's pretend, again and again and
again. A people who no longer thinks of the natural law as binding,
merits the mess it claims to be revolted by. Justice of a sort,
too, will out. paradox.htm