![]() ![]() Asterisks are inserted to mark pauses when prayed by a group of persons. O dearest Jesus, tenderly loving us, * Thy greatest joy is to dwell among us and to bestow Thy blessing upon us! * Though I am not worthy that Thou shouldst behold me with love, * I feel myself drawn to thee, O dear Infant Jesus, * because Thou dost gladly pardon me and dost exercise Thy almighty power over me. So many who turned with confidence to Thee * have received graces and had their petitions granted. * Behold me, in spirit I kneel before Thy miraculous Image on Thy altar in Prague, * and lay open my heart to Thee, * with its prayers, petitions and hopes. * Especially the affair of . . . I enclose in Thy loving Heart. * Govern me and do with me and mine according to Thy holy will, * for I know that in Thy Divine wisdom and love Thou wilt ordain everything for the best. * Almighty gracious Infant Jesus, do not withdraw Thy hand from us, * but protect and bless us forever. I pray Thee, sweetest Infant, * in the name of Thy Blessed Mother Mary who cared for Thee with such tenderness, * and by the great reverence with which St. Joseph carried Thee in his arms, * comfort me and make me happy * that I may bless and thank Thee forever from all my heart. Amen. TO PURCHASE THE POSTER PRINT, CLICK HERE. When you get there, copy and paste this number: 250440 into the search window and click the Go button and you will be taken to the precise page where it is displayed for sale. ![]() ![]() HOME-------------------CHRISTMAS------------------CHILDREN www.catholictradition.org/Christmas/prague7.htm |