![]() ![]() "Good
St. Anne" Originally published by the Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration, Clyde, Missouri in 1958. Revised edition published in 1963. Retypeset and re-published by TAN Books and Publishers, Inc. in 1998. Updates and additions made to information on shrines by the Publisher, 1998. TAN BOOKS AND PUBLISHERSThe Power of St. Anne's Intercession Almighty God privileged St. Anne above all others in choosing her to be the mother of the Queen of Heaven. This favored Saint ranks high in merit and glory, near to the Word Incarnate and to His most holy Mother. Certainly, then, St. Anne has great power with God. Yes, assuredly the mother of the most powerful and amiable Virgin is likewise full of power and mercy. To many Saints God has granted the power of working miracles. He told His Apostles that they would do greater things than He had done. Now surely, what He promised to His chosen followers He could not refuse to His own grandmother! Those related to Him by the ties of blood were dear to Him in life and still have great power through their intercession. There can be no question, then, that St. Anne has great influence over her Divine Grandson and that by her intercessory power she can also work miracles in favor of her clients. Tradition, the history of the Church and the chronicles of various places of pilgrimage have recorded countless miracles wrought by Christ through the intercession of His Sainted grandmother. Nor have they ceased to this day. Yearly, hundreds of thousands of persons visit the shrine of St. Anne de Beaupré in Canada alone. Many are cured of diseases; all are comforted and consoled. These favors serve to strengthen and confirm our trust and confidence in the power of the intercession of good St. Anne. The famous and learned Abbot Trithemius practiced an extraordinary devotion to St. Anne and did all in his power to induce others to venerate her. He wrote a book in her praise in which he says: "To St. Anne God has given the power to aid in every necessity, because Jesus, her Divine Grandchild according to the flesh, will refuse her no petition, and Mary, her glorious daughter, supports her every request. Those who venerate good St. Anne shall want for nothing, either in this life or the next. Believe me, if you love and venerate this Saint, you will experience how highly God esteems her. He grants all she asks! It would be impossible to enumerate the many graces she obtains daily for her servants." The same writer continues: "St. Anne by her intercession dispels melancholy and evil desires. She also aids the poor, cures the sick and comforts the sorrowing. She removes tribulations and by her intercession obtains for her clients the grace to eradicate vice and implant virtue. She obtains light for the intellect, strength for the will and affection for the heart. This powerful Saint has preserved thousands from contagious diseases. Through her intercession, evil spirits have been expelled. For the barren in the married state, she obtains children and Heavenly assistance in delivery. She inspires the despairing with trust in God's mercy and excites the tepid to zeal and fervor. St. Anne has rescued many from imminent death; yes, through her intercession the dead have, in several instances, been restored to life. Those who worthily venerate St. Anne can obtain aid in every necessity through her mediation." Pope Gregory XIII, when introducing the feast of St. Anne into the Church, declared: "We believe that St. Anne continually intercedes for us with the merciful Lord, for through her great benefits have come to mankind. From her was born the ever pure and immaculate Virgin Mary, who was found worthy to bring forth Jesus Christ, our Redeemer." Pope Gregory XV encourages us thus: "We do not doubt that the more love we show to the mother of Mary, the more we merit the intercession and aid of the holy Virgin who brought forth the only-begotten Son of God, Our Lord Jesus Christ." St. Teresa of Avila often said: "We know and are convinced that our good mother St. Anne helps in all needs, dangers and tribulations, for Our Lord wishes to show us that He will do also in Heaven what she asks of Him for us." The saintly Abbot Trithemius again exhorts us: "Approach St. Anne, your amiable protectress, with full confidence. Knock at her gates with persevering prayer, because she can obtain for you the forgiveness of your sins and can open Heaven for you. She lacks nothing that can profit you ... Believe me, who has already obtained many a favor through her whom the Queen of Heaven honors as her dearest mother ... No one knows, no one believes, how many favors God confers on lovers of St. Anne!"![]() ![]() HOME------------------SAINTS www.catholictradition.org/Anne/anne5.htm |