![]() GUARDIAN ANGEL PRAYERS ![]() My dear Guardian Angel, thou wert given to me by my merciful God to be the faithful companion of my earthly exile. I honor and love thee as my most devoted friend to whom God has entrusted the care of my immortal soul. With all my heart I thank thee for thy love and constant care of me. Dearest Angel-friend, I beg thee to guard and protect me, a poor sinner. Conduct me on the way of life. Warn me against every occasion of sin, and fill my soul with wholesome thoughts and loving encouragement to practice virtue. Intercede for me that I may share in thy burning zeal in God's service and devoted love for His Divine Will. Forgive me, loving Guardian, for so often disregarding thy advice in the past and for ignoring thy inspirations. I promise in the future to obey thee willingly and faithfully. Thou knowest the value of my soul in the eyes of God. Never permit me to forget that it was redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Let no stain of evil disfigure the beauty of my soul, nor any sinful thought or deed rob me of my dignity as a child of God. Keep me from scandal that I may never become an occasion of sin to others and thus destroy the work which Christ has wrought in their souls by His bitter Passion and Death. Dear Guardian Angel, I thank God Who has daily shown His mercy to me through thee. May I show my gratitude by following thy guidance. May I enjoy thy protection in this dangerous journey through life that I may reach my eternal home in Heaven, there to praise the mercy of God towards me in union with thee and all the other Angels and Saints forever. Amen. Taken from Treasury of Prayer by Fr. Lawrence Lovasik, S.V.D. TO PURCHASE THE IMAGE FROM ART.COM. CLICK HERE. This will bring you to exact page where it is displayed. ![]() ![]() HOME-----------------------------CHILDREN www.catholictradition.org/Christ/guardians22.htm |