![]() VIEW THE IMAGE -----¤¤¤¤¤¤------- Pope Pius XI and the Guardian Angels -------¤¤¤¤¤¤------- Taken from Catholic Treasures, #36, Excerpt from THE ANGELS, OUR GOD GIVEN COMPANIONS AND SERVANTS by Magdalen of the Cross, Imprimatur 1945 Let us then turn to the throne of our Holy Father, Pius XI, and have him tell us about his relations with his Guardian Angel and what he thought of him. On the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, he addressed a large group of children from all parts of Italy. He spoke to them of his Guardian Angel. ![]() He first recalled the words of St. Bernard, the great servant of the Blessed Virgin and panegyrist of the Guardian Angels. "Never forget your life companion. Show him reverence for his presence, for his loyalty, and for his good will, and have great confidence in his protection." This Angel of God is in reality your companion, being ever at our side. He serves us with great love and care, and supports us with his power. It is then our duty to make a proper return for so much goodness, as St. Bernard states so clearly. Not for a single moment may we forget the holy presence of our Angel, so that this heavenly prince is not made to blush on account of any of our actions. Whether we are children or grown up, we should never dare to offend him, who exercises such care for us. May we never do a thing we should not do in the presence of our father, mother, or companions, because in all places and at all times our Guardian Angel is at our side. He is not only a companion, he also cares for us with the most tender love, and therefore we must show him tender love and devotion. Our confidence in him we show by repeatedly asking him for his help each day of our life." It is well for us to imitate our Holy Father, who every day of his life repeatedly called on his Angel for help, particularly in times of difficulties and trials. The Holy Father said, "We wish to stress in particular as an act of gratitude that We have always experienced the wonderful help of Our Guardian Angel. We have often felt his very presence. The same can be said of the Guardian Angels of all little children, that they are always present, led by their tender love to be ever watchful. The conviction that we are protected by a prince of the heavenly army by one of those chosen spirits of whom Christ said that they always see the face of God, this conviction fills us with reverence, devotion, and a firm confidence. Such a confidence is necessary and must give evidence of itself when a great duty must be fulfilled or a good resolution carried out. At these times we must avail ourselves of the help and protection of our Guardian Angel. Our prayers for his help are the clearest and best expression of our confidence. This salutary thought of St. Bernard-----our Holy Father concluded-----was impressed on our mind early in life by our mother, as soon as we were able to understand it. This conviction supported us in all the things we have accomplished in our life with the help of God's grace, and it will certainly be our support in the remaining part of our life, which God will grant us." ![]() ![]() HOME---------------------E-MAIL www.catholictradition.org/Angels/guardians7.htm |