by Pauly Fongemie
October 20, 2014
Feast of St. Paul of the Cross, Passionist Priest
In the sixteenth century a
reformation was needed. Now there were two reforms possible: one was to
reform faith, the other was to reform discipline. The faith was solid;
it was the Faith of Christ. The discipline, however, was weak, for it was the discipline of worldliness.
The reformers, who sometimes reform the wrong thing, reformed faith
instead of discipline, and brought revealed religion to the present
state of "confusion worse confounded."
Archbishop Fulton Sheen, OLD ERRORS AND NEW LABELS, p. 82
Religion is actually not a crutch; it is a cross.
It is not an escape, it is a burden; not a flight, but a response. We
speak here of a religion with teeth in it, the wind that demands
self-sacrifice and surrender. One leans on a crutch, but a cross rests on us. A coward can use a crutch, but it takes a hero to embrace a cross.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen, THOUGHTS FOR DAILY LIVING, p. 119
The big squirm is on. The Family on the Synod, which has just
closed, leaves the world and the faithful in a heap of confusion.
According to The Voice of the Family web site []:
"Paragraphs containing controversial ideas on sexual
morality remain in the published document, even though these paragraphs
did not receive the required two-thirds majority of Synod members. The
Vatican’s spokesmen made clear that these paragraphs remain subject to
discussion at next year’s Ordinary Synod.
the final report contains some significant improvements on the original
draft, the voting numbers reveal that most Synod Fathers remain open to
proposals contrary to Catholic teaching, such as Holy Communion for
Catholics in invalid ‘second’ marriages." [Emphasis in bold added.]
The proverbial can of worms has been permanently opened, if human nature has anything to say about it!
If you are old enough to recall the pressure that was applied to the
Commission that Pope Paul VI formed to study the "pill" and or
contraception, the media was all abuzz about the possibility that the
Church would alter her irreformable, unchanging moral doctrine, at
least where this aspect of the natural law, that is. When the
Commission did not conform to public expectations, both within and
without the Church, the people and their lack-luster, sheepish
shepherds took matters into their own hands and simply discarded any
precepts hitherto heeded. After all, if it were even possible to hold
an inquiry or a discussion on contraception, specifically the "birth
control pill", then logically in the minds of those
so easily swayed by public opinion and their own selfish needs,
this must mean that morality can change, or why else bother with the
Commission in the first place. And the rest is history as we all know.
Although no bishop has ever said that contraception is morally
acceptable now, the vast majority of the Catholic couples who are of
child-bearing age, use some form of contraception while continuing to
receive Communion, objectively-speaking a sacrilege! Meanwhile those
who are divorced and "remarried" and who continue to attend Mass know
they are not to receive, a double dealing thicket of hypocrisy, as not
all grave sinners are equal before the law of the Church, which must not contradict doctrine.
Having been inoculated against Tradition and its unassailable,
impeccable reasoning, mostly through two generations of the very
Once the can of worms is upturned it becomes like Pandora's box,
unmanageable, in strictly human terms. Apparently the Church hierarchy
no longer felt the hot breath of the devil upon its neck, for they
rashly discarded the Leonine prayer after every Low Mass, asking for
St. Michael's assistance against the machinations of Lucifer. The
prayers to Our Lady, Mother of the Church and Mediatrix of all Graces
were banished as well, just to ensure that no trace of traditional
piety remain, lest we "offend our Protestant neighbors."
That was then, which has become the permanent now. Fast forward to any
time before the next session of the Synod. What do you think is going
be the pragmatic reality? Divorced and "remarried" couples, will begin
to defy objective norms directly related to grave habitual sin, and
join their counterparts in sacrilege. The Synod leaders
distinctly left the impression that there is a possibility for approval
at some point, or why else continue the discussion, if not otherwise?
Thus, the people will take matters in their own hands anew. The
Catholic faith "without the cross, without the teeth in it, the wind
that demands -self-sacrifice."
"reformers" of the present age, who always seek to reform the wrong
thing, have once more brought revealed religion to the present state
"confusion worse confounded."
The big squirm is on ... the more the Synod leaders attempt to explain,
the more uncomfortable they sound, like the measly worms of
"enchantment" they effect. Worms are wont to wiggle and writhe back and
forth upon themselves. Anyone who has used them for bait upon a hook
when fishing knows what we mean.
In the case of the unholy Synod, worms who have hooked themselves,
while the fish will jump right out of the water into the frying pan of
and then some!
